What is your definition of Energy Independence

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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 02:12 PM
Why? I have posted the answer! Everything else is non sense.
Those bastards love to hear just rumors of trouble so they can jack up the prices. Get it now?

Its simple! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You mean futures trading?


Wtf are you exactly talking about wd?
winn dixie's Avatar
but if boutism what this that blah blah blah

Nothing but con men
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You mean speculators set the price over actual supply and demand?

Please explain.

. Originally Posted by WTF

speculation does affect the price along with other factors like supply and current production. you know that, right professor?

if you were a "big dick swinger" in the market you could affect the price simply by betting on which way you think the price is going to go. doesn't matter if you are right or wrong if you have the cash to bet big you can sway the price. but you aren't a big player like T. Boone Pickens was you're just a small fry.

But energy consumption, distribution and exploration is a world wide endeavor.

Many of you seem to think that we navigate in our own eco system without any influence from other parts of the world.

You do not seem to understand that we sell gasoline all over the world....should we outlaw that?

You seem not to understand that we have private oil companies not nationalized ones, who actually like high oil prices....believe it or not, that is better for their bottom line! Originally Posted by WTF

you keep talking about private vs. nationalized in absolute terms. either or. who says it has to be one or the other? clearly we both agree the industry is far better off as private due to the very greed you speak of. once again let TWK state ..

"Greed, for lack of a better term, is Good".

Gordon Gekko

as we all should know, fully nationalized markets like oil are always a disaster. just look at Mexico. they have (or did have) a lot of oil, enough that Mexico would be a far wealthier nation today if they hadn't nationalized oil decades ago. i argue they still have enough reserves that they could use that money to help Mexico be better off across the board but i doubt they will ever see the problem of their abject poverty. themselves. but i digress ..

who says if it means the US is and remains a net exporter of oil you can't have a national oil entity? let them drill on Fed land or a lot of it. let the majority of the oil companies remain private as they are now.

Is it as Wacko states .... the path to lower gas prices here in the States? Or if we increase production here in this country by 2 million barrels but Russia sidelines 5 million barrels a day....will gas prices go down here like Wacko thinks? Or will they in fact rise? Originally Posted by WTF

the path to energy independence is completely within the US's ability. who cares about the price. never claimed it would go down due solely to being a net exporter. the worldwide price of oil can be high while domestically the price of gas in the US can be low. that happens when you have a net surplus. why is that so complicated for you, professor?
bambino's Avatar
You mean futures trading?


Wtf are you exactly talking about wd?
Originally Posted by WTF
It's kind of ironic you're asking that question, lol.
Do you still believe this nonsense?

You think the United States oil production is the driving force in the World Wide price of oul?

You sticking with that?

Look...I admire you and Tiny being the last one off the sinking ship but you staying on the ship will not keep it from sinking. Originally Posted by WTF
You're going to drive yourself crazy with this shit. The price of Gas will never be low again. The price of Gas is on average over Four Dollars a gallon that maybe the lowest you'll ever see it again. Although the world will never completely stop producing oil, it's use for Transportation will. As prices continue to climb one bit at a time consumers will find themselves transitioning into the Electric Vehicle Market, Solar for their homes ect. This will take place little by little. Marketing Petroleum products such as gas and oil at exploded prices prompts consumers to make life changes when they are offered an alternative that can save them money. These things never happen by chance they are done for a reason. Everything we see happening in the world today is done by design whether it be a War, a Pandemic or inflation anything that affects our lives and enters the Political arena is never accidental. It's done for a purpose and on purpose because there is an endgame but the masses are steered in a direction away from it.
  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2022, 03:35 PM
You know what they say about assumptions. You have gotten both wrong in this case.

First I'll say the price of oil/gasoline has a huge effect on my level of prosperity and it appears others too. In my case it is a huge net positive. Which will be the basis of our lesson today.

Let me explain my actual point to dispel your assumptions. First the erroneous assumption that energy independence = low oil prices in this country. This is akin to believing that lowering tax rates always increases tax revenue.

We are basically energy independent now....yet oil prices are through the roof. Why some of you might ask? Because oil is a world wide commodity. A war say in Ukraine can decrease the world wide supply much more so than this country could make up for. Economics 101.

So while our production levels matter in the overall scheme, they are not the driving force. Like tax cuts , many of you Reagan/Trump worshipers are mistaken.

Oil Prosperity. Do you believe this country's oil prosperity is net beneficial to all? It does not appear so when prices are high! And it is not so when the prices are extremely low. High prices may benefit fewer of us but it does benefit those invested. The high price at the pump is more than offset.

So what you and others should have learned is that "energy independence" (God I hate that misleading term) has nothing to do with the price of gasoline in this country. The price of gasoline in determined by WORLD WIDE SUPPLY AND DEMAND.

That world wide supply and demand can effect folks differently in this country depending on their investment positions.

There, I've explained my actual position which was not in line with your assumption. Hopefully that clears up your confusion.

I'm leery as it has been years and you have not grasped the erroneous tax cut assumptions!

I'm not even going to go in detail about rig counts and oil prices here but one should invest on those things and not wtf Bernie Sanders has to say. Had you, you too may not be negatively impacted by these high gasoline prices. Originally Posted by WTF
Yada Yada. We all know that oil prices are set by worldwide supply and demand, and OPEC + Russia has the ability to affect supply through quotas.

I'm sure people were poo pooing Karl Marx for many years before 1917. And Hitler for years after he wrote Mein Kampf. Ignore Bernie Sanders at your own peril. Or the fact that the moderate majority of the Democratic Party is now the moderate minority.

