Trump melts down for over 2 hours at CPAC. Faithful jizz in their pants.

I know the truth, so do you. Pitiful. Originally Posted by bambino
So does everyone else.
lustylad's Avatar
There has never been a “Mambola” on ECCIE and there are no other handles that I use.

Why don’t you request our illustrious moderator conduct research. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No need to bother Danielle. So bam misspelled it. Everyone knows. You already confessed a long time ago.

That was another handle on another board that went away many years ago... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Too bad for you the internet lasts forever. BAAAHAHAHAHA!

Now get back on track!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh my! Another biggie!

Hmmm... Let's try to turn this into a "teachable moment", shall we?

Do you know WHY the unemployment rate has inched up to 4% from 3.7% in recent months - even as the economy keeps adding over 200k jobs a month? It's because more folks are re-entering the labor force! And they're doing it because the outlook for job seekers in Trumpy's economy is the best it's been in years!

The unemployment rate is simply the ratio of people who are unemployed - but actively looking for work - divided by the total labor force. Under Obama's bleak economy, millions of adults quit looking for jobs and therefore stopped being counted as unemployed. Labor economists call this the "discouraged worker" effect. It made Obama's unemployment numbers look better (or less bad) than they actually were.

Now the effect is working in reverse. Under Trump's healthy economy, millions of previously discouraged workers are flooding back into the labor force and actively seeking jobs again. This makes Trump's unemployment numbers look temporarily worse than they actually are. As the labor force swells, you see the paradox where the jobless rate can increase even as the economy is churning out thousands of new jobs.

But hey, don't expect the jackasses at the Associated Press to explain any of this to you! Originally Posted by lustylad
From what I've read, you are 100% correct on why the unemployment rate has ticked up a bit.

On the other hand, the job of fact checkers is exactly that -- to check facts, and the fact is that the unemployment rate is 4.0%, not 3.7% as Trump stated. They are not there to explain why. They are not there to make the determination as to whether or not the difference between fact and statement is significant. They simply report the FACTS and let the reader determine if the difference is meaningful. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not.
lustylad's Avatar
Since this is a teaching moment, sit back and learn

Trump inherited an economy that Obama turned around after the disaster that George W left us. I dont expect the jackasses in here to agree with anything that is factual. Lets see where we are at the end of 2020. Trump hos tend to count their chickens before they are hatched. Why is Trump increasing the debt. Im sitting back and waiting to learn Originally Posted by themystic
Spin, spin, spin. You want some facts, Mr. Mystical Economist Wannabe?

How about this - the US economy in the past year has been growing at a 3% annual rate. That's nearly twice as fast as Obama's final year (2016) when real GDP inched ahead by only 1.6%. Faster growth means higher incomes and wages, more jobs, fatter tax revenues, lower unemployment, reduced food stamp outlays, and a host of other positive things.

Here is another fact - the Obama recovery from the 2008/09 recession was the weakest recovery in post-WW2 history! In case you didn't know, we've had 12 recessions since WW2. (Yes, the economy is cyclical.) In all of the other 11 instances, the economy snapped back faster than it did under Obama.

Can you read a graph? Graphs are created from FACTUAL data. You're eager to agree with anything factual, right? Here's a slew of graphs outlining some of the negative trends we experienced under the Obama economy. Focus on the pink shaded areas, ok?

Sorry to burst your bubble, mystic, but bad things happen when you over-tax and over-regulate pursuant to the libtard economic agenda. Remove the wet blanket like trumpy is doing, and good things start happening again.

Oh... one more thing - are you auditioning to be a guest on Bill Maher's show? You said "Lets see where we are at the end of 2020." That sounds kinda dark and ominous. Are you rooting for a crash? Hoping millions of Americans get thrown out of work, mystic? That's very patriotic and compassionate of you!

"Bring on the recession!" You and Bill Maher are two peas in a pod!

Hotrod511's Avatar
Spin, spin, spin. You want some facts, Mr. Mystical Economist Wannabe? How about this - the US economy in the past year has been growing at a 3% annual rate. That's nearly twice as fast as Obama's final year (2016) when real GDP inched ahead by only 1.6%. Faster growth means higher incomes and wages, more jobs, fatter tax revenues, lower unemployment, reduced food stamp costs, and a host of other positive things.

Here is another fact - the Obama recovery from the 2008/09 recession was the weakest recovery in post-WW2 history! In case you didn't know, we've had 12 recessions since WW2. In all of the other 11 instances, the economy snapped back faster than it did under Obama.

Can you read a graph? Graphs are created from FACTUAL data. You're eager to agree with anything factual, right? Here's a slew of graphs outlining some of the negative trends we experienced under the Obama economy. Focus on the pink shaded areas, ok?

Sorry to burst your bubble, mystic, but bad things happen when you over-tax and over-regulate the wonderful US economy. Remove the wet blanket like trumpy is doing, and good things start happening again. Originally Posted by lustylad
When you are talking to mystic you may as well be talking to a

lustylad's Avatar
When you are talking to mystic you may as well be talking to a

Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Yeah, but it's fun to shoot down his "arguments" - especially when he claims he is being factual and I'm not. It's obvious the mystic doesn't know his stuff!!

He did say "Im (sic) sitting back and waiting to learn" so maybe there's room for hope.
lustylad's Avatar
On the other hand, the job of fact checkers is exactly that -- to check facts, and the fact is that the unemployment rate is 4.0%, not 3.7% as Trump stated... They are not there to make the determination as to whether or not the difference between fact and statement is significant. They simply report the FACTS and let the reader determine if the difference is meaningful. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I beg to differ. The so-called fact checkers exercise great discretion in deciding what is significant and worth calling out the POTUS on. They invite laughter and ridicule when they are so desperate to discredit trumpy that they over-reach, scrape the bottom of the barrel, and hype the trivial trying to find and expose his "lies".

They're acting like pompous, earnest little fly speckers.

FAKE NEWS doesn't only mean making up stories. It can also mean attributing significance to non-stories.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Says you, LL.

I think you and your buddies consider anything that has anything to do with the unpresidential behavior of DOTUS as Fake News.

Certainly plenty of evidence to support that.
bambino's Avatar
Says you, LL.

I think you and your buddies consider anything that has anything to do with the unpresidential behavior of DOTUS as Fake News.

Certainly plenty of evidence to support that. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Like what? Moving our Embassy to Jerusalem? That was sooooo Hitleresque.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like what? Moving our Embassy to Jerusalem? That was sooooo Hitleresque. Originally Posted by bambino
You've been melting down steadily since Michael Cohen walking into that committee room, bambino.

Is that why you're injecting Hitler into this discussion, because I sure didn't.

Or is it for some other reason?

Deep breath, buddy.
bambino's Avatar
You've been melting down steadily since Michael Cohen walking into that committee room, bambino.

Is that why you're injecting Hitler into this discussion, because I sure didn't.

Or is it for some other reason?

Deep breath, buddy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nah, you’ve been melting down for years. But especially the last two years. Putin, Hitler, Putin, Hitler. Blah blah blah. And you’ve been dead wrong the whole time.
lustylad's Avatar
You've been melting down steadily...Is that why you're injecting Hitler into this discussion, because I sure didn't. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hmmm... so what are you saying, yssup? That every time you use the term "Twitler" it means you're in the throes of meltdown?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't really use that much anymore, LL. And you know it.

I prefer DOTUS. Orange Sphincter also seems appropriate.
lustylad's Avatar
Don't really use that much anymore, LL... I prefer DOTUS. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Much better. More respectful. Less unhinged.

D = Distinguished President.

Why did you drop the "P"? It's only one more letter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you correcting my spelling?