RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 12-22-2012, 07:00 AM
I wonder if 67 old handle was Jimmy CZ
Eccie Addict's Avatar
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Urgh. So I had client I had been trying to set something up with for a month or so but he kept flaking. He would not leave me alone about bare back . After a month of telling him no to bare back I finally told him to leave me alone. He begged to see so I told him it would have to be atleast for an hour sessionm . He agreed on it. we get to the room after 30 minutes he tries to leave and only pay me half .
His handle is 67.
Phone number: *97-248-*78* Originally Posted by HeavenShaw
You tried to get out of the session half way thru it.. You asked me to cut you slack and made a big deal because you were going to have to pay me for what we agreed upon. Originally Posted by HeavenShaw
You did still pay me full price but made it a big deal and tried to let me cut you slack. Originally Posted by HeavenShaw

Heaven, let me see if I've got this straight.

Aside from the bareback issue (which I'll get to later), what exactly is the problem here?

Here's the the short version, the way I see it..

-You both agree to a 1-hour appointment for $300.
-67 is done at the 30min mark and wishes not to continue the session.
-He tries to convince you to cut the rate.
-You say no.
-He pays the agreed upon, full-rate of $300
-He then drives you back to wherever.

Does this sound accurate?

If so, then what exactly is the "Trouble" here?

Is the "Trouble" that he tried to get you to cut your rate?

He paid what he was supposed to, so where exactly is this "Trouble"?
I really don't see it, so please, help me understand.

Urgh. So I had client I had been trying to set something up with for a month or so but he kept flaking. He would not leave me alone about bare back . After a month of telling him no to bare back I finally told him to leave me alone. He begged to see so I told him it would have to be atleast for an hour sessionm . He agreed on it. we get to the room after 30 minutes he tries to leave and only pay me half .
His handle is 67.
Phone number: *97-248-*78* Originally Posted by HeavenShaw

You tried to get out of the session half way thru it.. You asked me to cut you slack and made a big deal because you were going to have to pay me for what we agreed upon. Originally Posted by HeavenShaw
You did still pay me full price but made it a big deal and tried to let me cut you slack.

. And yes you did bug me about bareback. That's why I ended up asking you to leave me alone and delete my number.
He kept pressuring me and pressuring me and it finally got to me.. So I sent him a txt saying I would consider it.. It's not like that was something we agreed upon from the get go or ever talked about doing anytime after that. It was always just you trying to push that on me....the 100 times you asked me before hand and after I always told you no. You base your arguement off of one txt. Other than that I never agreed to doing that. Always told you no!!! AND EVEN FROM THE GET GO I TOLD YOU NO! And it didn't matter if I said no; you never fucking listened to me and same with the sugar baby thing. You knew it was something I didn't do from the get go and you always pushed it on me.
If you remember, why did I ask you to delete my number?! Because you wouldn't leave me alone about it after I told you no. Originally Posted by HeavenShaw
Okay Heather, again, I'm just a little confused.
You're saying that;
--You and 67 have been trying to set something up, for over a Month.
--he's continually flaked on you
-- he keeps asking for BB.
(100's of times)
--You're feeling pressured into going BB so
you tell him to leave you alone and to delete your number,
--He doesn't.
--He contacts you again,
...and you agree to meet him??


Why would you want to meet with a guy that;
- constantly asks for BB?
- flakes on you continually for over a Month!!!??
- constantly asks for BB?
- pressures you?
- constantly asks for BB?
- keeps calling even after being told to delete your number?

Did you thinck that after all of this, that the appointment was going to go well?

And WHY on Earth would you EVER lead a client to believe that you'd consider going BB with someone you've never even met, muchless with someone who's been giving you as much hassle as you claim this guy, 67, has given you?

It just doesn't make any sense...??

I'm not condoning BBFS in any way, but it's not as if he wasn't up-front right from the get-go what he wanted.

I'm just saying....