Before we started to take advantage of our unconventional resources through hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, U.S. production was 5 million barrels a day. Now it's 12 million barrels a day. What happens if you ban fracking? We head back to 5 million barrels a day and below. Given the decline rates for shale wells, we'll get to 5 million again a lot quicker than we got to 12 million. What happens if, as proposed by Biden, we ban drilling on federal leases? Well, about 23% of USA oil production is from federal leases, so that will ultimately disappear as wells deplete.

The USA has been described as the world's swing producer. That's because if you've got the rigs (which we do) and the manpower and other equipment (which we're a bit short on right now), we can ramp up production capacity a lot faster than other places. In a matter of months, less than a year, USA production can increase by 1 million BOPD. Compare to 10 years for someplace like offshore Brazil or West Africa where lead times are much longer.

You fail to appreciate positive effects of higher revenues from oil and gas for anyone except the investor class. As Lusty Lad has pointed out, some states rely heavily on severance and property taxes from production. The federal government raises more in tax revenues, royalties and lease bonuses from domestic production. Oil workers spend their earnings here in the USA. Owners of U.S. oil companies, like you, and owners of royalties, like farmers and ranchers, benefit. This is all good for the USA.

As to your mistaken assumptions, I've most likely benefited from higher energy prices more than you have. And sky high federal taxes, taking money from a productive private sector and feeding it to an inefficient federal government, is not wise. More money should be raised and spent at the local and state level and less at the federal level. The bozos in Washington mostly just fuck things up.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
https://t.me/rrndaily/217064 Originally Posted by bambino
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well ... according to the Demented Idiot ....

... it was Trump and Putin! And those morons who voted for him ... believe it!
lustylad's Avatar
Do you still think "energy independence" means lower prices at the pump here in the States? Originally Posted by WTF
Stop lying and attributing to me (and everyone else) arguments we never espoused!

I specifically stated exactly the opposite!

Nobody is saying if we get the US back to (net) energy independence, it will ipso facto lower global oil & gas prices. That's a straw man argument. But it will help us to withstand "supply shocks" elsewhere in the world. And it obviously increases our leverage in situations where a major energy producer like Russia is misbehaving. Originally Posted by lustylad
Now it's your turn to answer a couple of questions:

1. Is your reading comprehension shot to hell? Or did you deliberately ignore my above post calling it a "straw man argument" because you enjoy being a jackass?

2. Why would anyone in their right mind OPPOSE net energy independence for the US? It may not be a panacea but it clearly mitigates the pain and moves us in the RIGHT direction. Only a knucklehead like you would want us to move in the WRONG direction and suffer yet more pain at the pump!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 04:19 PM

the path to energy independence is completely within the US's ability. who cares about the price. never claimed it would go down due solely to being a net exporter. the worldwide price of oil can be high while domestically the price of gas in the US can be low. that happens when you have a net surplus. why is that so complicated for you, professor? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please give me example when the price of oil was high....yet the price of gas here in the US was low.

Maybe get with lustylad and explain to him how high oil prices lead to low gas prices here in the US. With all his bullshit, maybe he then can translate that in to some sort of Laffer curve. Right now it is just a laugh'er.
LexusLover's Avatar
When people are disagreeing as to what "energy independence" means it reminds me of a discussion, which is relative, as to the meaning of "climate change." Here's how it goes ...

Question: Do you believe that Man causes "climate change"?
Answer: No.
Response: So, you don't believe in "climate change"!

That's WTF's bullshit! Because .... his source of information on the "issue":

And then ... WTF states that the guy below "agrees with" him:

Like they had a little chat and the Professor said: "WTF you're correct!"

Now the covey of bimbos might be impressed, but they're impressed with him!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 04:31 PM

2. Why would anyone in their right mind OPPOSE net energy independence for the US? Originally Posted by lustylad
You silly fucs think I'm opposing something I'm indifferent to.

The reason you dumb fucks think it is so great is because you do not understand how integrated oil is.

For example....if Country A....say Russia found a trillion barrels of oil and decided to dominate the market and sell it for 10 bucks.

Our production along with the rest of the world's would dry up. That would hurt me and others in this country who are either invested in oil or have a job in oil but it would be a net positive for the rest of the country. They'd have more money to save or spend on others goods. So what was bad for me....would be good for others.

You fucking Roosters just keep thinking without you there is no Sunrise. It feeds your idiotic self importance. It is similar to your idiotic belief that lowering tax rates is always a good thing. It is definitely not always good for our deficits and debt.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Nobody is saying if we get the US back to (net) energy independence, it will ipso facto lower global oil & gas prices. That's a straw man argument. But it will help us to withstand "supply shocks" elsewhere in the world. And it obviously increases our leverage in situations where a major energy producer like Russia is misbehaving.

Originally Posted by lustylad
We do not have the ability to shut off Russian oil. Just from a market prospective. Do you know wtf the price of oil would be? We could never make up that shortfall.

Once again you seem oblivious to wtf just happened in 2020.

Russia and Saudi Arabia kept pumping and drove the price down. I hate to continually bring this up but we are not a state run oil country. Do you know how many companies were driven into bankruptcy? So how did that fucking leverage work out for us?

My point is this so called energy independence is not the be all save all many of you seem to think.

It just are a bunch of numbers that continually intersect much like the optimal tax rate.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 04:52 PM
LexusLover...for some chickenshit who claims to have me on ignore....you're damn near stalking me in my own threads!

You remind me of the LE poster who defended the Vice cop who lied about the massage therapist propositioning him after she proved he was lying by recording the verbal exchange of her sessions and you thought she should be charged with something or other.