Showing your ID to a provider - yes or no

simpleton's Avatar
I can get if you're a CEO or a politician, but the funny part is the guys who yell the most about this, make less than 50k a freaking year at some blue collar job that no one gives a crap, who wants to blackmail YOU lol. I have a hell of a lot more to lose than that, and would not risk it for a few bucks lol. If I am going to risk my rep as a provider and everything I own in RL, you can bet I am going for the gold!

I have a lot of buddies who work offshore and their own boss sets them up with escorts. If you are the pizza boy or work at Home Depot, no one cares if you're seeing a hooker...really! It's not like you had to get a Masters degree to get that job.
It's not about getting fired from the job or if anybody cares or getting blackmailed. It's about some chick having an epic meltdown and causing a shit storm at work or home. Who needs some crazy hooker showing up at work or home?

I find the guys who truly do have a lot of money and a thriving career are the very ones who up the info. Why? I guess because they think they are invincible. I have never had a problem getting real info. from men who are "truly" successful. Imagine that.
I think they may be a bit naive. Just because someone is successsful in one aspect in their life doesn't mean they would be in other areas. He maybe book smart but not street wise.
It boggles my mind that some men assume we are all just broke azz hookers who need something from them after they leave lol. We make more money than most of the guys in this thing, and a lot of us have BFs and husbands. The ones that don't have a pot to piss in are the girls you should be worried about, but then again they are in a price range that allows the average joe to see'll put your thing in her and not trust her with your info. Makes perfect sense lol.

If she is not trustworthy enough to know who you are, why would you assume she does not have an std? It's a character issue that goes across the board.
I assume they may have or had some form of a std and take all the precautions I can to protect myself. This isn't an issue of trustworthy to me. I don't trust anyone here to start with. That has to be earned.
Just hilarious. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I have no way of knowing what a provider posts is honest and true information. I have no way to know which providers are on the verge of mental breakdown. I have no way to know how a provider deals with anger. Some might count to 10 and let it go. Another may throw a brick through a window.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 04:23 PM
There has been an incredible amount of self-righteous bullshit posted, so far, in this thread!

I luv it how girls who "say " they have been peddling poon for 3 yrs or less (bullshit in itself) can even attempt to educate me about quality screening methods!!

I definitely understand and agree that every girl has the right to screen any way she chooses... but the shown I.D. requirement is simply not necessary (or effective) if they know what they are doing!* I'm not saying it's wrong... it's simply not necessary for safe screening!

Naomi says there are more than four (4) ways to screen... plenty of secure methods exist within those four.

Let's never forget... screening is a "two-way" street.... I want to know as much about a new girl, as she does about me! Safety shoots both ways!* Every new hobby meeting comes with some level of risk.... if both players are not comfortable enough to reap the awards associated with those risks... they should not be playing the game!

Several serial killers have passed all screening methods, with high grades... until ....

An I.D. that proves Eagle Scout history means nothing!
You guys are wasting your time. Providers will continue to ask for IDs AND not all men are scumbags. A lot of guys are willing to show their IDs whether you want to believe it or not. If a guy doesn't have p411, datecheck, or any of the screening site membership, he is required to show his ID. Why? Because I want to make sure that the name he gave me is HIS name. If he created a fake ID, fine. He would also have to pass a employment verification and that is one thing one cannot fake with me because of the system I have in place (This is to even get a date). Can't verify his employment? I won't see him. There was a guy that contacted me that claimed to be self employed. How was I able to verify him? I will not say but I used alternative methods to verify that he was not a serial killer. That guy spends $2,500 a month on me alone. I've seen him 3 times - never had a problem with him. I have said it once before and I will say it again, there are multiples ways of screening. Stop wasting your time. You are not going to change anything.

Years ago before I became an independent escort, I worked for the most reputable, high end agency in Charlotte, NC. ALL customers were required to show their ID and guess what? They all did with no problem. It is not like the agency had on their website that clients were required to show their ID. The clients did not know till the day of the appointment that an ID was required, can one create a fake ID with an hour's notice in their hotel room and no supplies? No. There goes your theory.

