NFL GOAT ranking. agree, disagree, changes.

Chizz, most of the NFL’s rules changes are for Kick Offs, not punts. Punt returners have been protected for as long as I can remember and 1P can’t prove otherwise. You and I can remember wedges and wedge busters on KO’s. Thats what the NFL got rid of. The wedge would lock arms and take on wedge busters. It was a violent collision amongst big men. That was abolished. They also moved The KO up. Most kicks go into the end zone and most teams don’t want to return it because they get it at the 25. KOs are mostly useless now. Actually, returners are the safest place to be. Originally Posted by bambino
LOL I posted a video montage of dozens of punt returners getting legally blasted as soon as they caught the ball, as well as a few illegal ones where the gunner got the timing wrong. They've only been protected "for as long as you can remember" if they called for a fair catch. Otherwise you only had to give them a yard. Perfectly timing the hit was an art form.

If they were protected as much as you claim, why would anyone call for a fair catch other than deep in their own end? There are many examples of people calling for a fair catch because they didn't want to get legally blasted by a perfectly timed hit that they would have been defenseless against.
Actually the opposite. Just don’t find it necessary to brag about it on a hooker board. It’s been my experience that the biggest braggers were the biggest nothings.

You do know Hambone doesn’t care what you think or say, he’s said it. but keep being his boy with your weird fake accent. Lol Originally Posted by Charley3
... Hmmmm... I can see what you mean.

When the other lads were surely callin' YOU a racist
- and I defended you - You musta been waiting for
Bambino to tell the lads NOT to listen to me...

But let's get back to American football, mate.

WHO are the FIVE BEST quarterbacks in the game today?

Anybody got a good opinion??

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
LOL I posted a video montage of dozens of punt returners getting legally blasted as soon as they caught the ball, as well as a few illegal ones where the gunner got the timing wrong. They've only been protected "for as long as you can remember" if they called for a fair catch. Otherwise you only had to give them a yard. Perfectly timing the hit was an art form.

If they were protected as much as you claim, why would anyone call for a fair catch other than deep in their own end? There are many examples of people calling for a fair catch because they didn't want to get legally blasted by a perfectly timed hit that they would have been defenseless against. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Well, we were both wrong. The “Halo” rule was in effect in the NFL and NCAA until 2003. So Deon Sanders played under the Halo rule. It was 2 yards. Interesting that there are less injuries after the Halo rule because there are more fair catches. But you still have to give “ample” room for a returner to catch the ball.

So there it is. Receivers don’t have the option to fair catch, returners do and it’s a judgement call on “ample” room. Since 2003
Returners still have more protection than receivers which was my contention from the start. You can LOL all you want.
Well, we were both wrong. The “Halo” rule was in effect in the NFL and NCAA until 2003. So Deon Sanders played under the Halo rule. It was 2 yards. Interesting that there are less injuries after the Halo rule because there are more fair catches. But you still have to give “ample” room for a returner to catch the ball.

So there it is. Receivers don’t have the option to fair catch, returners do and it’s a judgement call on “ample” room. Since 2003
Returners still have more protection than receivers which was my contention from the start. You can LOL all you want. Originally Posted by bambino
1 yard or 2 is relatively inconsequential for what I'm talking about. These guys are covering 2 yards in two tenths of a second at the the speeds they're running. As you can see in the video, it's a dangerous job because if the gunner times it right, it's not enough time to protect themselves. I can LOL all I want because I never said that returning punts was more dangerous than going over the middle. My contention was that Prime is not a pussy, and that punt returners are not pussies, so I don't know why you even started arguing with me.
HDGristle's Avatar
1p. The answer is "killin' time."
1p. The answer is "killin' time." Originally Posted by HDGristle
I've been doing too much of that on here lately!
bambino's Avatar
1 yard or 2 is relatively inconsequential for what I'm talking about. These guys are covering 2 yards two tenths of a second at the the speeds they're running. As you can see in the video, it's a dangerous job because if the gunner times it right, it's not enough time to protect themselves. I can LOL all I want because I never said that returning punts was more dangerous than going over the middle. My contention was that Prime is not a pussy, and that punt returners are not pussies, so I don't know why you even started arguing with me. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You were wrong. Sanders played his collegiate and professional career with the Halo rule. The fact remains they still get the option to fair catch. And have “ample” room to catch the ball. So, hang time on punts are around 4 seconds. That’s plenty of time to see what’s coming at you and make a decision. Receivers have no such luxury.
You were wrong. Sanders played his collegiate and professional career with the Halo rule. The fact remains they still get the option to fair catch. And have “ample” room to catch the ball. So, hang time on punts are around 4 seconds. That’s plenty of time to see what’s coming at you and make a decision. Receivers have no such luxury. Originally Posted by bambino
I was wrong. So what? It was two yards rather than one. I couldn't care less about that because it's effectively the same thing. It was not the crux of my point. It still allows the gunner to crush the returner if they time it right, which is essential to what I was saying, that Prime is far from a "pussy." The ability to call a fair catch does nothing to mitigate the fact that it's pretty brave not to call one with a ~200 lb human missile about to crush you. Sanders only returned 5 of his 212 punts under the ambiguous ample room rule. Maybe you can google so you can see if there's any site that says he returned 6 punts with the Ravens rather than 5.
bambino's Avatar
I was wrong. So what? It was two yards rather than one. I couldn't care less about that because it's effectively the same thing. It was not the crux of my point. It still allows the gunner to crush the returner if they time it right, which is essential to what I was saying, that Prime is far from a "pussy." The ability to call a fair catch does nothing to mitigate the fact that it's pretty brave not to call one with a ~200 lb human missile about to crush you. Sanders only returned 5 of his 212 punts under the ambiguous ample room rule. Maybe you can google so you can see if there's any site that says he returned 6 punts with the Ravens rather than 5. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I didn’t say Sanders was a pussy like you suggested. My point all along that catching the ball over the middle is far more dangerous than catching punts. I stand by that. BTW, how many of Dions 5 punts with the Ravens were fair catches?

