Trump says he’s ‘not allowed’ to say why he’s confident that the novel coronavirus originated at Wuhan Institute of Virology

pfunkdenver's Avatar
I of course would challenge any vegetarian to a fight to see if I am right about the subject, of course. Originally Posted by friendly fred
PLEASE!!!! Challenge one of the fighters on this page. I dare you!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I went to school at Texas and lots of Chinese have been going there for a long time. A fair number of the American students are also commies/socialists there, too.

Yssup Rider went to school there and that proves we had gay people as well.

Thankfully, many conservative Jewish girls went there as well! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Do you hate everybody who isn't white, heterosexual, and born in the US?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Assup/Hoehum has a big mouth he has no idea what he's talking about. I've seen Parrots with more intellect than he has. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well someones is being a proper poopy pants, now, eh?

Yeah sure, whatever. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Lol. I think I read somewhere that apathy/acceptance follow anger or angry outbursts.

I think I read that in the WAPO actually.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Do you hate everybody who isn't white, heterosexual, and born in the US? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Apparentlys. The white supremacists wouldn’t have him because he wasnt one of ‘em. So it looks like he comes here to be the toughest guy on ECCIE.

Or not.
  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 08:44 PM
From a debt standpoint, I'm not sure you would see a major slide at this point given what's transpired.

China is #2 in holding US debt. Japan, the UK, Brazil, and Ireland round out the top in that order for US debt. I don't think any of those other countries lose faith in the US for taking retribution actions against China.

It will be an interesting economic exercise should the US and other countries take such retribution against China. Originally Posted by eccielover
and if the US does nothing to the Chicoms for this egregious incident what does that do for confidence in America and our dollars?

....the next false equivalence is that by taking punitive action against China that it somehow erodes faith in US Gov bonds. you are implying Trump would do this for no reason. you may have heard of the pandemic .. right? so how is taking such an action unwarranted? eating about a trillion dollars or so might be just the push to send the Chicoms over the cliff and into total financial meltdown. if Trump accomplishes that he should get the Nobel prize and be enshrined on Mt. Trump .. er Rushmore. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It won't happen. Trump's probably not stupid enough to try it. If he does his economic team would walk off the job, at least the ones who can get jobs in the private sector. The rest of the world would not follow along in lockstep. In fact the rest of the world might just help China retaliate by confiscating U.S. government assets located overseas. The idea that China's loss of $1.1 trillion in U.S. government bonds would lead them off a cliff into total financial meltdown is laughable. That's going to deprive them of what, about 20 or 30 billion a year in interest income? That's about 1% of their government revenues and 0.2% of their GDP.

The big reasons not to do this are what I mentioned previously. We'd be fucking ourselves over, not the Chinese.

How about calling a spade a spade Waco Kid. The majority of Americans don't approve of The Great Lord Trump's response to the coronavirus. So The Great Lord does what he always does, find someone else to blame.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Apparentlys. The white supremacists wouldn’t have him because he wasnt one of ‘em. So it looks like he comes here to be the toughest guy on ECCIE.

Or not. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

your D is running.... so don't you have to go poopy some where?
Jaxson66's Avatar
In an exchange with reporters Thursday, Trump said he has seen evidence that links the novel coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — although he claimed he’s “not allowed” to say what the evidence is.

“Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus?” a reporter asked Trump at the White House after an event on senior citizens.

“Yes, I have. Yes, I have,” Trump replied, before going on to claim that the World Health Organization “should be ashamed of themselves, because they’re like the public relations agency for China.”

At the event, Trump was repeatedly pressed on the origins of the coronavirus. At one point, he told a reporter, “We’re going to see where it comes from.” He later said: “There’s a lot of theories. But yeah, we have people looking at it very, very strongly.”

When asked what gives him confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is where the virus originated, Trump demurred.
“I’m not allowed to tell you that,” he said.

Trump’s remarks come as the White House has increasingly sought to blame China for the pandemic and divert attention away from the Trump administration’s own missteps.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a statement earlier Thursday declaring that it “concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the covid-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified.”

But it added that the intelligence community “will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan.”

