Alfred E Neuman for POTUS!!!

Hotrod511's Avatar
Leave speed alone...he's on a BSing role.
I just saw he now has 23 candidates to choice from to beat Trump....decisions...decisions . Originally Posted by bb1961

lustylad's Avatar
Does the left really want their first openly gay candidate to be named 'Booty-Keg'?
Kind of like picking two puppets without genitals which are operated by someone with a hand up their ass to be icons of gay couples. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet

As booty-keg would say (breathing heavily)... "you had me at 'hand up my ass!' "
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedy, you need to pick your fights more carefully!

The constant left-wing media refrain that Trump is as dangerous as Hitler has been so ubiquitous that I even started a thread about it:

As you can see, the WSJ made fun of this crazy, hysterical narrative. The WSJ doesn't usually bother to write editorials ridiculing opinions that are held and expressed by only a tiny, tiny sliver of journalists.

They cited specific examples of Trump-Hitler comparisons made by leading media publications - Vox, the Atlantic, WaPo. And that was over a year ago. Originally Posted by lustylad
I just read the local newspaper. Many references to Trump -- new immigration proposal, true or false on Trump's statement on tariffs, comments from a ceremony honoring fallen LE officers, his Iran moves, Iraq. One thing they all have in common -- no comparisons between Trump and Hitler. This is more than likely true in thousands of newspapers around the world. Did anyone on countless news casts do such a comparison? I don't know but it is possible. Point -- like you say it happens. Constant? No way.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I just read the local newspaper. Many references to Trump -- new immigration proposal, true or false on Trump's statement on tariffs, comments from a ceremony honoring fallen LE officers, his Iran moves, Iraq. One thing they all have in common -- no comparisons between Trump and Hitler. This is more than likely true in thousands of newspapers around the world. Did anyone on countless news casts do such a comparison? I don't know but it is possible. Point -- like you say it happens. Constant? No way. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Come on. give up! how many article do you need? either you are denying it just because you won't admit it or you've been in never-never land for two years.



Thank you valued poster!
bambino's Avatar
BTW, is Alfred E Neuman gay? The Mad Magazine one.
How do you think he got that missing tooth??? Humm.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
BTW, is Alfred E Neuman gay? The Mad Magazine one. Originally Posted by bambino
I don't think so.

How do you think he got that missing tooth??? Humm. Originally Posted by Muscleup
His tooth got knocked out in football in a british play.

or a dentist worked on his tooth.

or both.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Origin of Alfred E. Neuman

more on Neuman's origin a detailed look

George W Bush is Alfred E. Neuman

During the administration of United States President George W. Bush, Neuman's features were frequently merged with those of Bush by editorial cartoonists such as Mike Luckovich and Tom Tomorrow. The image has also appeared on magazine covers, notably The Nation.[35] A large Bush/Neuman poster was part of the Washington protests that accompanied Bush's 2001 inauguration. The alleged resemblance between the two has been noted more than once by Hillary Clinton. On July 10, 2005, speaking at the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival, she said, "I sometimes feel that Alfred E. Neuman is in charge in Washington," referring to Bush's purported "What, me worry?" attitude.[36]