No one says ID will stop you from getting busted. It is simply a way to make sure the name the guy put on the screening form is really HIM. It is not a way to avoid law enforcement. For one to think that is very stupid. In Kentucky, Le can fuck you and still arrest you. In Charlotte, NC, they can grope you and still arrest you. The trick is to screen, screen, screen and follow your gut instincts. A piece of paper won't stop you from going to jail. So if you do not think I, Naomi, do not know what I am doing, you are mistaken. I know a lot more than I am willing to tell you. Enjoy your day! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I don't care what you think N, your ID & employment verification isn't foolproof. You've lucked out so far, but if I wanted to get past your screening, there are any numbers of ways to do so.

And I'm not just talking about LE. If you walk into LE, you have lucked out. At least they won't rape & kill you. You say you need this for your safety? Well, I'm just saying this doesn't protect you as much as you think it does.

A serial killer could lurk on this board and decide, "I'm going to see Naomi, but go as Charlestudor2005. He's posted enough that I kind of know him. I can use his screen name." [And, if he's good, he might be able to find out my P411 info.] So, he makes a date with you. And since you know me from here, you agree to see "me."

I hope you stay as safe as you have been, and only wish you the best. But we'll have to agree to disagree about this subject.
Naomi4u's Avatar

In two years and a half years of escorting, I have not had an NCNS, I have never had a client short me, attack me, beat me , rape me, threaten me, I have never posted an alert ever. And you're talking about serial killers, I must be doing SOMETHING right. Trust me, I got this.

Asking for an ID is not the end of the world. If I want to verify that the name you gave me is actually your name, there is something wrong with that? Oh well. Just like there are a lot of guys that will not see me for my extensive screening practices, there are a lot of guys that will. I am not worried about a few. I do very well for myself.
Naomi, U GO GIRL.... I wouldn't EVER mess u over.
I am short on 2o bucks, will you still see me? just joking...
Staff edit This one is not hard to understand. CC

Originally Posted by Louigi
CC sorry about that! I went brain dead. I will try again

I can't understand the lengths that some dawgs go to in order to hide their true identity from using burn phones paid only with cash to only using public Internet access. You'd think they were using experience from some serious felony type activity.

Hell, if a provider wants to know who you are, where you live work and play all she has to do is get your license plate number! And with LE it's really a walk in the park - even if the car is rented.
I didn't read this whole thing but I'm agreeing with London & Giz.

If a lady asks for your ID, she didnt screen you well. Which means she doesnt screen anyone well. For some thats a non or no issue. Same for elevator checks, meet in public, meet at a bar for a drink. If we meet face to face and I'm still "screening" you - then I have no idea how to screen well. Face to face is waaaaaay too late.

Most guys in the 100k plus pay grade are willing to give personal info - Linkedin, company bio, home address etc.

Same for guys as for girls: Screening IS a two way street.

Guys dont wanna give "real" info because they dont know what I'm gonna do with it? I'm gonna screen you babe. Blackmail? Not hardly. But if you listen to Giz and do more than call "are you available now?" type dates (who say yes) and research who you think you want to see; you'll be fine. How can any of us be willing to protect our lifestyle while jeopardizing our life?
simpleton's Avatar
CC sorry about that! I went brain dead. I will try again

I can't understand the lengths that some dawgs go to in order to hide their true identity from using burn phones paid only with cash to only using public Internet access. You'd think they were using experience from some serious felony type activity.

Hell, if a provider wants to know who you are, where you live work and play all she has to do is get your license plate number! And with LE it's really a walk in the park - even if the car is rented. Originally Posted by Louigi
Knock yourself out. If you want to give a complete stranger your personal information that's your business. You may never have a problem. But then again you might run across a crazy bitch. That throws a brick through your window or raises hell at work. Because she is pissed off and crazy.

I hear the crazy bitch story once or twice a year. Some of those crazy bitches were well reviewed providers that posted on a regular basis. Never had a hint of crazy on the board. Then the switch was flipped and it was full on crazy. I don't think it's ever a good idea to give personal information to a complete stranger.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Most of the guys I see are in the 100k pay grade and have no problem giving me their whole information. I believe in the saying if it ain't broken, don't fix it. The same guys that are complaining about not showing ID are the same guys that feel $400 an hour is too much, well I wouldn't be able to see them anyway. I do not post my number, I have a website with an extensive screening form that asks for everything from the guy's first name to medical issues he may have. Complaints? I have not had ONE complaint so I will continue to do things how I have been doing.
Screening is important on both ends. The sad fact is though, if a provider is indeed screening a non LE she'll be able to be reasonably sure everything is on the up and up. But on the flip side if she is screening LE they will be able to fool her hands down. Even if she wants to verify employment on a UC LE. She'll get a fake employment Reference. The number she's calling will be to another UC posing as an employer. All the screening she does will be an illusion of legitamacy. I think most girls do a pretty good job of screening. I don't get offended on some of their methods.
simpleton's Avatar
I didn't read this whole thing but I'm agreeing with London & Giz.

