Trump The Fascist...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
l will admit I started this thread because I was curious to see how Trumpettes would defend their master even after his Chief of Staff said who he is. I didn't need to hear Kelly say that Trump fits the definition of a fascist. I already knew that, and Trump confirmed that after the shit he pulled on 1/6. And is even proving it further with his plans if he loses this election.

Trying to defame a man who Trump fired by calling him "disgruntled" is a joke. Trump hired his ass and as a Marine general, I am sure that guy gave Trump plenty of push back since Trump probably thought because he played Call of Duty with his youngest son a few times that he knew more about the military than a general. That's not a disgruntled employee, that's a man who probably realized he was working for a delusional old man and was sick of being told what to do by a clueless fool. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Tiny, how about as Kelly said, "he fits the definition of a fascist", and he is a narcissistic dumb ass as a more accurate assessment of the fat geriatric spray tan man baby? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
from your msnbc link .. the title ...

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly says Trump praised Hitler while in office

seems like only Kelly thinks Trump is a Hitler wanna be fascist

Ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg, Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, and Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Expose John Kelly’s Lies — Even Trump-Hating Mark Esper Admits He’s Never Heard Trump Praise Hitler

Mark Esper is interesting yeah? even he refutes Kelly. hard to call Esper a "trump loyalist" eh?

it should be noted that Keith Kellogg is also a General. (Lt. General meaning Kelly did outrank him by 1 star)

which General is right?

one thing is clear, Trump and Kelly clashed because they are the same in two respects .. they are both arrogant egotistical assholes.

there's only two options here. Trump did say what Kelly claims but no one else will confirm it or Kelly is a self aggrandizing lying asshole who is trying to sway the election and isn't worthy of the 4 stars he used to wear.

the military is supposed to be apolitical but does anyone really think Admirals and Generals aren't political?

they are
  • Tiny
  • Today, 10:02 AM
Tiny, how about as Kelly said, "he fits the definition of a fascist", and he is a narcissistic dumb ass as a more accurate assessment of the fat geriatric spray tan man baby? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'll revert to the excerpts from the WSJ I posted here McCain. To some very limited extent maybe Trump fits a fuzzy definition of a fascist, but he's totally incapable of implementing fascism.
Precious_b's Avatar

seems like only Kelly thinks Trump is a Hitler wanna be fascist ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, there was another person close to him that states donny was like that. I know how much you lust after that shaved cats ass. He has a video of the guy who was with him stating such.