Giving back part 2!

That's why several of your peers use Twitter to put people on blast. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
and several use The Ark.....

It's not hard to get the real skinny with minimal digging....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
insulated ???? na
Not on here very often anymore, but have been a part of this community a very long time. At the risk of being called a white knight (which I could care less if I am after 100+ reviews), I'm not sure why male members cant get it through their heads if you give respect, you'll likely get it back. In all my years, its very rare that I've met a provider who blatantly lied, misrepresented, cheated, tried to steal etc. and when I did, I walked away! 99% of bad encounters are because the men are not capable of thinking with the large head and get caught in situations that could have been avoided OR they do something on their end like Nikki and the others are referencing.

Don't do it to them and its VERY likely they won't do it to you, especially not the type of providers responding in this thread who have been in the game a long time and have their stuff together! Its that simple! Would you want an appointment with a provider who stunk or lied to you? Who had pics of Jessica Alba on her website and then weighed 400lbs in person? NO so don't do it to them. Thats the overarching point here. They ask screening questions for a reason. They set their rates for a reason. They set their boundaries for a reason. Don't lie, don't hassle over rates, don't try to bend their rules, show up in an acceptable condition with a good attitude and 99.9% of the time things will go well for you. Does that mean every meeting will click, no. But your chances are astronomically increased. I'm not sure why that is so hard for some people to grasp. Ok rant over.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 12-08-2021, 02:10 PM

Good Rant….I agree…

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not on here very often anymore, but have been a part of this community a very long time. At the risk of being called a white knight (which I could care less if I am after 100+ reviews), I'm not sure why male members cant get it through their heads if you give respect, you'll likely get it back. In all my years, its very rare that I've met a provider who blatantly lied, misrepresented, cheated, tried to steal etc. and when I did, I walked away! 99% of bad encounters are because the men are not capable of thinking with the large head and get caught in situations that could have been avoided OR they do something on their end like Nikki and the others are referencing.

Don't do it to them and its VERY likely they won't do it to you, especially not the type of providers responding in this thread who have been in the game a long time and have their stuff together! Its that simple! Would you want an appointment with a provider who stunk or lied to you? Who had pics of Jessica Alba on her website and then weighed 400lbs in person? NO so don't do it to them. Thats the overarching point here. They ask screening questions for a reason. They set their rates for a reason. They set their boundaries for a reason. Don't lie, don't hassle over rates, don't try to bend their rules, show up in an acceptable condition with a good attitude and 99.9% of the time things will go well for you. Does that mean every meeting will click, no. But your chances are astronomically increased. I'm not sure why that is so hard for some people to grasp. Ok rant over. Originally Posted by at002f
jonboy52's Avatar
Do I need to fire up an old iPhone & text you screenshots? Originally Posted by Naughty.Nikki
Posting them would be awesome. This is funny shit. I'm sure your experience with his wasn't though.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Posting screen shots of private communications would not be advisable This would be against the rules

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
