So Looks Like BRET KAVANAUGH May Have Raped A Girl In High School

LexusLover's Avatar
If you really think about it. Judges should be elected and not appointed. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I've "thought" about it for almost 50 years. The REASON why Federal Judges are appointed FOR LIFE is to remove themselves from the "political" process of having to seek campaign funds as "favors" in exchange for "fair" rulings ... and to assure their independence from party politics.

Feinstein was elected ... that's the trash one gets!

What's wrong? Do you "think" Clarence Thomas is a bad judge?
lustylad's Avatar
It seems to me that in this me too movement climate that... 99% of the allegations are proving to be true. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Got a link to that 99% figure, SC? I would love to see where it came from.

...considering he's lied under oath to Congress on multiple occasions i have no choice but to reasonably conclude he's guilty as fuck. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I must have missed all those lies under oath to Congress on multiple occasions, SC. Please elaborate and be specific. When did Kavanaugh lie? What exactly did he say?

Questions - Are all liars ipso facto rapists? Are all rapists ipso facto liars? Please explain. I'm trying really, really hard to figure out how you think (or don't).
... Cavanagh is highly likely guilty of attempted rape... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

No, my friend, he's not. Our legal system has brilliantly-devised ways of dealing with spurious accusations like this. As such, you have to believe that DiFi knows this. She's just casting shade to taint the process. That's all she can do and that's all this is. Don't bite, my friend. This one isn't going to work.
LexusLover's Avatar
...i have no choice but to reasonably conclude he's guilty as fuck. He did that shit. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Did you also "have no choice but to reasonably conclude" Zimmerman was "guilty as fuck" for the "murder" of Martin? And how about "OJ" for the murder of his ex-wife and her boy toy?
lustylad's Avatar
No, my friend, he's not. Our legal system has brilliantly-devised ways of dealing with spurious accusations like this. As such, you have to believe that DiFi knows this. She's just casting shade to taint the process. That's all she can do and that's all this is. Don't bite, my friend. This one isn't going to work. Originally Posted by FLWriter

You guys are friends?

Kavanaugh simply HAS to be "guilty as fuck" because SC badly WANTS him to be guilty as fuck.

Ditto for Trump and collusion.

SC likes to relax in the "shade" of DiFi's smears and innuendos.

You guys are friends?

... Originally Posted by lustylad

I was being cordial. I've heard chicks dig that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Feinstein needs to hang up he garters.

She's lost it, and apparently trying to give Maxine a run for her money as the Queen Lunatic of the Capitol.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was being cordial. I've heard chicks dig that. Originally Posted by FLWriter
Some. Not all.
Feinstein needs to hang up he garters.

She's lost it, and apparently trying to give Maxine a run for her money as the Queen Lunatic of the Capitol. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Ah, a new target. High aspirations.

She may have already passed Sheila Jackson Lee. What a racehorse that Diane is!
Feinstein needs to hang up he garters.

.... Originally Posted by LexusLover

Haha. Paging Dr.Freud...

Your version is likely correct.
When do they vote on Kavanaugh's appointment?

If you do a quick check of the media sites that are screaming about this accusation you get survey of the libtard sites. Remember it. If the FBI doesn't investigate this letter over the weekend you can expect her to make an appearance on the news channels - first "anonymously" and then "begrudgingly" in person recalling THAT NIGHT!

And all in all not a single word of doubt or asking of evidence by the media.
lustylad's Avatar
I used to think Feinstein was less batty than Barbara Boxer or Kemala Harris, especially on foreign policy. I even felt a twinge of sympathy when that CIA jackass John Brennan tapped her phones and emails and lied about it. Not anymore. She has stooped lower than dirt this time.
LexusLover's Avatar
Haha. Paging Dr.Freud...

Your version is likely correct. Originally Posted by FLWriter
I was giving her the benefit of a doubt she fails to give others.

Perhaps my typo was the inner-thought escaping.

But, again, I'm reminded of her run for mayor of SF when she "contracted" with the gay community for their vote in support of her bid by promising not to close their torture chambers linked with emergency room surgery units to sew up the "victims" of the "entertainment" enjoyed within them. I wasn't amazed when she found water-boarding acceptable (in private)!
2 words you need to know: Merrick Garland.

and one phrase: tit-for-tat Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I don't remember any last minute hit job rape/sexual assault allegations, against Garland...

tit does not equal tat. Similar to the officer Wilson experience, these race-baiting, bigoted, fascist, hate-filled thugs will do whatever it takes to whomever is in their way to achieve their ultimate solution. Officer Wilson did exactly what he should have done, and his life was destroyed. Is this acceptable? Clearly, half the voters think so. Originally Posted by kehaar

Then you got to add in, we all saw how they drug Anita hill out to go after Judge Thomas, who was totally ruined when her claims were PROVEN to have been false.
We also remember all those accusers crawling out of the woodwork for Judge Moore. BUT AS SOON as he lost, "BING" they dissappeared"..

Even the FBI sees it for what it is. Not going to investigate. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Then if they see it for what it is, a SMEAR tactic/false accusation, how's about the actually CHARGE the one making said false accusation with MAKING A FALSE STATEMENT!

You Can’t Bribe Susan Collins

A crowdfunding campaign threatens the Senator on Kavanaugh.

By The Editorial Board
Sept. 11, 2018 7:11 p.m. ET Originally Posted by lustylad

When i read that article the other day, my FIRST response was "HOW IS THAT NOT campaign finance violating, or Extortion..?

I've "thought" about it for almost 50 years. The REASON why Federal Judges are appointed FOR LIFE is to remove themselves from the "political" process of having to seek campaign funds as "favors" in exchange for "fair" rulings ... and to assure their independence from party politics. Originally Posted by LexusLover

They are SUPPOSED to be outside of politics, but as we've seen too often, they are not.
Additionally, i dislike the 'judge for life' aspect, because there's no real means to remove them for continued gross incompetence.. AND don't say "Congress could impeach them". IMO Congress is so spineless, they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag..
LexusLover's Avatar
When do they vote on Kavanaugh's appointment?

If you do a quick check of the media sites that are screaming about this accusation you get survey of the libtard sites. Remember it. If the FBI doesn't investigate this letter over the weekend you can expect her to make an appearance on the news channels - first "anonymously" and then "begrudgingly" in person recalling THAT NIGHT! Originally Posted by gnadfly
You get only one guess as to who will be "representing" this one!