Biggest Loser 2010

This Weeks Winner is: BoltFan! Way to go this week Boys!
Boltfan's Avatar
Woo hoo!
This weeks Winner is: Netman!

Congates! Keep up the great work Boys!
SaintPat's Avatar
I finally broke through the 180# goal and now down to 179#. It has been slow progress but at least it is progress.

How is everyone else doing and who is left in the contest. Not much posting going on.

New goal is 175#.
We are down to CheaterCheater, PPE, Boltfan, Chris1107, Netman, SaintPat! That's everyone! This round nobodys posting much! Its not as much fun as last round! I'm proud of the gents that are still with us! Great to hear you broke that 180 mark SaintPat! Keep up the great work Boys!
chris1107's Avatar
whats everyones secret. ive lost around 20 pounds buts im stuck at that spot. I would like to lose another 20 or so. Started at 268 down to 248-250
No secrets,change up what you are doing for exercise. Look at what you are eating, see if you can change what you are eating. If you plateau, then you need to do a different thing for a while, reactivates your system.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am just continuing to try and avoid the big meals and over eating. It helped me get down initially but I don't want to balloon back up so I have to watch. With the weather getting better outdoor activities will help burn more calories as well.
I'm sorry I failed to post last week. I'll try to do it this week! Having personal issues but will try to remember friday to post!
Boltfan's Avatar
No biggie sweetie.
This weeks Winner is: BoltFan!

Congrates sorry about last week!
Boltfan's Avatar
Hey!!!!! Thats what I get for sweet talking!
Sweet talking me did not get you the win this week you silly Boy! But if your wanting points I have a few ideas to earn them! Or I could help ya work out a lil bit! LOL
Boltfan's Avatar
I need the work out for sure!
SaintPat's Avatar
This is kind of a good news/bad news week.

The good news is that I passed the 180 # mark again. The bad news is that I passed it going the wrong direction. I am up from 179# to 181#.

In regards to the question from Chris1107, I agree with the other posters about it being a combination of watching what you eat and more exercise. During the last contest I read an article that told you based on your weight what your net calories for the day should be if you wanted to lose 1.5 pounds for week. If I ate a little bit more one day I would just exercise a little bit more that day. I was manually tracking the calories. I recently came across a website called where you can track what you eat and your exercise.

You enter in your weight, and tell it your goal for weight loss and it will tell you what your net calories should be. It has a database for food and exercise (it even includes sex as exercise). You can enter in what you ate and what type of exercise you did and it will track your net calories. The site is free for basic and there is a charge for a Gold membership but I am just using the free portion. There are also apps you can download for iphone and blackberry where you enter in what you eat and do as exercise throughout the day on your phone. I believe there is a one time charge of about $3 for the download. I have not done this yet. I just keep a small notepad and write down everything during the day and then enter into the computer in the evening. Having said that, it is not helping me much. I am stuck around the 180# mark.

During the last contest, I hit a plateau a couple of times but just intensified what I was doing and eventually I got past the plateau. That was where the prize incentive really paid off.