Flynn was framed!!!

  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2020, 09:29 PM
I hope Flynn is exonerated. Convicting him for perjury makes about as much sense as prosecuting Hillary for the classified information on her home computer and security lapses at Benghazi. Or impeaching Bill Clinton for lying about a few blow jobs. On second thought given that our president, the leader of the free world, was getting blown by an ugly intern maybe he did deserve to be impeached.

Prosecutors are out of control. The lawyers think they run the country. Maybe they do.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah but it would hardly be fair to prosecute a senile old man that didn't know there was an investigation being done in his name. I mean, have you ever witnessed anything more pitiful than Robert Mueller being question about "his" investigation and literally knew nothing about what was being asked of him.

But somebody should be prosecuted for this and it should start with the person that wrote that note asking if "our goal is to find the truth or get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired". It seems as though the man who wrote that note was Bill Priestap, head of Counter Intelligence at the FBI and Peter Strzok's boss so I think we can assume the memo was the boss asking his underling what the goal of Strzok's interview should be. One would think it should be the other way around and maybe we will find out if that is true or not

So why was the FBI so out to get General Flynn? It was reported that Barack Obama warned incoming President Trump to be careful of Flynn. Why?

Maybe like General Stanley McCrystal that Obama relieved of his Command for disagreeing with Obama.

But Obama could have revoked the security clearance of Flynn but he didn't. So was the FBI clairvoyant of Obama's feelings for Flynn or did Obama tell the FBI to get something on Flynn? Maybe Barr and Durham will tell us the answer to that question along with just how the Russia inquiry started and who the players were.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor orchestrated it all. who do you think ORDERED Lynch to ORDER Comey not to indict the criminal Clinton?

the texts show that Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor was being briefed by the FBI daily on this nefarious treasonous "operation crossfire hurricane" to commit sedition against the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!!

Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor MUST BE HANGED!!!

Hey - where the fuck is WTF when we need him to weigh in?

I vaguely recall he had some kind of a bet with bambino and IB on this matter. Wasn't there a miles-long thread wherein he kept slamming & spamming away on the outcome of the Flynn case?

Oh wait, I forgot... that fucker done got himself banned again!

Is it time to take a victory lap yet? I put my money on Judge Sullivan throwing this obvious fbi perjury trap/prosecutorial misconduct/conspiracy episode out.

If that happens, it won't feel the same without WTF here to rub his nose in it!

Maybe that scalawag can log in as bobbeemagee lol? Originally Posted by lustylad
WTF seems to get himself banned quite often.

Sad old fucker...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor orchestrated it all. who do you think ORDERED Lynch to ORDER Comey not to indict the criminal Clinton?

the texts show that Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor was being briefed by the FBI daily on this nefarious treasonous "operation crossfire hurricane" to commit sedition against the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!!

Obama the Manchurian candidate traitor MUST BE HANGED!!!

BAHHAAAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

groucho was a marxist?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
groucho was a marxist? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Norwegian but he had the operation.

LexusLover's Avatar
I hope Flynn is exonerated. Convicting him for perjury makes about as much sense as prosecuting Hillary for the classified information on her home computer and security lapses at Benghazi. Originally Posted by Tiny
Was the evidence against HillariousNoMore fabricated? Was HillariousNoMore prosecuted?

BTW, when one takes an oath prior to testifying it doesn't matter what the substance of the inquiry is about. Lying when under oath is perjury and perjury IS A CRIME.

Not to mention that having sex with a subordinate is a serious matter for the supervisor even when consensual. Bill Clinton has been preying on subordinates since he was in the Arkansas governor's mansion ... with the knowledge of his fat ass, dumb ass wife, who lying out of your fat ass when she told the nation on the LameStreamMedia that the allegations of him getting blow jobs in the OVAL OFFICE was a "right-wing conspiracy"!

Flynn's situation doesn't even compare to those 2 crooks.
  • Tiny
  • 04-30-2020, 07:21 AM
Was the evidence against HillariousNoMore fabricated? Was HillariousNoMore prosecuted?

BTW, when one takes an oath prior to testifying it doesn't matter what the substance of the inquiry is about. Lying when under oath is perjury and perjury IS A CRIME.

Not to mention that having sex with a subordinate is a serious matter for the supervisor even when consensual. Bill Clinton has been preying on subordinates since he was in the Arkansas governor's mansion ... with the knowledge of his fat ass, dumb ass wife, who lying out of your fat ass when she told the nation on the LameStreamMedia that the allegations of him getting blow jobs in the OVAL OFFICE was a "right-wing conspiracy"!

Flynn's situation doesn't even compare to those 2 crooks. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I cant say its surprising

but it should be a wake up call to people who consider themselves fair-minded and yet still are in the lame stream media/dim camp

but then again, there might be few of those sort, the fair-minded I mean

to what, you might ask, are people to wake up?

why, the sinful events of the last four years, the weaponizing of the departments of government, the complicity of the media, the complete coverup by the dim congress, all culminating in the biggest scandal and attack on freedom and our republic ever

with every passing day, the evidence grows till it is beyond dispute

just merely compare the nunes report and how it was attacked by the media to the schiff report:

one, the nunes republican report out of the intelligence committee was correct and proven substantially correct n all important matters,

while the schiff/dim report was an obfuscation of the first order, misleading and incorrect, a distortion in most respects, yet lauded by the media

or the mueller report , more and more with each passing day, its "facts" and findings are being chipped away with new revelations

and of course the flynn and page affairs- chilling exposures of the deceit and hate and partisanship of a once esteemed law enforcement bureau corrupted by Obama et al

its sickening actually why there is no outcry from a large swath of dims nor any shame in the news media

how about the media returning their pulitzers as a start?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well nevergaveitathought, seems as though you didinfactgiveitathought or two or three.... Well stated

