lustylad's Avatar
You shut the fuck up and find the evidence that says they don't, you fucking dirty-ass bumfucker. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Is the paid eccie troll wombhater/undercunt trying to run up his post count again? Listen up, dickhead, while I explain the rules of debate 101. If you make an empirically testable assertion but you can't back it up with any facts/evidence/data, you lose the argument. You can't acquit yourself by challenging the other guy to disprove you. We're not debating if God exists, you dipshit.

People want to complain, say education sucks, etc. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I have never, ever, ever said "education sucks". I value education very highly. That's precisely why it pains me to see my tax dollars being pissed away on teachers who produce failing results and refuse to accept minimal levels of professional accountability.

Is the paid eccie troll wombhater/undercunt trying to run up his post count again? Listen up, dickhead, while explain the rules of debate 101. If you make an empirically testable assertion but you can't back it up with any facts/evidence/data, you lose the argument. You can't acquit yourself by challenging the other guy to disprove you. We're not debating if God exists, you dipshit.

I have never, ever, ever said "education sucks". I value education very highly. That's precisely why it pains me to see my tax dollars being pissed away on teachers who produce failing results and refuse to accept minimal levels of professional accountability.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't call the shots. You march in here and start with your bullshit of changing the argument around, as usual. You've been handed your ass already by others in this thread, for being a loopy cunt. You are one whiny bitch. Looks like you're suffering from the same mini strokes as IB. It's having an effect on you syntax. Running up a post count? You're the same cock-juggling thunder twat who posted three fucking times in a row on the last page. Take your own advice you cum-guzzling bitch.
lustylad's Avatar
So you feel that teachers are 'sucking' on the taxpayer tit? You have no interest in contributing to the future of our country? How about the roads? You hate paying for that too? Mail service to your fucking door? Garbage pickup? Like we know where every dollar goes anyway.

Don't pay taxes. Protest. See how your beloved IRS acts then. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Typical straw man argument by undercunt. I never said I don't want to pay for GOOD teachers, GOOD roads, EFFICIENT garbage collection.

Look at it this way, you ignorant twerp. If I pay taxes, then I pay their salaries. They work for me. I have every right to demand accountability and results. In the private sector, if you fuck up you face the music. I want the same standards to apply in the public sector. Simple as that.

Now what do you want? Teachers' unions who pump millions into the democrats' campaign funds - in return for which they are rewarded year after year with oversized pay and pension increases and subjected to minimal performance standards?

Typical straw man argument by undercunt. I never said I don't want to pay for GOOD teachers, GOOD roads, and EFFICIENT garbage collection.

Look at it this way, you ignorant twerp. If I pay taxes, then I pay their salaries. They work for me. I have every right to demand accountability and results. In the private sector, if you fuck up you face the music. I want the same standards to apply to the public sector.

Now what do you want? Teachers' unions who pump millions into the democrats' campaign funds - in return for which they are rewarded year after year with oversized pay and pension increases and subjected to minimal performance standards? Originally Posted by lustylad
Complain to your congressman, dickweed. I don't get paid to listen to your bitch tits' whining ass. Twerp? Oh no. Whatever will I do. They don't work for you dickshit. Good to know you're one of those shitsippers though.
lustylad's Avatar
You don't call the shots. You march in here and start with your bullshit of changing the argument around, as usual.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Asking you to provide simple backup for your fatuous arguments is not tantamount to "changing the argument around", you sperm-burping troll.

I don't get paid to listen to your bitch tits' whining ass.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Ah, but you do, undercunt. You already admitted it. How much are you paid again? Still 50 cents a post? When are you asking for another raise?

I B Hankering's Avatar
It's having an effect on you syntax. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You must be having one of those "strokes", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
grubergruber? Well if you ask me, it's just another grubergruber #grubered fucking imbecile who can't even buy pussy but talks about homosexuality in obsessed tones.

anything you want to refute, IBGrubergooooober?

And whatEVER are you going to do with that pesky little Pissburgb pissant, IBQJuniorGruber? He's expecting a promotion to the American Association. But he can't control his balls...
lustylad's Avatar
anything you want to refute...? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Well assup, I was going to refute the idea that any of your posts make sense, but then I realized nobody ever suggested it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tsk, tsk ... Poor IBJunior. About to make the big transition from a wannabe to a never was....

And a supporter of white slavery, too!

So you're not only a dipshit, but an evil dipshit.

now we know
lustylad's Avatar
Hmmm... what does teachers' pay in Chicago have to do with white slavery? Keep making sense, Marshall. Now why don't you run along and look for CJOHNNY54's money?
  • shanm
  • 05-18-2015, 12:42 AM
well well well....see what we have here. LustyTard is fibbing like a bitch and weaseling his slimy ass around corners.

Same old, same old!
lustylad's Avatar
Don't tell me shammytran's slimy worn-out ass is back home early? Was it a slow night streetwalking down in Houston's tranny alley? Go slap a dab of vaseline on your aching rectum and sleep it off, you back-alley dicksucker.
Don't tell me shammytran's slimy worn-out ass is back home early? Was it a slow night streetwalking down in Houston's tranny alley? Go slap a dab of vaseline on your aching rectum and sleep it off, you back-alley dicksucker. Originally Posted by lustylad
And which school district were you educated in?

Idiotville ISD?
  • shanm
  • 05-18-2015, 09:28 AM
And which school district were you educated in?

Idiotville ISD? Originally Posted by bigtex

If there was such a school labeled "back-alley tranny ISD", then that would be my guess. He seems to know a lot about them.

Since I don't know of any such school, and my latest google searches came up empty, I'm going to go with the right answer. Which is: NONE. He is obviously uneducated and an illiterate.
lustylad's Avatar
And which school district were you educated in?

Idiotville ISD? Originally Posted by bigtex
Since my post contained no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors, I can only assume your question reflects your own failing reading comprehension skills, tampon.

He is obviously uneducated and an illiterate. Originally Posted by shanm
There is no reason for me to apply my scholarship or intellect to the task of smacking down a back-alley tranny cocksucker like you, shammytard. That would be like swinging a sledgehammer at a gnat.
