This CAN'T be a thing!!

Little Monster's Avatar
HEELLLLLLOOOOOO!!!! any straight males wanna answer my question and give me one good reason why it is perfectly straight to look across from your woman and see another naked man going to town on your woman and be turned on by that, so I can finally STFU???? ANYONE?????
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'm not a guy, but I've heard enough of them at the club and parties talk about it.
They are watching their partner being pleased. They aren't necessarily watching the man or men, but watching her.

As I said it's not for everyone, and nobody is right or wrong in their own choice.
Some guys are voyeurs and love watching anything to do with sex.
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm not a guy, but I've heard enough of them at the club and parties talk about it.
They are watching their partner being pleased. They aren't necessarily watching the man or men, but watching her.

As I said it's not for everyone, and nobody is right or wrong in their own choice.
Some guys are voyeurs and love watching anything to do with sex. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie

But you've heard enough of them at the club.....

For all you know they could be blowing smoke up your ass. As I've said before women do not get to tell men what is and is not gay period end of story. It's not being chauvinist it's just a fact of life get over it.

Once again are there any straight guys who wanna answer my question, cause that is all I will accept an answer from PERIOD!!
Umm Beautiful I wouldn't "Feel" a damn thing. I hope I never come across something like that, however if I did I would just "Think" there goes a bi sexual male like Nuglet having sex with a woman that's all. Then I would go home and get on one of my favorite Jailbait sites so I could attempt to remove that mental scar. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Ahh and all i hear is sexy dirty stuff of the taboo nature... Muah xoxo
nuglet's Avatar
HEELLLLLLOOOOOO!!!! any straight males wanna answer my question and give me one good reason why it is perfectly straight to look across from your woman and see another naked man going to town on your woman and be turned on by that, so I can finally STFU???? ANYONE????? Originally Posted by Little Monster
LOL Son, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you!
Little Monster's Avatar
LOL Son, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you! Originally Posted by nuglet
Well.... wtf you waiting for??? Explain away old man. I already know I'm much smarter than you and not nearly as narrow minded as you, so shoot!! Gimme your best explanation or otherwise go sit back down and just shut your fucken mouth. But I have a funny feeling you will continue to avoid answering the question, gee I wonder why
nuglet's Avatar
Well.... wtf you waiting for??? Explain away old man. I already know I'm much smarter than you and not nearly as narrow minded as you, so shoot!! Gimme your best explanation or otherwise go sit back down and just shut your fucken mouth. But I have a funny feeling you will continue to avoid answering the question, gee I wonder why Originally Posted by Little Monster
You're just like a spoiled child.. go ask you're mama or daddy, maybe they can finish the job they should have done for ya. Ya know, explaining life, and the birds and bees.. grow up, HOMOPHOBE!!
Little Monster's Avatar
You're just like a spoiled child.. go ask you're mama or daddy, maybe they can finish the job they should have done for ya. Ya know, explaining life, and the birds and bees.. grow up, HOMOPHOBE!! Originally Posted by nuglet
So he gives a "Yo Mamma" reply.....

It's a good thing you didn't go through with it. I mean, the husband could have started fucking the wife while you were off to the side taking a break and chilling could have looked over, enjoyed the sight of two people having sex and accidentally caught the gay.
Little Monster's Avatar
It's a good thing you didn't go through with it. I mean, the husband could have started fucking the wife while you were off to the side taking a break and chilling could have looked over, enjoyed the sight of two people having sex and accidentally caught the gay. Originally Posted by Lion26
Ummmmm going in on her right after she just got done with another dude before she's even had a shower and washed her mouth out? May not be gay, but it is most definitely gross.
playnudeinthesun's Avatar
I'm not sure how this transformed into a gay-bashing exercise but it seems to have been hijacked that way. That being said, I'll get back to the original focus of this thread and throw in my two cents worth.

That sounds like a scenario where the guy gets to pay for all of their drinks (and God knows what else) and then at the end of the night, she is magically just too drunk to do anything and they go home because she needs to sleep it off. The guy goes home with an empty wallet and pissed off.

I've played bullshit games like this too many times to possibly get played again. Their game may be real but it just smells fishy. I'm old enough to know if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

There used to be a couple tat would advertise on CL looking for a guy to buy them drinks and dances at a strip club with the possibility that something might happen. I know what the possibility was...that you would pay for their night out on the town. No thanks.
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm not sure how this transformed into a gay-bashing exercise but it seems to have been hijacked that way. That being said, I'll get back to the original focus of this thread and throw in my two cents worth. Originally Posted by playnudeinthesun
"Gay Bashing"???? Where on earth is there "Gay Bashing" in this thread? Please do pull up one post of "gay bashing". Go back and read. My initial post in this thread had very much to do with the topic of this thread, I simply gave my answer to the Op's post. If anyone hijacked this thread it was the few who got all defensive because I don't share their mindset.

People can scream "gay bash" & "homophobe" till they're blue in the face but that doesn't make it so, it just shows their own ignorance & stupidity, everything is in writing.

Funny how those who preach tolerance the most are usually the same one who are guilty of quickly resorting to name calling & labeling the second someone doesn't think like they do. Very Funny!!
HEELLLLLLOOOOOO!!!! any straight males wanna answer my question and give me one good reason why it is perfectly straight to look across from your woman and see another naked man going to town on your woman and be turned on by that, so I can finally STFU???? ANYONE????? Originally Posted by Little Monster
If watching the man fucking is what turns you on, you're gay (not that there's anything wrong with that).

If watching the woman (whether she's your wife or a stranger really doesn't matter) getting fucked is what turns you on, then you're straight. means you are attracted to and turned on by men. Straight means you are attracted to and turned on by women.

Wait, let me try to make this even more simple.

Man like Man: Gay
Man like Woman: Straight.

You're welcome.
Little Monster's Avatar
If watching the man fucking is what turns you on, you're gay (not that there's anything wrong with that).

If watching the woman (whether she's your wife or a stranger really doesn't matter) getting fucked is what turns you on, then you're straight. means you are attracted to and turned on by men. Straight means you are attracted to and turned on by women.

Wait, let me try to make this even more simple.

Man like Man: Gay
Man like Woman: Straight.

You're welcome. Originally Posted by irishlad
Good answer Lad, finally.

Me personally, if I wanted to see my wife get fucked I would bring a video camera into our bedroom not another man, and just watch it later like I've done before. Or let her get it on with another woman (they can use a strap on), but that's just me, everybody's different, whatever floats your boat Hoss.

However I would still tell Mr. Cain512 the same thing I initially said cause something sounds funny bout the situation he described, if it's entirely truthful.

Cheers Mate
cain512's Avatar
I'm not sure how this transformed into a gay-bashing exercise but it seems to have been hijacked that way. That being said, I'll get back to the original focus of this thread and throw in my two cents worth.

That sounds like a scenario where the guy gets to pay for all of their drinks (and God knows what else) and then at the end of the night, she is magically just too drunk to do anything and they go home because she needs to sleep it off. The guy goes home with an empty wallet and pissed off.

I've played bullshit games like this too many times to possibly get played again. Their game may be real but it just smells fishy. I'm old enough to know if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

There used to be a couple tat would advertise on CL looking for a guy to buy them drinks and dances at a strip club with the possibility that something might happen. I know what the possibility was...that you would pay for their night out on the town. No thanks. Originally Posted by playnudeinthesun
Very good point PNITS... At any rate, I wasn't comfortable with the whole thing so i passed. They could have been legit, who knows, but what I do know is that I wasn't down with this guy getting his S/O wasted and then saying "have at her" without her having knowledge of what was going on.