Chase Bank and at risk accounts.

I B Hankering's Avatar

Ooooh, clever!. More out of context quotes. Aren't YOU the life of the party...

So, I guess I will stick with calling you by your new name - Cock Whisperer?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You were quoted accurately, you splooge sipping Yankee dick-licker.
You were quoted accurately, you splooge sipping Yankee dick-licker. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Back to my questions, you Cock Whisperer:

You posted at 7:45 AM and then went dead until a bunch of posts at around 5:18 PM. So, a 9 to 5 job, I guess?

McDonalds? Jiffy Lube?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Back to my questions, you Cock Whisperer:

You posted at 7:45 AM and then went dead until a bunch of posts at around 5:18 PM. So, a 9 to 5 job, I guess?

McDonalds? Jiffy Lube?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You know all about *jiffy-lube*, don't you, you Yankee dude doodling dandy?
Karl Hungus's Avatar

Is it because the pornstar is running a massive Ponzi scheme? If it is not, I don't think I understand the point you are trying to make. As I recall, nobody looked twice at Bernie Madoff until he stopped paying redemptions even though a lot of people had a notion that something was not quite right. My point is that the big banks did not blink at facilitating fraud, but seem to get all timid at the possibility of someone running a sexual business.

As to trying to pass the buck from the banks that issued worthless paper, I'm not sure pointing to systemic fraud or government policy is really a defense. The bottom line on both cases is that the bank failed to make the requisite disclosures to prevent their clients--the ones to whom they owed fiduciary duties--from making misinformed financial decisions while the bank profited from those same misinformed decisions. In the case of Bernie, it was letting them hand their money to a fraudster. In the case of the MBS, it was letting them buy junk.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know all about *jiffy-lube*, don't you, you Yankee dude doodling dandy?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How many more time are you going to evade any debate, call someone else's post bullshit and the. Back it up with personal and ethnic slurs, IBIdiot?

Why don't you just hop in your late model HUFF and leave. I said leave, not HEAVE!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You have a disturbing collection of photos, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. Please seek counseling.

You have a disturbing collection of photos, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. Please seek counseling.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is that why you quit posting yours Dull Knife? The therapy helped?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Go ahead and elaborate on how the banking system is "built on transferring all assets to the very few" since you claim to have given this a lot of thought. Banks have conducted business for centuries, while the concentration of assets has gone up and down, so where's the correlation? In addition, the subprime lending debacle was an effort by banks to transfer assets to the many, not the few. They "rolled the dice" just like Barney Frank told them to! Let's help everyone own a home! How does that fit into your thoughtful overview? Why would a system "built on transferring all assets to the very few" do just the opposite?

When the system is working properly, banks are a vehicle to attract savings and channel them into those parts of the economy where the demand is greatest, promoting economic growth and allocating assets and resources to their most efficient uses. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm neither smart enough to explain why banks that exist to profit off debt are inherently malignant, nor am I dumb enough to believe the subprime lending debacle was caused by the benevolent effort of honest bankers to redistribute wealth to the masses.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2014, 11:42 AM
You have a disturbing collection of photos, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. Please seek counseling.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

that collection is called the internet. Please seek education.

And after all this trumped-up hypocritical bullshit and harassment by the feds, you ask why JPM-hase would turn away a porn star's ccount? why ass Y Seriously? Yas Are you that dense? What

. Originally Posted by lustylad
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
that collection is called the internet. Please seek education. Originally Posted by CJ7
I apologize, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. I guess there are some on this board who get turned on by pictures that feature feces and vomit. I'm not one of them, but you've got several fans. If that works for you, fine. Enjoy, LittleEva and CBJ7!

Typical of dull knife he avoided answering the question.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Typical of dull knife he avoided answering the question. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If you like pictures of feces and vomit, which I never posted, btw, enjoy them!

I do think it is disturbing, but I don't want to deprive you and CBJ7 what little joy you get out of life.

LexusLover's Avatar
The bottom line on both cases is that the bank failed to make the requisite disclosures to prevent their clients--the ones to whom they owed fiduciary duties--from making misinformed financial decisions while the bank profited from those same misinformed decisions. In the case of Bernie, it was letting them hand their money to a fraudster. Originally Posted by Karl Hungus
If you are talking about Chase, generically a bank in which a customer deposits money has no "duty" to prevent the customer (or warn the customer) about foolish expenditures and/or investments. Unfortunately "bankers" involve themselves at times in "counseling" and/or "advising" customers who have relatively large sums of "dormant" deposits on "good" earning opportunities in order to "churn" the funds and earn the bank fees for "investing" the money.

Once the "banker" becomes a "counselor" or "advisor" then a "duty" exists.

My "rule of thumb" is ... as to the individual (not the business) ... if you don't have a lot more money in your "pocket" for discretionary spending than I do, then please don't try to "counsel" OR "advise" me on how to invest.