Wakeup's Avatar
Money...when it comes to whores, every single one of them, the answer is always money...
pravda's Avatar
Money...when it comes to whores, every single one of them, the answer is always money... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I think this holds true to the entire female population.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Money...when it comes to whores, every single one of them, the answer is always money... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Read between the lines people....
  • iquit
  • 12-22-2012, 10:26 AM
Wakeup hit it right on the head, to heavenshaw, its like economics, when the benefits increase, risk get discounted but I bet this is a case of she agreed to something and may not have gone thru with it. In any case, risky things like no cover is so basic that I would expect a provider to think of long term gain vs short term benefit. This sort of risk can eMD your career in the hobby. This is so much entertainment we should let it go on for a while. Atleast am enjoying myself. Truth be told, everyone of these ladies has a price for anything you ask for. But really I would. hope hobbyist like this 67 guy would not take advantage of a 21 year old college going person especially if he knows he had something oozing from the wrong place.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 12-22-2012, 10:35 AM
Read between the lines people.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
LOL, you hit it right on the head, I was thinking the same.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 12-22-2012, 10:44 AM
Wakeup hit it right on the head, to heavenshaw, its like economics, when the benefits increase, risk get discounted but I bet this is a case of she agreed to something and may not have gone thru with it. In any case, risky things like no cover is so basic that I would expect a provider to think of long term gain vs short term benefit. This sort of risk can eMD your career in the hobby. This is so much entertainment we should let it go on for a while. Atleast am enjoying myself. Truth be told, everyone of these ladies has a price for anything you ask for. But really I would. hope hobbyist like this 67 guy would not take advantage of a 21 year old college going person especially if he knows he had something oozing from the wrong place. Originally Posted by iquit
I am not sure if any lady's will hook up with him now, after reading he may have or had a something oozing from the wrong place.
johnny_boiii's Avatar
I wonder if 67 old handle was Jimmy CZ Originally Posted by RGB93
Or 1967camaroos,texanfan,and money they all got the same writing style and is overly sensitive,and easily offended lol
You laid it out very well. She agreed to meet him knowing full well what he wanted. He didn't short her. They didn't have BBFS this session. She agreed/considered doing BBFS at another time with him.

The ONLY reason she posted an alert was because he gave her a no recommendation. I didn't initially catch the fact that he did pay the FULL RATE.

Guys are ragging on this dude, but he did not appear to cause "trouble" during this session.

Heaven, let me see if I've got this straight.

Aside from the bareback issue (which I'll get to later), what exactly is the problem here?

Here's the the short version, the way I see it..

-You both agree to a 1-hour appointment for $300.
-67 is done at the 30min mark and wishes not to continue the session.
-He tries to convince you to cut the rate.
-You say no.
-He pays the agreed upon, full-rate of $300
-He then drives you back to wherever.

Does this sound accurate?

If so, then what exactly is the "Trouble" here?

Is the "Trouble" that he tried to get you to cut your rate?

He paid what he was supposed to, so where exactly is this "Trouble"?
I really don't see it, so please, help me understand.

Okay Heather, again, I'm just a little confused.
You're saying that;
--You and 67 have been trying to set something up, for over a Month.
--he's continually flaked on you
-- he keeps asking for BB.
(100's of times)
--You're feeling pressured into going BB so
you tell him to leave you alone and to delete your number,
--He doesn't.
--He contacts you again,
...and you agree to meet him??


Why would you want to meet with a guy that;
- constantly asks for BB?
- flakes on you continually for over a Month!!!??
- constantly asks for BB?
- pressures you?
- constantly asks for BB?
- keeps calling even after being told to delete your number?

Did you thinck that after all of this, that the appointment was going to go well?

And WHY on Earth would you EVER lead a client to believe that you'd consider going BB with someone you've never even met, muchless with someone who's been giving you as much hassle as you claim this guy, 67, has given you?

It just doesn't make any sense...??

I'm not condoning BBFS in any way, but it's not as if he wasn't up-front right from the get-go what he wanted.

I'm just saying....



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
There is also a lot of references and embellishments about a medical condition the guy got treated a long time ago. Mods, I thought discussing medical conditions were not allowed?
johnny_boiii's Avatar
There is also a lot of references and embellishments about a medical condition the guy got treated a long time ago. Mods, I thought discussing medical conditions were not allowed? Originally Posted by BFCjosh
How do you know it got treated?? Plus theres already a couple providers stating that he had requests for bbfs all the time! Who knows what he gots and it seems like he dont give a rats ass about health of other providers but just his enjoyment of bbfs.connect the dots! Having a medical condition past or present and still forcing providers for bbfs.i dont care if i get point of for this but this dude needs to be exposed!
How do you know it got treated?? Plus theres already a couple providers stating that he had requests for bbfs all the time! Who knows what he gots and it seems like he dont give a rats ass about health of other providers but just his enjoyment of bbfs.connect the dots! Having a medical condition past or present and still forcing providers for bbfs.i dont care if i get point of for this but this dude needs to be exposed! Originally Posted by johnny_boiii
And you know that he currently has a condition? You're not exposing him. He's still going to get appointments. What you're doing is casting a shadow over the other providers he has seen. And if you were so concerned about the health of providers you wouldn't have multiple girls sucking your nasty dick bareback. Everything we do has some level of risks. If two consenting adults accept the risk than that's their business.
DarthMaul's Avatar
OP asked that thread be closed....DROP IT!