The Lubed Ass solution.

this thread was about lube-up-his-ass where did andy-marks-up-his-ass come from
this thread was about lube-up-his-ass where did andy-marks-up-his-ass come from Originally Posted by gary5912
Asshole andy is another one of those lyin libs that feels the need to WK for his lying liberal brethren . In this case, the " seargent " . Who has now become the guidon for ALL of the LGBT marches in south Texas. Ole LUBE just looooves wearing those high heels and his rainbow thong while waving the rainbow fag flag !!
lustylad's Avatar
In this case, the "seargent". Who has now become the guidon for ALL of the LGBT marches in south Texas. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

So is LubedAss a guido? Or a don? Oh wait, he's both! Wonder what the other dons think of him prancing around in his high heels and rainbow thong when they invite him to their mafia confabs. It's amazing they haven't plugged that fat faggot yet.

gui·do ['ɡwēdō]
informal, derogatory

a man, especially an Italian American, regarded as vain, aggressively masculine (or in Lube's case - faggoty), and socially unsophisticated.

don [dän]


a high-ranking member of the (LGBT) Mafia.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The reason WeeEndowed Lubed his Wideass is so he could cram his stolen valor up there which excites his liberal clientele. But he only whacks off Italians. He likes that on his face.
The reason WeeEndowed Lubed his Wideass is so he could cram his stolen valor up there which excites his liberal clientele. But he only whacks off Italians. He likes that on his face. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Are you still sucking WeeEndowed's cock or are you fucking him? You must have been really fascinated with him since you mention his name so much. Was her your butt buddy? Did he lick your old wrinkled asshole? Do you guys fuck raw? I believe he's fucking you and you enjoy his queer cock in your old worn out asshole- admit it creepyoldguy?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow. Call you on your many lies, and you launch into a homophobic rant, eh, WeeEndowed with the stolen valor up your Lubed Wideass? I guess you have gender identity issues as well. Gawd, it must suck to be you.
lustylad's Avatar
Go for it, LubedAss! Don't keep us waiting! Take a page out of the Private Pyle playbook. You failed boot camp and you failed life. Now put yourself out of your misery with the Seven-Six-Two millimeter full metal jacket solution!

So you think smearing the reputation of a 12-year-old adolescent rape victim by suggesting that she fantasized about sex with older men is "perfectly appropriate" and consistent with hildebeest's claims that she has been "fighting for women and children" all her life? Originally Posted by lustylad

Smearing???!!! Reputation???!!! You are making shit up again. Hillary clearly stated that she got some "information" that had to be pursued vigorously in the interest of justice. I absolutely agree and I stand by my statement that Hillary's conduct in defending her client is perfectly appropriate. Those who had been through similar ordeals would have agreed with me wholeheartedly as well.

Albert algarin
Violet Amirault
Amine Baba-Ali
Frances Ballard
Bernard Baran
Scotty Bartek
Franklin Beauchamp
Floyd Bledsoe
Quentin Carter
Juan Celestino
Owen Cesar
Jesse Allen Cheshire
Joel Covender
Richard Cox
Teresa Lynne Cox
Andre Davis
Howard Dudley
Louis Eze
Colleen Dill Forsythe
Wayne Forsythe
Nice try, AndyMissedTheMarkAgain. The point isn't whether they're admissible or not. The point is that hildebeest laughingly cited this case - where her client, the accused rapist, passed a polygraph test - as proof of their unreliability. In other words, she KNEW her client was guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl. Originally Posted by lustylad

She "knew" because her client had passed a polygraph test? So how about if he failed? You are making shit up again here. Pray tell what "evidence" she had gathered made her believe beyond any "reasonable doubt" that her client was guilty as charged. Show me what "goodies" you got, so we can discuss their merits.
When you caught people snickering behind your back in grade school, did you believe them when they said "We were just laughing with you, not at you"? Originally Posted by lustylad

You just got yourself checkmated right here. How fitting that you are hoisted by your own petard. So now you do admit that kids do lie, don't you? You think prosecutors don't know "those kind of shit" when they put innocent people away?

Willie Gavin
Ben Gersten
Marjorie Grafton
George Gross
Teobaldo Guce
John Michael Harvey
Keith Harward
Robert Hays
John Holsomback
Donna Sue Hubbard
Luther Jones, Jr.
Robert Kelly
Brenda Kniffen
Scott Kniffen
Richard Knupp
George Lindstadt
Alvin McCuan
Deborah McCuan
Margaret Kelly Michaels
Debra Milke
Did the judge hold a gun to her head and "force" her to represent the rapist? Why didn't hildebeest tell the judge to get lost? Oh wait, that would not have been helpful for her career as a Little Rock lawyer. And we all know her career is more important to hildebeest than doing the right thing!

Such a fearless and dedicated champion of women and children! She's been fighting for them all her life! Originally Posted by lustylad

Funny! You are so desperate that you are trying to make it a life-or-death situation for Hillary. Hillary can talk all fucking shit she cares, and still wouldn't make any fucking differences. She was legally appointed by the judge, and only the judge could have legally relieved her of her duty. Sure she could have stopped showing up for court proceedings and got herself jailed for contempt and you wouldn't know she still is legally obligated to represent the accused.

Talking about the repercussion of defying the judge, are you arguing that the judge would have cause grave harms to her career by stop sending all those indigent defendants to her charitable legal clinic. Maybe in your twisted mind you would have thought he's doing a great favor for her.
you, you fake jewtard ahahahhhahaaa

the op will not reply. they have no answer . they are losers

shshshshssssssssssssssssssssss sssssshhshshhhsshhhssss

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You still owe her an open apology, when are you going to man up?
Of course. She just happened to laugh as she was thinking about it but her laugh may have been completely unrelated.

She is as soulless as you are ignorant.

(Just so you understand, that's really fucking ignorant!) Originally Posted by goodman0422
Talking about ignorance, if you or your loved one(s) were falsely accused with sexual assaults, would you like Hillary to defend you or your loved ones. I know what the exact asinine reply your ignorant ass will give: Anyone as competent as Hillary, but not Hillary. Now preach this crap to them.

Jeffrey Modahl
Patrick Montgomery
Sheldon Mosley
A. Jabir Nash
Roger Norton
Dominic Okongwu
Matthew Parker
Michael Parker
Kenneth Pavel
Kevin Peterson
Alberto Ramos
Jesse Ramos
Grant Self
Harold Grant Snowden
Clyde Ray Spencer
John Stoll
Ruth Taylor
Jesus Torres
Howard Weimer
Joy Wosu
this thread was about lube-up-his-ass where did andy-marks-up-his-ass come from Originally Posted by gary5912

Have you ever served in the Tiger Unit, grunt?
Asshole andy is another one of those lyin libs that feels the need to WK for his lying liberal brethren . In this case, the " seargent " . Who has now become the guidon for ALL of the LGBT marches in south Texas. Ole LUBE just looooves wearing those high heels and his rainbow thong while waving the rainbow fag flag !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

I just figure this propaganda shit is more entertaining than your "battle cry"....