Dallas Weather

It's football, fuck all the hoopla and all the other pre-week BS that goes on Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Sadly, TexT is right (see below or above)

The Super Bowl is more about Business & Sponsors and a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with Football. Folks can bitch and moan about that, but it is a business and the hype & hoopla is part of it. Originally Posted by TexTongue
atlcomedy's Avatar
It's Cold & Icy. It Sucks. It's supposed to warm up Saturday and Sunday

Actual Game should be fine but economically it is a big loss for DFW businesses.

Here's a good article: National media not painting pretty picture of Dallas-Fort Worth amid 'crazy' winter weather

The Super Bowl is more about Business & Sponsors and a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with Football. Folks can bitch and moan about that, but it is a business and the hype & hoopla is part of it. If people don't like it then they shouldn't watch, worry, or comment about it.
Originally Posted by TexTongue
but per your article, is it even possible for Jerry Jones (post facelift, botox, what have you) to frown?
TexTongue's Avatar
but per your article, is it even possible for Jerry Jones (post facelift, botox, what have you) to frown? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Publicly, he has to show sadness & disappointment, even without the ability to express it , but privately he is laughing all the way to the bank.

There is a lot of Jerry bashing here in Dallas but he took a HUGE gamble when he bought the team and has won 3 Super Bowls. This season sucked but hey, shit happens. The Cowboys are still the 2nd Most Valuable Sports Team in the world behind Manchester United (Soccer). I admire the guy and think he has some Big Texas Size Brass (really Diamond Encrusted Gold) Balls.

I've seen several comments about the weather and "Another Ice Bowl". It is very easy to laugh, point, and criticize but who the hell can control the weather? I restate that none of this crap will affect the actual game. Once you get into Cowboys Stadium you can strip down to shorts and a t-shirt. Currently, it is the Best Venue for Football or any other event.

Just my 2-cent Rant.
I've never seen cabs so terrified of driving in less then an inch of snow Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

Aahh yes but the snow is on top of the 1 1/2 inches of ice we got on Tuesday. We had to send out for snow plows from Amarillo for gods sake to clear off the main roads. You think this is bad? You should have seen Las Vegas two years ago when we got a foot of snow abotu a week before Thanksgiving. Can you say deer in the headlights. Complete panic! lol
Andrea Davis's Avatar
If you guys think the Dallas weather is bad, maybe you should try coming up here to Minnesota! Its always cold and snowing here!
Sisyphus's Avatar
If you guys think the Dallas weather is bad, maybe you should try coming up here to Minnesota! Its always cold and snowing here! Originally Posted by Andrea Davis
No thanks...been there, done that. YOU people are NUTS! I'm still waiting for you to explain to me what you DO there that couldn't be done someplace...ANYPLACE...else!
discreetgent's Avatar
Huh? I don't get the concept. Becky, can you explain it to me?

Can you imagine what a fun time that might be? Olivia with her ropes and Lauren with her paints? Wocka wocka! Originally Posted by SR Only
SR, I think Olivia is in Houston.
SR, I think Olivia is in Houston. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Com'n DG, send a car for her and play with the rope and paints. You got time now.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Publicly, he has to show sadness & disappointment, even without the ability to express it , but privately he is laughing all the way to the bank.

There is a lot of Jerry bashing here in Dallas but he took a HUGE gamble when he bought the team and has won 3 Super Bowls. This season sucked but hey, shit happens. The Cowboys are still the 2nd Most Valuable Sports Team in the world behind Manchester United (Soccer). I admire the guy and think he has some Big Texas Size Brass (really Diamond Encrusted Gold) Balls.

I've seen several comments about the weather and "Another Ice Bowl". It is very easy to laugh, point, and criticize but who the hell can control the weather? I restate that none of this crap will affect the actual game. Once you get into Cowboys Stadium you can strip down to shorts and a t-shirt. Currently, it is the Best Venue for Football or any other event.

Just my 2-cent Rant.
Originally Posted by TexTongue
Regarding Jerry, I'm really indifferent. He certainly gets credit for turning the team around and the 3 SB rings....on the otherhand the team hasn't won a playoff game since 1996 & given his hands on approach lately to personnel I think some of the criticism of his is fairly placed.

As for the game itself, I think in my opening post I acknowledged the actual game would be fine. The problem is this is about more than a game; it is a a better part of a week long experience, for an individual or "corporate sponsor," so just because the game can be played doesn't mean it was a success.
As for the game itself, I think in my opening post I acknowledged the actual game would be fine. The problem is this is about more than a game; it is a a better part of a week long experience, for an individual or "corporate sponsor," so just because the game can be played doesn't mean it was a success. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I guess like a whole "Becky Experience" (to pick an example out of the air) you're talking about the whole week as being part of the "Super Bowl experience."

IMHO, the games themselves generally suck. They tend to be so lopsided they aren't even interesting. There are exceptions, but lopsided is the rule. The better games occur during the playoffs.
Sisyphus's Avatar
I agree Sir...

It's football, fuck all the hoopla and all the other pre-week BS that goes on Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Sadly, TexT is right (see below or above)

Word! Originally Posted by SR Only
So sayeth the purists! I'm with ya fellas but the "big game" (I think I get sued if I actually say, Super Bowl, without buying the rights to do so!) became a spectacle & a week long boondoggle a llllloooonnnngggg time ago.

That was my original point by saying that it should only be held in certain cities. Nice weather is supposed to be part of the reward for the teams & their supporters...as well as an enticement to all of those who generate the "drag through" revenue around the game.

Regarding Jerry, I'm really indifferent. He certainly gets credit for turning the team around and the 3 SB rings....on the otherhand the team hasn't won a playoff game since 1996 & given his hands on approach lately to personnel I think some of the criticism of his is fairly placed.

As for the game itself, I think in my opening post I acknowledged the actual game would be fine. The problem is this is about more than a game; it is a a better part of a week long experience, for an individual or "corporate sponsor," so just because the game can be played doesn't mean it was a success. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
A big "agreed" on paragraph 2!

Re paragraph 1, I can't stand Old Yeller (Teeth). I found the Cowboyz much more fun to hate when they were the standard the rest of the division aspired to. I suppose I hate him most of all because the owner of my team seems to adore him & emulates him at every turn. Couple of classless a-holes....

For the record, the Cowboyz have won a playoff game since 1996. They beat the Eagles year before last before getting waxed @ Minnesota the following week.

IMHO, the games themselves generally suck. They tend to be so lopsided they aren't even interesting. There are exceptions, but lopsided is the rule. The better games occur during the playoffs. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
There was a long stretch of non-competative "big games", but the last half-dozen or so have been competitive...

I don't watch it that closely anymore more because it reminds how bad my team is...and how far away they are from EVER appearing in another one...
discreetgent's Avatar
Com'n DG, send a car for her and play with the rope and paints. You got time now. Originally Posted by SR Only
Haha, not with the weather they had in Houston yesterday lol
Nice weather is supposed to be part of the reward for the teams & their supporters. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
But GB fans like freezing their butts off on the "Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field."

Haha, not with the weather they had in Houston yesterday lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
You get (her) with a Hummer.
Sisyphus's Avatar
But GB fans like freezing their butts off on the "Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field." Originally Posted by SR Only
Then they are all free to gather there & watch the big game....on TV!