Vaccine Nazis

Here we go again. The same old BS about everybody should just do what they want, with no recognition of the impact on others. Originally Posted by brasil
So... according to you.... there is no impact on me to be getting jabbed with a dose of the "C"?
Seems that might be quite the impact....

Or there's no impact on me because your agenda is high, mighty and different (not to mention incorrect).
The reference is here:

The article refers to the CDC keeping the primary data that were used to approve the Pfizer vaccine sealed from the general public for 75 years. Medical researchers who need to see those data can still access them though a Federally-mandated data management plan.

The claim that the CDC is suppressing all side effect information about mRNA vaccines is wrong.

As a scientist (practicing, published, peer-reviewed) I have no trouble believing the CDC. With notable exceptions - you know who you are - almost everything I read here is absolutely beyond belief.

I will not post here again. I don't give a damn what you think of me, and your opinions will not affect my career. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Good luck with your career.
Yes, they don't call this the Sandbox for nothing. I don't blame you for leaving this madhouse. Originally Posted by brasil
Hey, he left the door open for you...
Anyone that feels the need to jab kids
With an experimental "vaccine"

is involved in a sick cult
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Anyone that feels the need to jab kids
With an experimental "vaccine"

is involved in a sick cult Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Their depravity knows no bounds.
So... according to you.... there is no impact on me to be getting jabbed with a dose of the "C"?
Seems that might be quite the impact....

Or there's no impact on me because your agenda is high, mighty and different (not to mention incorrect). Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
What the fuck are you talking about? You have already declared in previous posts that you are fully vaccinated and you even asked "why would I not be?"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What the fuck are you talking about? You have already declared in previous posts that you are fully vaccinated and you even asked "why would I not be?" Originally Posted by brasil
errrrr ya post it ya own it
but if ya can't find it and quote it, it never happened
and I taint helping ya on that one Sir

and IF true he may be talking booster # whatever as the crap don't work
also if true and ya both had somewhere, Maybe ya both need to be tested ta make sure not super spreaders. That could be a "impact"
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Why should anyone have the freedom to spread the sniffles?

The obedience shot addicts spread it as well.

Prolly everyone should just crawl under their beds sucking their thumbs from the fetal position like Dementia Joe. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Some of the hypocrites don't even realize they're still spreaders. They must be following last months "science" which was completely false. Next month we'll find out they were wrong about this month's "science". This new science really sucks.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Some of the hypocrites don't even realize they're still spreaders. They must be following last months "science" which was completely false. Next month we'll find out they were wrong about this month. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
It's remarkable that lemmings who believe in ridiculing the individual rights of American citizens also believe they maintain the moral high ground, because Joe Scarborough sez so.

Inflation is good for you, there are no lootings taking place, and only black lives matter.

Jussie was an innocent victim of a hate crime, the mass murder in Waukesha is a 28th page story, and scumbag George Floyd's scumbag family deserves $40 mil because Boy George was the second coming of Jesus Christ and the Easter Bunny put together.

Now get your eighth shot and stfu.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
It's remarkable that lemmings who believe in ridiculing the individual rights of American citizens also believe they maintain the moral high ground, because Joe Scarborough sez so.

Inflation is good for you, there are no lootings taking place, and only black lives matter.

Jussie was an innocent victim of a hate crime, the mass murder in Waukesha is a 28th page story, and scumbag George Floyd's scumbag family deserves $40 mil because Boy George was the second coming of Jesus Christ and the Easter Bunny put together.

Now get your eighth shot and stfu. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
They believe the unbelievable. I'm not convinced that they really do believe it. How many global warming doomsday predictions have come and gone? Zero credibility. Money making, agenda driven garbage. Lies.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Some of the hypocrites don't even realize they're still spreaders. They must be following last months "science" which was completely false. Next month we'll find out they were wrong about this month's "science". This new science really sucks. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
CDC science moves with the political winds Sir

so what as good, then not can be good again when most forgot

I'm waiting for Dr F to say HIV/aids is easy to get again.. like hug someone and you will die die die. ya it can happen with bad luck or working at it hard to get it.

bad luck mmm he n she groom below, both have a saving nick and ya it could be one n done. odds low. Doc F had it at onetime. all ya had to do was walk into a gay by ops. and so walk right back out. to late ya going to DIE DIE DIE errrrr WTF
Next Best Thing's Avatar
They believe the unbelievable. I'm not convinced that they really believe it. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Willie, I'm imagining that you're perfectly content letting them believe the bullshit they have been conditioned to believe and giggling at them either to their faces or behind their backs and moving on.

The difference with them is that they actually believe they have a responsibility to coerce you into complying with their idiotic beliefs regardless of your personal preference.

This is why I simply say fuck you to these people.

I'm not getting an obedience shot, chiefly out of spite and as an outright refusal to do what these assholes want.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Willie, I'm imagining that you're perfectly content letting them believe the bullshit they have been conditioned to believe and giggling at them either to their faces or behind their backs and moving on.

The difference with them is that they actually believe they have a responsibility to coerce you into complying with their idiotic beliefs regardless of your personal preference.

This is why I simply say fuck you to these people.

I'm not getting an obedience shot, chiefly out of spite and as an outright refusal to do what these assholes want. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
That's freedom. Your choice. As much as they hate it, and they do hate it.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
CDC science moves with the political winds Sir

so what as good, then not can be good again when most forgot

I'm waiting for Dr F to say HIV/aids is easy to get again.. like hug someone and you will die die die. ya it can happen with bad luck or working at it hard to get it.

bad luck mmm he n she groom below, both have a saving nick and ya it could be one n done. odds low. Doc F had it at onetime. all ya had to do was walk into a gay by ops. and so walk right back out. to late ya going to DIE DIE DIE errrrr WTF Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Two more weeks to flatten the curve?