Who played sports

Bestman200600's Avatar
Football and baseball growing up. Water skiing and women in college in Austin.
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
Sports and competition have always been a big part of my life.
Football was my first love. Had a natural gift for swimming and there were those that thought I was a potential Olympian. At the age of 12, I was swimming the anchor leg for the 17-year old relay team. Swimming would have required a full-time effort and there was no way I was giving up football. In the unlikely event that I would have actually made the Olympic swim team, it would have been for the 1980 Olympics in Moscow which the U.S. boycotted in protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

While playing quarterback, a particularly hard hit sent me to the sidelines for a play or two in order to catch my breath, but I went back in and finished the game. A few days later, I went to see a doctor about discomfort I was experiencing in my lower back. X-rays showed a green-stick break of a vertebrae in my spine that was also jammed up into the vertebrae above it. My back was broken and the doctor said that if it would have broken in the opposite direction it would have paralyzed me. The injury kept me out for the rest of that season, but didn't keep me out of football. I switched schools the following year and kept the injury a secret in order to keep playing.
Eventually, it was psycho coaches that led to my decision to walk away from the game.

As a senior in high school, I competed in Debate and won the gold medal in the District and Regional tournaments, and the silver medal in the State tournament.

As an adult, played tournament softball in the B and C classes of USSSA until my late 30's. In 2001, we played softball in 5 different states. That year we were ranked #1 in Texas, #1 in the Midwest, and as high as #3 in the nation. We qualified for the World tournament in Florida and flew to play in it there.

Currently, I compete semi-professionally in darts. I played in the Houston qualifier of the World Series of Darts in 2006. A shoulder injury a little over a year ago has been a set-back in my effort to become a professional dart player, but I'm healed and it remains a possibility.
  • npita
  • 10-23-2009, 11:01 AM
I've played quite a few sports, but the only one I participated in at a competitive level is gymnastics.
Tennis in HS, then rowed crew in college.

Just typing that sounds snotty. Who is the guy???
LazurusLong's Avatar
I lettered with my Fraternity in foosball and also quarters in university.

But back in the lesser grades, I played football, wrestled, ran cross country and also track (sprints mainly).

I water skied quite a bit after college and even pulled professionally for a water ski school when I moved to Dallas in the early 90's. Failing health and rotator cuff injuries have kept me from shredding for about 8 years but I'm thinking 2010 might be the year to hit the courses again.

I've considered going into hard core training for beer pong, I have a friend who has a son who won the world championship in Beer Pong in Vegas not long ago and we may pair up for a traveling team since I taught him and his younger brother to slalom and also barefoot when they were young.
xperiment's Avatar
So I may get flamed for bumping up almost 3 week old post from the last post. If so I am sure i will get my spanking from mods Fawn and Kelly which I will own up like a man and take the licks like a man.

Did a bit of wrestling, basketball, and track when I was really young. Primary sports turned out to be Soccer (We do it for 90 min with only one break) through college and still play today. Did competitive swimming in both club and highschool (capt my sr year). I was an IM'er that means Individual Medley. I like to do all the strokes and that joy still stays with me today.

Not really a sport but I got PE credit for this too (so has to count as a sport right?, lol), I was a band geek as well, Marching Band played saxaphone.
gman44's Avatar
just in P.E. class I played volleyball, basketball, tennis
I was in everything dance. I ws in drillteam 6th through 12th. I then was in drillteam for the bull dogs, when I went to Navarro junior college.
Volley ball and track. In track events, the high jump and 100m (back then it was in "yards"!) were my best.
Baseball in high school and first two years of college (on scholarship) with a very brief stint (in the summer after my second year of college) in the very low minors in the then Kansas City Athletics (now Oakland) chain. This was many moons ago. About all I ended up with was a torn up shoulder that the doctors didn't have encouraging news about a possible fix at the time. Was a 200 houndred bowler before making a living got in the way of my practice time. lol Bowled in one college tournament in College Station when A & M was known as Sing Sing on the Brazos amongst some folks.
I was all backyard.
JackNapier's Avatar
Olesweetie's Avatar
Believe it or Not! Basketball
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Cheerleading and tennis for me.


Lindsay Lee
Football & track every year in high school - dabbled in basketball one year.

4 years Division 1 College Football. A little gymnastics, running, lifting.

3 Years of Rugby after college - most wild fun ever playing sports - winning a game was never enough, you had to win the party afterwards.

Tennis for many years until I ran into the hobby.