America the Delusional? Overcoming Our European Temptation

"austrian" is not a language. we speak german. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I know, but Obama doesn't.........
I know, but Obama doesn't......... Originally Posted by Marshall
that doesn`t matter. He is Obama. You are Marshall : "Quod licet Iovis non licet Bovis" - do you understand latin? is Austria we learn that in school....
He is Obama. You are Marshall Originally Posted by ninasastri

Also ich weiss nicht wie Babelsfish das übersetzt, aber die Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellsch aftskapitänskajüte hat gerade einen Platz für mich frei wo ich auf anderes Boot will. Der Marshall wird sowieso nie rausfinden was ich auf Deutsch "Grüezi" und Swyzzerdytsch auch noch schreiben
So und um das ganze noch zu erschweren fange ich jetzt an dialekt zu schreiben:
"Heast Oida, Hau di üba die Häuser und pass auf und fall net" - des is guates Wienerisch -

i wonder what babelfish says to viennese dialect :-))) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, you scared me with those two horribly long words lol
It's been a while since I spoke any German, but I got the gist of what you were saying without using a translator....yay! and good for you for doing what you are doing lol.

C xx
Nina, you scared me with those two horribly long words lol
It's been a while since I spoke any German, but I got the gist of what you were saying without using a translator....yay! and good for you for doing what you are doing lol.

C xx Originally Posted by Camille
oh i was telling Marshall some nice things in viennese dialect :-) but no insults. just describing what typical "Mundl" viennese would say to him ;-). you know - cultural differences..
The original post was 6,000 + words. The entire thread has been about the shear volume of the post. Not even the mud slinging has happened. I am both happy and sad. Folks, a link or URL to a PoV would suffice. Or perhaps think twice before clicking submit in the first place. I am thinking Nina and Camille need to get a room.
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  • WTF
  • 03-30-2011, 07:38 PM
I am thinking Nina and Camille need to get a room. Originally Posted by SR Only
They can join me in mine
oh i was telling Marshall some nice things in viennese dialect :-) but no insults. just describing what typical "Mundl" viennese would say to him ;-). you know - cultural differences.. Originally Posted by ninasastri

I don't know about that.....I'm willing to bet Nina has a lot of Prussian blood in her.......
This thread has run its course. Say buh-bye.