How to properly end a session? 😱

  • grean
  • 03-08-2016, 02:47 PM

Just be clear about the time table prior to the session. If you are MSOG and your working on his second or third pop when about 15 minutes are left, tell him you want him to cum. Begging usually works for most guys, fyi. He will either cum or will tell you he not very close.

If he says he not close then your just gonna have to be plain spoken and perhaps kill the mood but tell him the clocks running down.

If he can get one more off quick, when you excuse your self to clean up, and tell him you had fun and can't wait till next time. The considerate guy will get the clue. Others won't so you'll have to be more stern.

Just be clear about the time table prior to the session. If you are MSOG and your working on his second or third pop when about 15 minutes are left, tell him you want him to cum. Begging usually works for most guys, fyi. He will either cum or will tell you he not very close.

If he says he not close then your just gonna have to be plain spoken and perhaps kill the mood but tell him the clocks running down.

If he can get one more off quick, when you excuse your self to clean up, and tell him you had fun and can't wait till next time. The considerate guy will get the clue. Others won't so you'll have to be more stern. Originally Posted by grean
You sure do know alot about men !!
TheEccie214's Avatar
You sure do know alot about men !! Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Oddly suspicious isn't it? Especially the part of him describing what it's like when most men are ready to pop. Hey, to each their own.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Glad to tickle you, M, on this otherwise dreary day. And I hope I didn't pull you away from your chocolate truffles — a girl needs her pampering, after all. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
A lady must have access to her truffles, or the erroneously labeled, "bon bon", at all times. Got mine right by my side...a gift from another friend who has also learned of my penchant for a delicious treat.

So, just for the record and my need to sorta try to stay on trek, "How would you respond to alarms going off and women hopping outta bed in order to give ya the boot and then to incorporate one of the most incredible and enviable SuperPowers I've ever heard of and wish to acquire?" Is this the best solution for the OP, and in your opinion? Actually, I am gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that you might suggest, this is not in the realm of that which would feel most comfortable. Of course, I could be wrong.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-08-2016, 10:39 PM
Dirty talk always helps speed things up, it does me me at least
LovingKayla's Avatar
The 10 min buffer between folks hitting your door is a huge window. That is more than acceptable for those that share. That doesn't mean it's a 10 min turn around. It takes me a solid 30 min to reset the room and myself. Is that starting to make any sense? I think it'd be lost on me if I didn't know exactly what they were talking about.

As far as ending the session, I have no advice. My sessions are VERY different and much easier to manage than most providers. It doesn't hurt having an assistant to help you keep the time straight. It's been my experience most guys are happy to leave on time if you do what they came to see you for and are reminded "time is up sweet love, I have to get moving even though I'd like to stay here with you the rest of the day"
PiperPosh's Avatar
When I was first starting out, I had 30 mins between bookings. Now, I schedule at least an hour, maybe 2 hours between. And that's only if I'm seeing more than one client per day, which I don't choose to do often. But I'm not in a mad rush to make tons of money, and I often like to have conversation and perhaps some wine or a drink at the bar before the BHD time starts.
It all depends on how you want to run your business. If you want to do the "get in, get out" type of thing, then be straight with him and tell him his time is up. Perhaps try to be playful with it.
Or, you could simply get up, rinse off, and stand by the door, facing the door whenever politely possible if he continues to talk. That sends a pretty clear message with body language.
If you want to enrich your clients life with your quality companionship, then spend the extra time with him (and plan accordingly). Talk to him, listen to him, make him feel special...and in turn he'll make you feel special too. It took me awhile to realize that's how it should be (for me). But now that I do it this way, I'll never go back.
Like I said, it just depends on how you want to run things. It's up to you.
txexetoo's Avatar
While he should be respectful of your time it's up to you to let your customers know ahead of time that you are on a tight schedule and that you and your partners schedule appointments with only a 10 minute window. I personally wouldn't see a provider that runs that runs a 10 minute window. I would feel rushed the whole session worrying about the time. Having said all that i think the playlist is a super idea. Much better than an alarm clock
FunInDFW's Avatar
Dirty talk always helps speed things up, it does me me at least Originally Posted by BLM69
So hard to find someone that is genuinely excited by dirty talk and willing to really get into it.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
So hard to find someone that is genuinely excited by dirty talk and willing to really get into it. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Ladies && Gents...
The post was about time, please do not stress yourself with the way Adriana runs her buisness. I do have insite on this subject seeing as I share my incall with Adriana. She stated that prior to this appointment she saw this spicifc man and he stayed over she didn't say how long but he stayed over almost 30 minutes. It was not a problem that day because nothing else was planned neither one of us mind when gents stay over a little but to not compensate especially when he stayed over for that long is a issue. I had a appt that day she set the alarm because I told her I had a regular from out of town and he was on a specific schedule. 10 mins is more then enough time for her to change the sheets and clean up. We don't live at our incall so she could go home to shower...if you have any concerns about the cleanliness of our incall please read both of our reviews we keep it top notch! I have heard from many clients that we have it set up perfectly, we even have a mouthwash dispenser on the counter. (Yes we have a clock huge one on the table next to the bed)
Adriana, babe maybe the alarm clock wasn't the best idea, if you know you have a client that likes to stay a little after just let him know before "hey babe we won't be able to stay after like we normally do because someone else has a appt" he will either respect that or you can reschedule for a time that isn't already occupied.
I hope this helped love!
corona's Avatar
IMHO, most guys aren't very quick to pickup subtlety. Compound that with a lack of sufficient blood flow to the larger brain experienced during arousal and some of us turn darn near stupid. I'd much rather the lady come right out and tell me we're almost out of time, than to try to drop hints. Chances are in my case, it's not going to sink in.
pmdelites's Avatar
timed playlists? that can work if a) the guy like music on while having delites and b) he likes the music being played.

but all this talk about alarm clocks, telling the guy "we're almost out of time", getting dressed and moving towards the door, made-up reasons why they need to skedaddle, amount of time between clients, etc - talk about a surefire way to DESTROY the illusion of passion !!!!!
kinda like someone else said - might as well tell him "come in, get off, get out!"

i visit a provider to get away from the real world, for a fantasy, to enjoy delites. i rather not be reminded of the real world.

a client & a provider should know how long the appt is. it's on both of them - him to respect her time and her to monitor the time in a very subtle yet assertive manner.

good thing about some threads - gives me info about who to add and not add to my gcho list.
Gentlemen who do not take advantage of a ladies time, need not be concerned about being subtly kicked out.

You guys just can't understand how stressful it is to know that you have something to do, whether it be family stuff or another gentleman to visit with, and the guy currently visiting isn't budging. What are we supposed to do? We have to destroy the IOP in order to get on with our day. We shouldn't be put in that position. We can like you and enjoy our time with you, but we still expect to be treated respectfully.

If you know that you are one of the guys who just can't make himself exit when the scheduled time is up...then schedule a longer visit originally. An extra 30 mins.. works wonders.
Surely, I'm not the unicorn in this forest: I've got my own shit to do so I head out. I always just set myself a vibrating timer for about 10-15mins out, depending on how it begins, then tune out. When it buzzes I know I've got to be aware of time again. It's not rocket science. Sorry some of you gals have to deal with "the house guest that never leaves" but I don't get it. Hey, and sometimes it's the gal that wants to talk afterwards. ijs
