president veto

you will notice that E'va,(small dick) WTF(dipshit) and sewer rat (AKA) woomby-tunes are all reach around buddies Originally Posted by gary5912
Here is gary the pussy, jealous of anyone with a dick. You three can have your circle jerk now there is a pivot man (gary)
Ducbutter's Avatar
First you could have quoted better...

Next, yes exactly like that reach around

...lastly , lustyladyboy tried to basically change my point of equal culpability to shifting all the blame to the WH...which is why i said it was not worth arguing. My contention that all were to blame or i suppose none is the more factual/valid point

So what it appears we had there Duc wasyou thinking i was saying lusty was wrong in his contention when in fact i was saying he was wrong in my contention. See he did not answer my question. .. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, I really couldn't have. I've never bothered to learn the ins & outs of the quote function here. I just don't post enough for that.

Secondly, that's fuckin' hilarious!
Ducbutter's Avatar
Pucker up duckbutt so you can get in the brown. Declared yourself a win again, you fuckers are a hoot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Atta boy! Keep 'em coming, Ofer.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 10:12 AM
Actually, I really couldn't have. I've never bothered to learn the ins & outs of the quote function here. I just don't post enough for that.

Secondly, that's fuckin' hilarious! Originally Posted by Ducbutter
And you obviously did not read enough of my post(s) in this thread to understand the ins and outs of my conversation to lustylad.

Yet you seem to think you know my intentions. Interesting.

Question: Did the link I provided mention or not mention where the sequester idea come from? Was my link provided before yours?

If so and for the record it was , what was my motivation to lie as you seem to claim?

Could it be that I was being truthful in being dismissive of lustylad's assertion because it was a Strawman and had little to nothing to do with my pointed question of WHO THE LEADERS WERE IN GETTING IT PASSED. It took leaders from both sides of the aisle... which is the point you two seemed to want to dismiss.

Lastly...If I asked you and lusty to video you two doing gay porn together and posting it on the internet...would it be my fault if you in fact actually did so. You seem to pick and choose micro points to focus on while I am inquiring on the macro. As in Holy were you two boneheads thinking!
lustylad's Avatar
The idea of "sequestration" originated in the Odumbo White House in August 2011 but was later disowned by its progenitors as they sought to escape blame for the resulting spending cuts they never expected to kick in. Originally Posted by lustylad
That is not true but hardly worth debating. Originally Posted by WTF
So what it appears we had there Duc was you thinking i was saying lusty was wrong in his contention when in fact I was saying he was wrong in my contention. Originally Posted by WTF

'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

Ducbutter's Avatar
And you obviously did not read enough of my post(s) in this thread to understand the ins and outs of my conversation to lustylad.

Yet you seem to think you know my intentions. Interesting.

Question: Did the link I provided mention or not mention where the sequester idea come from? Was my link provided before yours?

If so and for the record it was , what was my motivation to lie as you seem to claim?

Could it be that I was being truthful in being dismissive of lustylad's assertion because it was a Strawman and had little to nothing to do with my pointed question of WHO THE LEADERS WERE IN GETTING IT PASSED. It took leaders from both sides of the aisle... which is the point you two seemed to want to dismiss.

Lastly...If I asked you and lusty to video you two doing gay porn together and posting it on the internet...would it be my fault if you in fact actually did so. You seem to pick and choose micro points to focus on while I am inquiring on the macro. As in Holy were you two boneheads thinking! Originally Posted by WTF

You know, I was willing to walk away from this discussion with a good laugh and be done with it but you want to continue to look ridiculous so you get it how you want it.

Your posting history before the one I commented on consisted of 2 posts. One addressed the op and the second one was useless because of your fucked up grammar. Your 3rd post, the one I addressed, is where you quoted Lusty saying that the idea for sequestration originated in the white house and that the "progenitors" later tried to blame the republicans for it. Both statements in Lusty's quote are absolutely true. I've already shown the first one to be true, and now the second:

"It's happening because Republicans in Congress chose this outcome over closing a single wasteful tax loophole that helps reduce the deficit," Obama said in his weekly radio address."

You responded to Lusty, and even quoted him, making the claim that what he wrote wasn't true nor worth debating. You didn't specify which statement of his you were referring to but that's inconsequential as you are wrong on both points. And you never stated that it was a bipartisan effort until after I did, so piss off.