If a lady asks for your ID, she didnt screen you well. Which means she doesnt screen anyone well. For some thats a non or no issue. Same for elevator checks, meet in public, meet at a bar for a drink. If we meet face to face and I'm still "screening" you - then I have no idea how to screen well. Face to face is waaaaaay too late.

Most guys in the 100k plus pay grade are willing to give personal info - Linkedin, company bio, home address etc.
I have no idea if this correct or not. I think your making an assumption based on the men that call you. It's very possible that many don't contact you that would never give personal information. What I do know is this 100k plus pay grade dude will never give my personal information.
Same for guys as for girls: Screening IS a two way street.

Guys dont wanna give "real" info because they dont know what I'm gonna do with it? I'm gonna screen you babe. Blackmail? Not hardly. But if you listen to Giz and do more than call "are you available now?" type dates (who say yes) and research who you think you want to see; you'll be fine. How can any of us be willing to protect our lifestyle while jeopardizing our life? Originally Posted by babee
I am not willing to risk having a provider turn crazy provider on me. I have no idea when or if the meltdown will happen. But I'm not willing to risk that. If that means some providers are off the board so be it.
simpleton's Avatar
How far would I get if I asked to see a providers id and get all her personal information? I want to make sure she isn't le or have any assault, theft,bribery, drug charges. How many providers would give me that information?
And nobody is twisting your arm to give your personal info out. Your biz = you take care of it your way. This is a by choice industry. You choose what works for you.

Yes, in 3 plus years (you catch that Giz?)across some 20 something states, the higher the profile, the higher the paygrade, the more available disposable income= the more upfront and honest.

Clients make screening hard. Seriously.

Lady: "To see me you must have one of these: 1,2,3 (or 4 if you're Naomi.)"
Client; I dont want to do 1,2,3 or 4. <- Who's problem is that? Not the lady's.

As for IDs, I have asked to see one once. Brand new p411 (and I mean brand new) and I was his first OK from there. I still screened him my way as well.
How far would I get if I asked to see a providers id and get all her personal information? I want to make sure she isn't le or have any assault, theft,bribery, drug charges. How many providers would give me that information? Originally Posted by simpleton
You absolutely can ask for that. Get your pics done, site up, start placing ads for services for dollars and then you can.

Thats apples to oranges, fish & fowl. 2 different things. You may want to consider if you are waaaay too paranoid for this "hobby". Maybe model trains? Bird watching? There is NO 100% foolproof. All you can do is reduce your risk. Thats it.
And nobody is twisting your arm to give your personal info out. Your biz = you take care of it your way. This is a by choice industry. You choose what works for you.

Yes, in 3 plus years (you catch that Giz?)across some 20 something states, the higher the profile, the higher the paygrade, the more available disposable income= the more upfront and honest.

Clients make screening hard. Seriously.

Lady: "To see me you must have one of these: 1,2,3 (or 4 if you're Naomi.)"
Client; I dont want to do 1,2,3 or 4. <- Who's problem is that? Not the lady's.

As for IDs, I have asked to see one once. Brand new p411 (and I mean brand new) and I was his first OK from there. I still screened him my way as well. Originally Posted by babee
I've probably had 10 girls I've checked with on P411 still screen me by checking with references, even though I have high double digit OKs on P411 - why - because they want to be sure I'm not a jerk LOL

Seriously - I think London may be right if I'm understanding what she said, the more a guy wants to hide his identity the less he has to really loose if he were outed. Me - if I were outed, I would be dead! Am I worried about it - no, because there are crazies in this world and if one did say I jumped her bones, I would just say she's done too much of the banned substances.

Oh - and my windows are Lexan!