Clients cancelling last minute

IMHO maybe guys gets buyers remorse...see your pics and go Damn she's hot...then read a few reviews and go...hell no..not for that kind of scratch! Instead of being an asshole and canceling because they are not willing to pay too dollar for avg service they make up an excuse. Today I did have to cancel with a provider.,.but we handled it like adults and are on for Friday(damn I can't wait). Impeccable reviews I bet, go along way to ending the ncns drama. Btw I've had providers never return a call after an appt was made, never responded to texts, emails etc. in the hobby it goes both ways...sometimes we hobbyists wonder why it seems like some providers don't want our money. It's like apple saying we have iPhones for sale but u can't buy one. There is two sides to the proverbial coin...just my .02
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-22-2012, 05:02 AM
Hi Noel,
While you absolutely have a valid complaint, your throw all Dallas people under the bus accusations leave a bit to be desired as does your blanket DNS list for cancellations.
You stated this is a business and we all get that so I have to ask you:

How can your initial post possibly help your business?

People won't change their behavior because of your post and those that never knew you existed (Me) now see you post and accuse the entire Dallas client base and throw around the "blacklist" and "DNS" lists as threats. So take it for what it's worth my first impression of you is not a great one.

I 100% agree with you that NCNS are total crap. Cancelling 5 minutes before the appointment time is also total crap. Now getting a call 10 minutes before the time with the client telling you he's trying to get there but he's parked on LBJ is another story. A lame excuse 10 minutes before would be very rarely excusable.

As to why people do this? I haven't a clue. In 10 plus years I've never cancelled even once (some probably wish I had lol). Once arrangements are made, appointment time, place, cost etc. are confirmed it's a done deal. It would seem that the further out somebody schedules the more likely that something would actually come up and they would have to cancel. Of course this still has nothing to do with a 5 minute before appointment cancellation. Maybe check with some other providers and see what works the best for them. I think that if an appointment is scheduled 3-5 days out then there should be some communication going back and forth before the appointment. I think same day confirmation is very important also. Just need to find a system that works the best for you but nothing will be perfect unless you can take out the stupid human equation lol

I feel your frustration but posting the way you posted will not really help the situation you're upset about.
I want you to succeed here. From nothing more than a selfish standpoint I want every provider here to be successful.
TinMan's Avatar
One thing to consider when a guy leaves you in a lurch. My Incall Provider Short Notice Availability Thread was made precisely for ladies that find themselves in your predicament:

I've heard from numerous gals that made use of this tool to fill a gap in their schedule, so I know it works.
Bestman200600's Avatar
All of these ladies have bills to pay. If you request a date during there prime time and cancel at the last minute that is not good and she will be pissed. Things do happen, car accidents, problems with babysitters and sick kids. Go with the flow or move on to the next one.
They may have done some last minute review reading.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Works both ways darlin'
I can't begin to count the number of last minute cancellations or NC/ is the nature of the beast babe...accept and roll with it. Originally Posted by Newb2010
+1..... I've had quite a few of them myself. Some ladies never had the audacity nor extended the common courtesy to let me know. With that being said, Happy Turkey Day everyone!
4 hours is understandable but 5 minutes or NC NS is not cool at all Originally Posted by Noelshaker
I totally agree with you cancellation at last minute is not cool at all. I have that happen before but they always leave me a nice gift at our next appointment wich is awesome
When you consider all the things most gentlemen need to coordinate (spouse, kids, work, traffic, etc.), it is sometimes amazing they can see us at all. Things happen.

Sometimes repeated events occur. It does impact the provider's bottom line, but such is life as an independent contractor.
Bella Noel's Avatar
Yes your right. I'm sorry guys if I came off bitchy. I apologize
Bella Noel's Avatar
I really do appreciate dallas for the love and support they have shown a college student like myself. Life gets hard sometimes and at the time I was a little frustrated with what had happened at the time. I've spoken to all who cancelled and we are all in good standings. Wish everyone happy holidays.
pyramider's Avatar
Holidays, Finals, normal bs ... it happens ... Taint is like a pressure relief valve ...
Yes your right. I'm sorry guys if I came off bitchy. I apologize Originally Posted by Noelshaker
I am glad you realized this and are attempting to repair the damage.

A lot of guys already get that kind of attitude at home for free so they sure as hell don't want to pay for it.
Bella Noel's Avatar
True lol
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Yeah, this hobby-thing can be frustrating, for both sides, so I understand your 'vent'.

For whatever the reason, some valid/some not, you're going to have cancellations.
In my mind, this is far more forgivable than a NCNS. <~ THAT holds an extremely low tolerance level, in my book.
In this 'e-age' in which we live, there are but a few instances where a simple message cannot be sent.
So in my eyes, a NCNS is almost always unforgivable

In a cancellation, at least they extended the courtesy of informing you that the date wasn't going to happen.
Yes, it still sucks, however, sometimes that's the best one can do.

I've had to cancel a few times since I've been playing in this hobby sandbox;
not that I wanted to, mind you, but I've had to nonetheless.

In each of these instances, they turned into re-scheduled appointments, but technically, they're still cancellations.

Once, in fact, just recently. I had booked an appointment with a traveling provider whom I'd been wanting to see-- but for whatever the reason, kept missing.
So I booked the appointment, like a week out; which is extremely unusual for me-- and on the day of, I get a freaking migraine headache. {uggh!}

I'm bummed and try all morning to shake it, but couldn't.

I'm sure a lot of peeps are going to call me an idiot for doing this, but,
I went over and dropped off the envelope. I just felt that this was all on me..
..she did everything she was supposed to do, and since she was visiting, and was
likely counting on her appointments to follow through,
and a number of other reasons, my conscience led me to go over and settle that obligation.

The point that I'm trying to make is simply that sometimes life gets in the way
and there are valid reasons for guys having to cancel. There are also some pretty-good guys who are actually very disappointed for having to cancel,
(which, going strictly off of what I've seen on your website, I'm sure is the case here, too. I mean, how could they not be disappointed?).

What's really suck, and what adds insult to injury, is to hear that I'd also get
placed on your blacklist for canceling as I described above. {sads}

So while I understand your frustration with cancellations and your need to vent,
I'd like to hope that you'll come to realize that not everyone is an inconsiderate dickhole in this thing of ours.
There are actually some people amongst us with a little integrity who are here to enjoy all of the little pleasures and the fun that can be had in this arena.

It's just sad that the dickholes are the ones who play buzz-buster on everyone else's good time.

At any rate, I just thought I'd throw that into the mix. I sure hope things
improve for you because I'll bet that you're even far more attractive and a lot more fun when things are going your way and you're not having to vent....
('cuz for the record; you're smokin' hot....even when you vent. heh! ...ijs)

All the best,



pyramider's Avatar
You forgot to ask her to post taint. Other than that your post was pretty thorough and well thought out.