I cant say its surprising

but it should be a wake up call to people who consider themselves fair-minded and yet still are in the lame stream media/dim camp

but then again, there might be few of those sort, the fair-minded I mean

to what, you might ask, are people to wake up?

why, the sinful events of the last four years, the weaponizing of the departments of government, the complicity of the media, the complete coverup by the dim congress, all culminating in the biggest scandal and attack on freedom and our republic ever

with every passing day, the evidence grows till it is beyond dispute

just merely compare the nunes report and how it was attacked by the media to the schiff report:

one, the nunes republican report out of the intelligence committee was correct and proven substantially correct n all important matters,

while the schiff/dim report was an obfuscation of the first order, misleading and incorrect, a distortion in most respects, yet lauded by the media

or the mueller report , more and more with each passing day, its "facts" and findings are being chipped away with new revelations

and of course the flynn and page affairs- chilling exposures of the deceit and hate and partisanship of a once esteemed law enforcement bureau corrupted by Obama et al

its sickening actually why there is no outcry from a large swath of dims nor any shame in the news media

how about the media returning their pulitzers as a start? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
HedonistForever's Avatar
Was the evidence against HillariousNoMore fabricated? Was HillariousNoMore prosecuted?

BTW, when one takes an oath prior to testifying it doesn't matter what the substance of the inquiry is about. Lying when under oath is perjury and perjury IS A CRIME.

Not to mention that having sex with a subordinate is a serious matter for the supervisor even when consensual. Bill Clinton has been preying on subordinates since he was in the Arkansas governor's mansion ... with the knowledge of his fat ass, dumb ass wife, who lying out of your fat ass when she told the nation on the LameStreamMedia that the allegations of him getting blow jobs in the OVAL OFFICE was a "right-wing conspiracy"!

Flynn's situation doesn't even compare to those 2 crooks. Originally Posted by LexusLover

That's the part of Comey's remark that pissed me off. He knew and admitted under questioning by Trey Gowdy, that Hillary had lied before a Congressional Committee but as to whether she lied to the FBI, He said "she didn't lie to me" as if there was a distinction to be made, there wasn't.
HedonistForever's Avatar
LOCK HER UP! Originally Posted by Tiny

Let's not lock up anybody that hasn't committed a violent crime and needs be removed from the public because they are violent. Surely we can find better ways to punish a person for lying besides incarceration.

It should be a civil violation at best resulting in a fine and then only when the lie was to hide an actual crime. Flynn, the incoming National Security Adviser, appointed by the President, talking to the Russian Amb. was not a crime even under the Logan Act. We know it wasn't because they never charge him with that. Flynn's so called lie, did not impede an investigation. The FBI had a recording of what Flynn said to the Russian Amb and nothing of a criminal nature was discussed and the FBI knew that.

In Hillary's case, she lied and she lied about a crime she committed concerning the mis-handeling of classified documents. Did she have a "nefarious intent", I don't think she did, she just had paranoia of persons knowing her business. I still wouldn't put her in jail.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There’s been some recent renovations down at Club Gitmo, I’m sure they could squeeze a few seditious traitors in.
  • Tiny
  • 04-30-2020, 12:01 PM
Let's not lock up anybody that hasn't committed a violent crime and needs be removed from the public because they are violent. Surely we can find better ways to punish a person for lying besides incarceration. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Agreed, 100%. I was pointing out the irony. Flynn used to lead "lock her up" cheers. Neither Flynn nor Clinton should be incarcerated.
lustylad's Avatar
Let's not lock up anybody that hasn't committed a violent crime and needs be removed from the public because they are violent. Surely we can find better ways to punish a person for lying besides incarceration. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hmmm... I might be tempted to agree with you since Alan Dershowitz keeps admonishing us to stop "criminalizing our political differences".

But then I think of the counter-arguments. Did any democrats say don't lock 'em up during Watergate? Fuck, no! They clapped and cheered and hooted and hollared while 40 Nixon administration officials were indicted and in most cases hauled off to jail. And that doesn't even include the original "plumbers" who broke into the DNC office at the Watergate. None of those folks committed a violent crime.

I think it all depends on the nature and seriousness of the crime. I definitely want to see John Brennan behind bars! Remember - no jail time means no deterrence against the dim-retards usurping the Constitution and doing this all over again to future Presidents!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...In Hillary's case, she lied and she lied about a crime she committed concerning the mis-handeling of classified documents. Did she have a "nefarious intent", I don't think she did, she just had paranoia of persons knowing her business. I still wouldn't put her in jail. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Yikes! Miss handling of classified info is rather a big deal. Kinda why there are strenuously regulated levels of classification and training classes on it and affidavits signed by people granted access. It also has well defined guidelines and penalties. What's the proposal here? Just say bad kitty? People die because of miss handling of classified info. Hola, habla Benghazi? Notwithstanding what costs could be associated to that are almost incalculable.

"paranoia of persons knowing her business". You mean like her superiors, aka the boss, and the American public writ large? It wasn't 'her' business. It was the business of America. If she wanted to have a yahoo or gmail account to trade recipes, so what. Nobody cares how wide her lard-ass is. But transmitting and backing up classified documents from a non-secured server to a public Yahoo account is ludicrous and endangering to the country. Side note: You are aware that the entire Yahoo database of accounts was hacked in that time frame.