bojulay's Avatar
Do you own a writing implement Bouljay? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yeah, I can spell my name in a target with a Springfield 1911 45
bojulay's Avatar
Because you knew he was Jewish, that invited one of the slurs favored by the nazis? Implying you are gay isn't much of a stretch of the imagination. What term did he use you are referring to? You better post an example of what you said real quick. But you won't. You're a blowhard and a coward who tried to enlist…..

And mainly I would ask why you stand with that cocksucker who typed the word out and chose not to edit it. I can handle someone shaking their head in disgust and not saying anything. But to defend it? To try and justify it?

And don't forget, me calling both of you cocksuckers cocksuckers isn't a slur on any one.
It just names one of your characterizes. And I know you're not gay.
You just suck cock because you like to.

Don't worry though, we knew you were a racist from the get-go. Anybody who can assign a set of inferior characteristics on someone they don't know because of the political party they belong to is predisposed to be a racist. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Munchonaman's version of taking the moral high ground.

Could anything be more classic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you're so skilled with a writing implement, Bouljay, then why are you so frightened?
bojulay's Avatar
If you're so skilled with a writing implement, Bouljay, then why are you so frightened? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Only frightened for folks that want to give up the right
to defend themselves and try and apply the same to
me. The bigger picture so to speak.

Once you give up a right, greater chances are that it's
gone forever.
I B Hankering's Avatar
First, I am not disputing the data. It all seems very realistic.

However, organizations such as the U.N. and the CDC usually do not draw conclusions from the data, but rather just present the data and let others draw conclusions, sometimes incorrectly.

All I'm saying is that stating that the data "clearly show that where gun ownership is highest in the world, crime is lowest on a per capita basis." is a very misleading statement until you break it down further. IMHO, you have to compare countries with similar demographics before you can reach any conclusions. The countries that have low gun ownership and high homicide rates are countries like Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Venezuela, Hondura, etc. Hardly comparable to the U.S. Countries with similar demographics to the U.S., such as Canada, Germany, U.K., Japan, Ireland, France, etc., have much lower homicides by gun per 100,000 people than the U.S.

No matter how you break down the data, it supports the fact that we have a problem in the U.S. with homicide by handgun compared to other similar countries. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Then break it down this way and you'll "discover" it's not solely a problem with an inanimate object, Speedy:

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate of any nation you compared it to; thus, indicating – if you were paying attention – crime and criminals are a larger problem in the U.S. than in the other countries you compared it to.

The U.S. executed more citizens per capita than any nation you compared it to; thus, again indicating – if you were paying attention – crime and criminals are a larger problem in the U.S. than in the other countries you compared it to.

The U.S. homicide rate NOT committed with guns EXCEEDS the TOTAL homicide rate – with and without guns – committed in the countries you compared the U.S. to.

What that proves, Speedy, is that your comparison means nothing and that there are issues at play other than the mere presence of guns that you and other libetards focus on.
Yes, it was a tasteless and offensive comment, but nothing out of line with Assup's usual comments. If Assup can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out. Assup was the one who made sure we all knew he was Jewish, and then continued to slur homosexuals and others. Be a big boy, Assup. Deal with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hahaha, thats why I said it. He has no regard for anyone else so I gave him a taste of his own medicine. Iam not one to go around spewing racial slurs and insults on everything I post, but Assup does. So if you wanna live by the sword expect to get cut once in awhile.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hahaha, thats why I said it. He has no regard for anyone else so I gave him a taste of his own medicine. Iam not one to go around spewing racial slurs and insults on everything I post, but Assup does. So if you wanna live by the sword expect to get cut once in awhile. Originally Posted by acp5762

You have the balls to bring this shit up again?

Obviously you are the kind of guy to do just that. And thank YOU Whiny for keeping this pot stirred.

there's a difference between an ethnic and/or racial slur and an insult. Hahaha isn't acceptable. I know where that line is. I don't cross THAT one.

that you're too fucking ignorant to know it is downright frightening in 2013.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And thank YOU Whiny for keeping this pot stirred. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No problem. Always happy to help out when I can.

You have the balls to bring this shit up again?

Obviously you are the kind of guy to do just that. And thank YOU Whiny for keeping this pot stirred.

there's a difference between an ethnic and/or racial slur and an insult. Hahaha isn't acceptable. I know where that line is. I don't cross THAT one.

that you're too fucking ignorant to know it is downright frightening in 2013. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sorry to break this disheartening news to you, but an insult is an insult be it ethnic, racial or otherwise. The only reason why you don't cross that line is because it isn't advantagous for you to do so. If it was you would, so you're not fooling anyone.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Congratulations, acp! Assup is done with you!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! I've been done with you, Assup, for a long time. I just like to watch you melt down. It's funnier than hell! Our Master Debater, and DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR, 2013 . . .


The debate over Gun Control has valid points on both ends of the spectrum. But in this video shows real people under real situations where having a gun may have saved their lives from an assailant.
JCM800's Avatar
in this video real people (kinda) under real situations where having a gun did save their lives from many assailants

Yssup Rider's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
From the ramblings of IB Hankering My responses in red:

Then break it down this way and you'll "discover" it's not solely a problem with an inanimate object, Speedy:

Never said it was. Homicide rates in other similar countries being so much lower than in the U.S. are due more to demographics than number of guns on the street.

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate of any nation you compared it to; thus, indicating – if you were paying attention – crime and criminals are a larger problem in the U.S. than in the other countries you compared it to.

So what? We have higher crime rates therefore we have more criminals who can be put in jail.

The U.S. executed more citizens per capita than any nation you compared it to; thus, again indicating – if you were paying attention – crime and criminals are a larger problem in the U.S. than in the other countries you compared it to.

Again, so what? A nice fact totally unrelated to the gun issue.

The U.S. homicide rate NOT committed with guns EXCEEDS the TOTAL homicide rate – with and without guns – committed in the countries you compared the U.S. to.

You are 100% wrong on the U.S. homicide rate. According to the CDC, which is considered the most reliable source for such data in the U.S., in 2011, 11,101 homicides were committed by the discharge of firearms. 4,852 homicides by other means. I find nothing in the U.N. data that breaks down homicides by gun-related versus non-gun-related.

What that proves, Speedy, is that your comparison means nothing and that there are issues at play other than the mere presence of guns that you and other libetards focus on.

Your are the jackass who brought the data up in the first place, not me. I am simply saying that the data, and all data, is subject to how you interpret it. Here is your statement from the first post in this thread:

(The data) clearly show that where gun ownership is highest in the world, crime is lowest on a per capita basis.

When compared to similar countries, that statement is 100% incorrect for the U.S. We have the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and the highest crime rate. I guess you Conservatards just can't grasp that simple fact.

And, for the record, NO WHERE will you find any post that I have made proposing more gun control. I don't think additional gun control such as Feinstein is proposing will really help, but I don't think it will hurt. Yes I do support gun control but I also support a person's right to own and carry a gun.