Salute to all Veterans

LexusLover's Avatar
Predictable. Typical. Cowardly.

Lives with his parents, most likely in a state-owned facility.

Hasn't seen his balls in years.

Now allowed within 1000 yards of certain buildings and open spaces. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You really should avoid projecting your own characteristics on others. It's a flaw you have and will cause you do involve yourself in situations, like your butt-buddy Speedo, who shoots off his mouth about doing shit without gathering any information. I "assume" he voted for Obaminable, the JV identifier. Did you also?

Of course since you know "all about me" you can "fill him in," right? Genius?
I "assume" he voted for Obaminable, the JV identifier. Did you also? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Leave it to the Patriarchal Idiot to fuck up a perfectly good Veterans Day thread.

Back on topic: Thanks to all of my fellow Veterans for a job well done!
LexusLover's Avatar
Soon BigTitsIdiot will sober up and realize that VD is over for this year.
Soon BigTitsIdiot will sober up and realize that VD is over for this year. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That being the case... why did you (LLIdiot) ... make your last (stupid & irrelevant) post ... in this thread ... on 11-14-2015, 10:12 AM?

Was 11-14-2015, 10:12 AM ... "VD"?

Does LLIdiot adhere to a different set of standards for himself ... than he expects of others?

As for me, I thank my fellow veterans ... whenever I feel the need to do so

Not just on "VD."

And I will contine to do so ... with or without ... the Patriarchal Idiots ... approval!

As it relates to LLIdiot ... the only "veterans" ... he served with ... were in his Cub Scout Pack.

LLIdiots mommy was so proud of her Baby Cubby Idiot!

Fuk'n Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
Soon BigTitsIdiot will sober up and realize that VD is over for this year. Originally Posted by LexusLover

A more worthy honor could not have been bestowed upon you!

A more worthy honor could not have been bestowed upon you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What about you, LLIdiot?

Are you prepared to answer the "simple" question that you have been duckin' and dodgin' for months?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLEphantMan just can't help himself.

Obnoxious as a rule, he's really turned up the volume since SpeedRacerXXX offered to defend his honor and give the LLephantMan the good thrashing he deserves.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
#1. Who is "us"?
#2. You're kinda slow aren't you? Might check with that genius wife of yours! Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Us" refers to everyone who reads and/or contributes to threads on on this website. Slow is exactly what you are in responding to my question. If you have some sort of problem with my using "us", how about sharing your physical characteristics with ME. I have given you ample information as to why I think I can lift my leg high enough to kick your ass. I really don't expect an answer other than your usual drivel.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've asked for all of his personal information, since he's so intent on discussing the personal lives of others on this board. Calling vets liars and generally disrespecting everything that anybody sacrificed so he could be a taker of Titanic proportion ... hiding with the women and children so he could steal a place on the lifeboat.

Thus far, he's been sniveling in the corner, waiting for someone to help him with the comeback.

That's why LLephantMan wasn't elected Idiot of the Year. He's Idiot of All Time!
LexusLover's Avatar
I've asked for all of his personal information, .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trying to out someone are you?

I thought you knew all about me, BigTitsIdiot also! You all sure talk like you do!

So if all the personal crap you post about me isn't true (because you have to ask) then you are just lying about me. That's simple!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck are you on about LLephantMan?

Everybody knows everything about you because you talk about it, Mr. Mayor. Especially your intimate relationship with Austin. Now you claim Houston as your "base-ment" of operations.

I suppose you've been there since before we were born, too.

And why should we believe you when you deny being on Medicare, TAKER?

The only one lying around here is you, you scaly, drippy LLephantMan.

And what about that restraining order? That's another question you dodged! But you have no problem talking about a man's wife on a whooker board.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2015, 10:44 AM
Never said I did doubt it. I don't really care. If someone wants to lie about serving in the military it's on them. What I don't like is people like you questioning those that say they have served in the military. If you have proof, fine. If you don't, STFU. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You are pissing in the wind SR...LL pulled this same shit with me in the "What constitutes Boots on the ground".

He loves to imply nefarious things about others and then claim he said nothing out of line. I love to see him down at the VA shouting out " 4 out of ever 5..." those old Vets would kick the lying shit right out of his ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL pulled this same shit with me in the "What constitutes Boots on the ground".

I love to see him down at the VA .... Originally Posted by WTF
You mean I might "see" you down at the VA?

The one down in the area of the Med Center .... or somewhere else?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2015, 11:45 AM
You mean I might "see" you down at the VA?

The one down in the area of the Med Center .... or somewhere else? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quoting out of context again LexusLiar. Why am i not suprised.

You've shit on yet another thread. The second one where you try and denigrate Veterans in less than a month.
Expect more bullshit from this dipshit, SR. He's been in hiding since the ASPD days, where he also posted ZERO fucking reviews.

Nobody's ever seen this dipshit. My guess is that his chickenshittedness is a major source of shame for him. Hence the bitterness.

Just shitballing here, but... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Typed out like a professional Scatoligist, Shit Baller...