As for your gay porn fantasy, I don't buy, rent, sell, produce, participate in, watch or have anything else to do with gay porn. But if you do, that's cool. I won't judge. It is oddly flattering that you'd think of me though. Another reach around attempt, I suppose.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 01:59 PM

Your posting history before the one I commented on consisted of 2 posts. One addressed the op and the second one was useless because of your fucked up grammar. Your 3rd post, the one I addressed, is where you quoted Lusty saying that the idea for sequestration originated in the white house and that the "progenitors" later tried to blame the republicans for it. Both statements in Lusty's quote are absolutely true. I've already shown the first one to be true, and now the second:

. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Again a third post was meant to convey that both sides agreed to sequestration. Therefore the blame game of where it originated is moot.

Which is basically why i ignored lustlady's strawman.

Just like if i suggested that you and lusty suck each other cock and video tape it and then give the tape to me and then ask you to bring me a budget i could two homo' s keep trying to blame me for not being able to do your job. Bring the President a budget he can sign or face everone watching you two suck each other off. That is basically what congress agreed to
lustylad's Avatar
Just like if i suggested that you and lusty suck each other cock and video tape it and then give the tape to me... Originally Posted by WTF
If I come up with an idea that you suck ducbutters dick and post a video of it and you do so.... Originally Posted by WTF
Lastly...If I asked you and lusty to video you two doing gay porn together and posting it on the internet... Originally Posted by WTF

Resorting to gay insults and posting about his homo fantasies is WTFagboy's way of waving the white flag whenever he knows he is cornered in a thread.

Sorta like the sewer rat proclaiming "I was just fucking with you shitbirds!" or "Who cares, it's a hooker board!" whenever he is cornered.

Maybe we should start a whole new thread about desperate face-saving techniques used by the libtard weasels on this board.

They will do anything to avoid conceding a point, no matter how minor or secondary the point is. That's why they are incapable of advancing any discussion - they only waste everyone's time going backwards or around in circles. Fucking libtard trolls.
LexusLover's Avatar
......but you want to continue to look ridiculous so you get it how you want it.

Your posting history ..... Originally Posted by Ducbutter third post was meant to convey Originally Posted by WTF
Duc ... this IS his "posting history" ....

... he paints himself in a corner and then tries to change the paint color!

Wait (unless he already has) until he starts trying to tell you what you really meant to post .... to "dove-tail' with his modified post of what he claims to have said ....

... it's like picking up mercury with him.

I used to think he was letting his bimbo-groupies use his computer, until he claimed to not have bimbos hanging around.
lustylad's Avatar
Duc ... this IS his "posting history" ....

... he paints himself in a corner and then tries to change the paint color!

Wait (unless he already has) until he starts trying to tell you what you really meant to post .... to "dove-tail' with his modified post of what he claims to have said ....

... it's like picking up mercury with him. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You nailed it. First, he denies saying the plain English meaning of his own posts. Then he starts telling you what YOU really meant in your posts. Then he hijacks your mind and starts explaining what you really think. Pretty soon he is attributing to you arguments you never heard before. Once you're familiar with his MO it can actually be entertaining.

Anytime WTFagboy yells "straw man" it means he is about to create one.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 03:41 PM
Resorting to gay insults and posting about his homo fantasies is WTFagboy's way of waving the white flag whenever he knows he is cornered in a thread.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
So you want to blame sequestration all on the WH and not any on Republican leadership? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

And you think that an honest assessment?

Maybe you really do suck dicks and you've taken one to many dick punches to the head.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 03:44 PM
. And you never stated that it was a bipartisan effort until after I did, so piss off.

. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
What I did , was post the bipartisan result of the vote on sequestration, before you posted. So now you are like lustboy....not really lying but distorting things in a manner in which it does not reflect the truth. Jesus....and you think you are above the fray.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 03:46 PM
Duc ... this IS his "posting history" ....

... he paints himself in a corner and then tries to change the paint color!

Wait (unless he already has) until he starts trying to tell you what you really meant to post .... to "dove-tail' with his modified post of what he claims to have said ....

... it's like picking up mercury with him.

I used to think he was letting his bimbo-groupies use his computer, until he claimed to not have bimbos hanging around. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I used to think your gay groupies were using your computer ... until I realized, No, LL is just that gay.
Atta boy! Keep 'em coming, Ofer. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Keep bragging duckbutt.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 04:43 PM
All congress has to do is give the President what he wants and then no problem. You could argue that congress is holding up the Defense Bill!