I didn’t say Sanders was a pussy like you suggested. My point all along that catching the ball over the middle is far more dangerous than catching punts. I stand by that. BTW, how many of Dions 5 punts with the Ravens were fair catches?

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
LOL It's what Chizzy said that started this whole path. It's the only reason we're talking about punt return halos, because I brought it up in response to Chizzy's false characterization.

One could make the argument that catching passes over the middle is more dangerous, but to say far more is an exaggeration, and let's be honest, what we're talking about is returning punts, not fair catching them. No one is claiming that fair catching them is brave.
bambino's Avatar
LOL It's what Chizzy said that started this whole path. It's the only reason we're talking about punt return halos, because I brought it up in response to Chizzy's false characterization.

One could make the argument that catching passes over the middle is more dangerous, but to say far more is an exaggeration, and let's be honest, what we're talking about is returning punts, not fair catching them. No one is claiming that fair catching them is brave. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
But calling a fair catch is an option that’s used many times. I don’t see many punt returners getting seriously injured. I’ve seen many receivers getting seriously injured so it’s not an “exaggeration”. The link I posted said as much. There are LESS injuries due to more fair catches. So just move along.
But calling a fair catch is an option that’s used many times. I don’t see many punt returners getting seriously injured. I’ve seen many receivers getting seriously injured so it’s not an “exaggeration. The link I posted said as much. There are LESS injuries due to more fair catches. So just move along. Originally Posted by bambino
How many actual punt returns are there per game? How many offensive plays. Keep in mind that a receiver can get injured on any offensive play. Even a run. Probability and statistics. What you're saying in regards to injuries is probably true, but more due to the number of each type of play made than anything else. It's certainly an exaggeration to say far more dangerous. I concede that catching passes in the middle could be more dangerous, but I'm sticking with the great Pat Macafee's assessment about punt returners. Do you want to argue how many punts Prime returned with the Ravens? LOL
bambino's Avatar
How many actual punt returns are there per game? How many offensive plays. Keep in mind that a receiver can get injured on any offensive play. Even a run. Probability and statistics. What you're saying in regards to injuries is probably true, but more due to the number of each type of play made than anything else. It's certainly an exaggeration to say far more dangerous. I concede that catching passes in the middle could be more dangerous, but I'm sticking with the great Pat Macafee's assessment about punt returners. Do you want to argue how many punts Prime returned with the Ravens? LOL Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I speak from experience, you do not. I specifically said “passes over the middle”. That being said, I’ve seen players get seriously injured on punt returns that weren’t the returner. Same with KOs. But I’ve seen several receivers get severe concussions up to paralysis going over the middle. I experienced a severe concussion personally. I wasn’t the intended receiver. That’s why I retired.
I've played football and I've experienced multiple concussions, one where I didn't know where I was, was told, and then a minute later still didn't know where I was, but that's irrelevant to this discussion. If you want to be that specific with the comparison, it's still a numbers game. There are many more of the that type of play per game so of course there would be more injuries.
chizzy's Avatar
Bam ,Some guys just cannot move on unless people agree with them lol.

I'll rephrase what I said

In regards to tackling, dion in my opinion was a pussy compared to Woodson

That's my opinion, u can disagree if u want, don't care

You have yours I have mine, doesn't make you right or wrong

Quit the whining and move on