Here we go again, the great leader begins promoting conspiracy theories for his disastrous response to the Covid19 Pandemic

All hail the great leader for making Amerika #1
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It won't happen. Trump's probably not stupid enough to try it. If he does his economic team would walk off the job, at least the ones who can get jobs in the private sector. The rest of the world would not follow along in lockstep. In fact the rest of the world might just help China retaliate by confiscating U.S. government assets located overseas. The idea that China's loss of $1 trillion in U.S. government bonds would lead them off a cliff into total financial meltdown is laughable. That's going to deprive them of what, about 20 or 30 billion a year in interest income?

The big reasons not to do this are what I mentioned previously. We'd be fucking ourselves over, not the Chinese.

How about calling a spade a spade Waco Kid. The majority of Americans don't approve of The Great Lord Trump's response to the coronavirus. So The Great Lord does what he always does, find someone else to blame. Originally Posted by Tiny


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Read more:

you seem to be on the wrong side of that equation, friend

butt it's all fake news, right??

  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 09:18 PM
you seem to be on the wrong side of that equation, friend Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
When a country refuses to pay its debt, foreign creditors get judgments ordering payment. And they occasionally seize assets to enforce the judgments. Hedge funds have done that. It should be a lot easier for China to do it. The USA would be on the wrong side of the law.

The rest of the world would have serious problems with the USA abrogating its federal government debt, regardless of who owns it. USA investors would too. You would have taken one of the safest investments in the world, U.S. government securities, and put them on the same level as debt of banana republics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When a country refuses to pay its debt, foreign creditors get judgments ordering payment. And they occasionally seize assets to enforce the judgments. Hedge funds have done that. It should be a lot easier for China to do it. The USA would be on the wrong side of the law.

The rest of the world would have serious problems with the USA abrogating its federal government debt, regardless of who owns it. Originally Posted by Tiny

uh No.

you seem unwilling to accept the fact that China caused a global economic meltdown by trying to cover this shit up. and the WORLD is not happy.

do you think that China does NOT have any responsibility in this? try to justify that .. comrade.

  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 09:46 PM
uh No.

you seem unwilling to accept the fact that China caused a global economic meltdown by trying to cover this shit up. and the WORLD is not happy.

do you think that China does NOT have any responsibility in this? try to justify that .. comrade.

BAHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Of course China could have done things better. They shouldn't have censored their scientists and doctors early on. They should have been more transparent with the rest of the world. They should have encouraged international travel bans, like the one Trump placed on flights from China, instead of criticizing them.

Come to think of it, you could accuse Trump of the same. He censored his scientists and doctors, wasn't transparent, and didn't shut down travel out of NYC. Better to blame the Chinese though than to admit his fuck ups. The CDC, some of the governors and mayors, and a lot of other people and institutions should share the blame. But he thinks he'll get more political mileage out of pinning it all on the Chinese.

China does damn sure need to do something about wet markets and take other measures to reduce transmission of viruses from animals to humans. And it would make sense to gang up on them to make that happen, if they don't do it on their own accord.

This is not a problem just in China. It has happened before in Africa and Southeast Asia and will again. It's a travesty the Trump administration wants to cut funding to WHO. I hope their witch hunt doesn't stop U.S. researchers like the ones at the University of Texas from working with scientists and doctors in other countries to try prevent pandemics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course China could have done things better. They shouldn't have censored their scientists and doctors early on. They should have been more transparent with the rest of the world. They should have encouraged international travel bans, like the one Trump placed on flights from China, instead of criticizing them.

Come to think of it, you could accuse Trump of the same. He censored his scientists and doctors, wasn't transparent, and didn't shut down travel out of NYC. Better to blame the Chinese though than to admit his fuck ups. The CDC, some of the governors and mayors, and a lot of other people and institutions should share the blame. But he thinks he'll get more political mileage out of pinning it all on the Chinese. Originally Posted by Tiny

you mean Fauci the fraud? the same Fauci who gave 3.7 MILLION to the chinko's to study something that doesn't need to be studied? the same Fauci that made millions of patent royalties for failed HIV drugs that killed more people than it helped? butt made millions from Big Pharma anyway or some other Brooklyn bitchtard named Fauci?

the same Fauci that said this was no big deal?

and once again .. let me make this very clear to you ..


