
Toyz , I was texting with her this morning and afternoon , she specifically asked for this to stop ! W is right there is more to this than she is saying , probably more than 202 is saying . But there is truth to what he is saying . These 2 need to work it out for themselves . PurtyBaby would you please consider asking for this one to be closed ?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2013, 07:41 PM
RR I already stated I was done...am well aware there is more, why do u think ai was so agitated? I would like to see PB go off on another unreadable giant run on sentence though. That was a mental test totes & figure out WTF she was saying...
Comfy in your own skin? You are doing one hell of a job convincing us all of that "BIG BAD" aren't you? I, and probably the rest of the world had no idea that you even existed until todays failed attempt to make yourself relevant somehow. I'm glad that you are a follower of mine but your reading comprehension just sucks. Whining? Who? Me? Dude, really? Yes, I've shared a few unfortunate events here but have not once "whined" about anything. Super pimp? God you're reading comprehension is bad! I have always made it VERY clear than I am nothing more than a wannabe (one word bro) pimp who has never been able to grab a bitch by her nappy ass weave much less ask for money.

In this thread alone, I've admitted to the possibility that I might, perhaps, be an asswipe (one word dumb ass), that I might not be amazingly endowed, that I actually do find Purtybaby kind of hot. Now you tell me who here is comfortable in their own skin? If "having some fun your own way", is demonstrating how incredibly stupid, insecure and irrelevant you are, you must be having a great time homie. Originally Posted by Jay Walker
Wow, hey boner stop trying to impress the cool kids, no matter what you say we all still make fun of you. You are a pimple on the crusty ass that is this place. Relevant? Ok, I'm out there, people have met me and know who I am. I go to events and interact with ladies and gents. No one has a clue who you are. You are the tiny (I mean literally, and figuratively) little nerdy kid trying to get some attention. Jay hat- none of us give a shit. Pimp all the freaky fat bitches you want, no one is paying attention.

I see you are good at research and establishing correct spelling. That's cause you are the irrelevant little stat checking bitch who works downstairs. I Jay Hat I'm the up on the 23rd floor telling your little bitter ass what to do. What you think and say are irrelevant because you are irrelevant. Now wipe the shit off your nose and get back to trying to impress us. Oh and continue to never see me face to face as it will further fuck up your pathetic little world.
Mods please close this thread
This sort of thing happens a lot, doesn't it?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2013, 10:06 PM
This sort of thing happens a lot, doesn't it? Originally Posted by frustr8d

I'm considering collecting data points to do a survey on HoogurLuv. Of the main posters in this thread, four have or are in HoogurLuv within the last year. One going through a much more serious on board meltdown when they broke it off.

I myself was infatuated once & honestly in love once in the past 2 years with Hoogurs...But here is where I differ in opinion with some. I don't think its that terribly different from vanilla world luv. It starts out hot, cools, and eventually ends...sometimes with hurt feelings, sometimes not. Just like the real world...

Guys are guys and girls are girls. Whether they Hoog for a living our not doesn't neccesarily make them less or more prone to falling for a john. They saying goes "once a hoogur, always a hoogur". I think its "once a woman, always a woman...I just don't see that much difference...or maybe all the women I know in the vanilla world are UTR & I just don't know it...

When there is a breakup the drama plays out here instead of on facebook.
I myself was infatuated once & honestly in love once in the past 2 years with Hoogurs...But here is where I differ in opinion with some. I don't think its that terribly different from vanilla world luv. It starts out hot, cools, and eventually ends...sometimes with hurt feelings, sometimes not. Just like the real world...
. Originally Posted by Toyz
Well...at least it's not just me.
SofaKingFun's Avatar

It's "renting herself." A sale is final, but rent goes on forever.

"Inner struggles" are universal, they are not limited to ladies who "rent" their services, although in the industry, we can afford better therapy. Originally Posted by HunterGrace
If a person can afford therapy, they don't have problem yet.

Oh wait. That was rehab.


Never mind.

Im not gonna lie , goin at it got me hot. As much as I dislike you , I find myself wanting to fuck you. God has played us well hasn't he. Originally Posted by purtybaby

How in the hell did this one get past my Ho'dar?

She's sassy. I dig sassy.

prettybaby, about this 'inbox' ... ?

Whatever the deal with these two is, we'll never know, I just hope cooler heads prevail and they get this shit squashed and they're able to quickly put it all behind them.

Pussy; that's some powerful stuff. It's caused each and every guy in here to do some of the most stOOpit shit...whether they'll admit it, or not....it has.






I'm considering collecting data points to do a survey on HoogurLuv. Of the main posters in this thread, four have or are in HoogurLuv within the last year. One going through a much more serious on board meltdown when they broke it off.

I myself was infatuated once & honestly in love once in the past 2 years with Hoogurs...But here is where I differ in opinion with some. I don't think its that terribly different from vanilla world luv. It starts out hot, cools, and eventually ends...sometimes with hurt feelings, sometimes not. Just like the real world...

Guys are guys and girls are girls. Whether they Hoog for a living our not doesn't neccesarily make them less or more prone to falling for a john. They saying goes "once a hoogur, always a hoogur". I think its "once a woman, always a woman...I just don't see that much difference...or maybe all the women I know in the vanilla world are UTR & I just don't know it...

When there is a breakup the drama plays out here instead of on facebook. Originally Posted by Toyz

Hahahaha. Hugur hugur hugar

MARTlAN's Avatar
Hi, felt left out so i thought i say something
Mods please close this thread Originally Posted by purtybaby

Ms purtybaby I must apologize that in my head I got you mixed up with a lesser Woman. I would have been much ruder, ...............OR nicer had I not, either case it would end..............just right.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-30-2013, 06:45 AM
I support whatever the fuck I want , get that ? My account , my post , my biz , my vagina. If I want to glue my nipples to my knee caps and charge you $700 bucks to tweak 'em , I'll do that also. How ya love them apples. Originally Posted by purtybaby
Am McLovin the whole "bad bitch, tough girl fake personality"

But I can only go 37.50 for the nipple pinching. Throw in some greek and I'll bump it to a solid 50....
This one is no longer serving any purpose. Let's find a more interesting topic to discuss.

Closed at OP request.
