Who's having the worse week -- Lyin' Biden or Granny killer Cuomo?

If a cartoon helps you ignore blinding ignorance, at least your therapy is working.

The rest of us actually paid attention to Trumps "negotiations" with the Taliban, you know, the one he
boasted about at his rally, saying the Afghan govt was going to collapse because he left them no options.
If a cartoon helps you ignore blinding ignorance, at least your therapy is working.

The rest of us actually paid attention to Trumps "negotiations" with the Taliban, you know, the one he
boasted about at his rally, saying the Afghan govt was going to collapse because he left them no options. Originally Posted by Nubom70
And then Trump said he would abandon a strategic airport, leave behind billions in military hardware, place American soldiers in deadly chokepoints, and change our military slogan to "We Leave Americans Behind".
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If a cartoon helps you ignore blinding ignorance, at least your therapy is working.

The rest of us actually paid attention to Trumps "negotiations" with the Taliban, you know, the one he
boasted about at his rally, saying the Afghan govt was going to collapse because he left them no options. Originally Posted by Nubom70
Biden delayed pull out till Taliban fighting season
If needed, it should have been delayed till Taliban had to go back to their flower fields(type of flower not named by intent.)
CryptKicker's Avatar
Biden should be the new Afghan President. Would fit right in!
The rest of us actually paid attention to Trumps "negotiations" with the Taliban..... Originally Posted by Nubom70
I'm wondering if YOU paid attention.....

No, Trump Didn’t Force Biden’s Withdrawal
The Taliban violated the Doha agreement, so the U.S. could have stayed.
As soon as it said "Biden's failure to hold the Taliban to the terms...", it's already inaccurate.
The Taliban ignored Trumps deal since Feb 2020. The DoD reported unchecked escalation
of violence after the signing. Trump claimed any breaking of the treaty would result in "swift
and severe" retaliation. There was none.

Sorry, but you can't blame the entire year on Biden, though I'm sure Trump appreciates
the ball-snorkling.


The US in general has a horrible track-record trying to deal with other countries.
SOCOM has troops in various forms in 134 countries, rediculous resource waste.
As soon as it said "Biden's failure to hold the Taliban to the terms...", it's already inaccurate. Originally Posted by Nubom70
AOC probably has more worse days than anyone.... but she isn't included as an option because nobody really gives two fucks about her.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
AOC probably has more worse days than anyone.... but she isn't included as an option because nobody really gives two fucks about her..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
not even CNN ????
btw anyone even know where she hiding ????
AOC must have her own basement somewhere
but but but did it get flooded ???? hope not
Willie Wanker's Avatar
not even CNN ????
btw anyone even know where she hiding ????
AOC must have her own basement somewhere
but but but did it get flooded ???? hope not Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
She's still hiding from the insurrection rapists.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
She's still hiding from the insurrection rapists. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
hiding from or enjoying it ????
not even CNN ????
btw anyone even know where she hiding ????
AOC must have her own basement somewhere
but but but did it get flooded ???? hope not Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
She isn't hiding. She is with the commie squad members out in Minnesota trying to shut down another oil pipeline. She has already killed off all the jobs in her own district so she is venturing elsewhere to do so.
Let's give today to Biden/Harris:

This is awesome!!!!

The puppeteering of VP Kamala Harris’s YouTube show

They hired child actors!!! Probably afraid one of those fifth graders might show her up....

We all knew they were protecting the maroon in chief.... looks like they don't trust the veep either.... and they've got the press on their side asking softball questions that still go unanswered.....

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Let's give today to Biden/Harris:

This is awesome!!!!

The puppeteering of VP Kamala Harris’s YouTube show

They hired child actors!!! Probably afraid one of those fifth graders might show her up....

We all knew they were protecting the maroon in chief.... looks like they don't trust the veep either.... and they've got the press on their side asking softball questions that still go unanswered.....

Dafuq Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

I wonder if the auditions were held at Biden's phony White House set?
Imagine the fakery we don't know about.
I wonder if the auditions were held at Biden's phony White House set?
Imagine the fakery we don't know about. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Gets even better: the Canadian production company that produced this latest Cackles disaster is called Sinking Ship Productions. Can't make this shit up...