YES or NO?

the forum awaits your reply
  • Tiny
  • 05-01-2020, 10:14 PM
you mean Fauci the fraud? the same Fauci who gave 3.7 MILLION to the chinko's to study something that doesn't need to be studied? the same Fauci that made millions of patent royalties for failed HIV drugs that killed more people than it helped? butt made millions from Big Pharma anyway or some other Brooklyn bitchtard named Fauci?

the same Fauci that said this was no big deal?

and once again .. let me make this very clear to you ..


YES or NO?

the forum awaits your reply Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I've seen the light. I dozed off. I saw a 100 foot high Trump. There was fire in his eyes and his voice boomed. He told me "FUCK THE CHINA MAN." Then I awoke and I read your message. And at the same time I received a text from a friend. A text about the despicable Chinese. I have been reborn.


The glorious and great Lord Trump has willed that I share the text with the world, so it may too be enlightened. And here it is,

Bill O'Reilly perfectly nailed it!! Anyone who doesn't understand what is truly going on with this virus needs to read this. This is the truth that the media doesn't report, understandably so. It would cause mass panic but it's still the undeniable truth.


Written by Bill O'Reilly

China’s Bio weapon, and Pelosi.. My wife Angie will tell you that I study history and world events fluently every day. I have studied China for many years. To get answers I need to questions, I call many I know in Washington on Capitol Hill (from my tenure on two Presidential campaigns and Presidential talks) and I ask them for straight up answers to better understand what affects us as a nation.

Well, in 2016 America elected a new Sheriff: Donald J Trump. For decades the Chinese walked all over America but the new President said “not anymore”. Trump literally strangled China’s economy to the point their economy was in its worst free fall ever. Trump negotiated a new 50 billion trade agreement. He had Xi by the proverbial balls. America’s economy was on fire and unstoppable. President Xi Jingping knew he could not beat the USA militarily and he knew any domesticated economic attack would fail as our economy was too strong. He had to act. But how?

Enter the USA democrats led by Pelosi and Schiff. Impeachment. A hoax. A distraction for our people and President. Xi Jingping and his thugs see this. They aren’t stupid. They have very intelligent intellectual thinkers in their government. Now you must understand , the Chinese regime are truly Barbarians. Notice I did not say ALL CHINESE. The Chinese people are a good people. I enjoy my interactions with them.

The communist regime has millions of its own citizens slaving in gulags simply for speaking against the government or openly practicing Christianity. Knowing they could not attack us openly they needed to be coy, like a deceptive fox. In my opinion, I believe the regime released a biological weapon upon the world that doesn’t kill everyone, but kills “enough,” especially the elderly and in-firmed. Back in WW 2 Hitler thought the same way. He got rid of what he considered the useless and rejects of society.

Trumps task force uses models to figure things. Xi used and uses “models” too. China's president figured that if he killed a few of his own (a few hundred thousand to them would be a few out of 1.4 billion people) and spread the virus to other nations (especially to the USA) they would “level the economic playing field” and not have fired a shot.

Losses of his own people were acceptable costs of a new war. When China’s own doctors attempted to sound the warning, they were immediately silenced. In fact one died and another has simply disappeared. Trump and the other allied leaders indeed KNOW this is what happened. They have under reported their own deaths. Trump knows he cannot outrightly seek retribution. His news conference today showed me this when he balked publicly about no outright retribution over Xi’s handling of this and he immediately brought up the “trade deal”. However, Trump wasn’t being weak, he too was now being coy. We know this was a biological weapon. The food market story is bullshit.
Xi knows we know it. Trump also today announced he sent two battle groups of destroyers and other ships to sea several days ago to fight drugs and rogue actors like Iran should they try anything.

I say he did this to show Xi he knows what has transpired (we have the greatest intelligence assets) and that they (the Chinese) should rethink further action. Politics is premier. We cannot overtly attack China for what they have done as we would also suffer greatly. We all know this.

But China has temporarily achieved its goal. America was literally consumed by Trumps phony impeachment brought by the ultra left democrats (supported by democrat rank and file and one Republican Mitt Romney) and Xi Jingping saw an opening. He took it. Xi did what Trump usually does...he walked onto the world stage and threw a grenade into the “room” and left. It exploded in the form of this worldwide pandemic. It brought the USA and the rest of the world to its knees and leveled the economic playing field.

Our economy is now near depression. Xi didn’t fire one bullet. Trump needed to up his game of chess and putting our Naval ships to sea was his next move. He said he is a “war” President. He is.

But now on not one but two fronts. One front is the virus and the other front is the Chinese. While the Saudi’s and Russians are screwing with oil prices they aren’t overtly doing what this pandemic is doing. The drug smuggling story for dispatching the Naval Force is bullshit and the world knows it. I am of the opinion Trump can indeed bring us back from this catastrophe albeit with a changed playing field.

But Trump is a genius in chess and financial matters. He’s become a champ at international politics too. I am sure Trump can once again lead the economy to even stronger strength and greatness the it was . He can do it quickly I’m sure of it. He has proved it. Xi Jingping needs to be sent a message loud and clear. NEVER AGAIN. We need to bring all of our critical manufacturing back from China beginning with our medicines they were recently threatening to withhold. We can do it immediately. Again, another reason for Trump putting to sea such a sizable Naval Force. Sending a clear message.

We all must ride out the next few weeks. Then we and the world pick up the pieces and move on. The democrats who have given Xi this opening wrapped in a bow must pay a heavy price in November as they (the democrats) truly have cost and continue to cost America precious lives by the phony scandals. Nancy Pelosi continues to help the Chinese by her daily shameless attacks upon the President and meddling in stimulus packages as she did this last weekend. Yesterday’s statements she made were truly appalling and the lowest of low. I didn’t think she could go any lower. What a disgrace she is to our nation.

But, Pelosi aside, make no mistake, China must and will be taught a lesson the likes they have never seen before and Trump is the man to pull the trigger.

We the people must teach the democrats the same lesson at the polls. They (the radical wing of the party) are the enemy of a free America. I am certain of it. The entire democrat party of our forefathers is dead. Remember people, Trump indeed tried to warn us all of the Conavirus in his State of the Union Speech. He spoke of it. He said he was on top of it.

After he spoke , Nancy Pelosi ripped up the speech calling Trumps words “a manifesto of lies”. She disgraced the country and all of our fellow honored citizens present in the House Chamber. Well she now has American blood on her hands. She is very majorly responsible for these needless deaths as well as the Chinese. Her and Adam Schiff.

The left and democrats laughed as she tore up his speech. Well, as they laughed the disease he just spoke of in that speech came to our shores. Republicans and Democrats alike are now dying. Your family members and mine. Our grandparents and middle aged citizens alike. Bodies are being loaded in trucks with forklifts in Brooklyn outside of hospitals. No one is safe. Our liberty is for the most part suspended. As we bury our dead (without proper funerals) from this calamity let’s drive the nails into the coffin of the Democrat party as well in November.

It’s time people. Stand up for your rights and your country! Our Liberty and survival is at stake! I am praying for God’s blessing on our nation. But, God also gave us the ability to think for ourselves and it’s time we placed blame for all this death where it belongs: on the doorsteps of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Xi Jingping directly. Wake Up America. WAKE UP!
Written by: Bill O'Reilly

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've seen the light. I dozed off. I saw a 100 foot high Trump. There was fire in his eyes and his voice boomed. He told me "FUCK THE CHINA MAN." Then I awoke and I read your message. And at the same time I received a text from a friend. A text about the despicable Chinese. I have been reborn.

Originally Posted by Tiny

so what should be China's punishment for this egregious crime against humanity?

destroy them economically?

nuke them?


i smell something in your posts .. you reek of the stink of a Chicom sympathizer who would take the side of the Chicom's over .. AMERICA!

you sir are UN-american.

i haven't yet decided to ignore you butt i'll let yous know if i do.

thank yous valueless poster!