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Olivia I agree with you to a great extent. My use of the dollar figures was a generalization based on what prices were for better class ladies back in the old days and wasn't meant to be a strict cut-off with those charging more being HDH.
Actually, when I think of HDH, I think of a lady hopping on a private jet bound for a yacht in the Med who might not even "charge" her patron but expects an envelope containing cab fare of $10 to 20,000 and who also expects not to dip into her purse for a nickel.
JB, I travel frequently with a few of my gentlemen friends. I've been on a few private planes, but I've never been invited to a private yacht yet. I'm sure I"d be really good at it lol. You are correct, money is never mentioned, and I never dip into my purse. It usually magically appears in the book I'm reading or some such thing.

One thing. Like my patron, I never show up empty handed. I usually have a box of fine chocolates, a book I know he'll enjoy or some such gift.
Not sure I agree with your conclusion. Simply because the participation in this forum is in decline, doesn't mean that HDH's (god, do I hate that word!) are. Let's stop using anecdotal evidence. Originally Posted by The Gilded Truffle
You remind me of the global warming types. You reach a conclusion and then ignore all the data that conflicts with your hypothesis. Here are the numbers that I have mentioned: millions more women in their 20s, average age of the American male escalating (and sex drive going down hill), the loss of trillions of dollars in American wealth (via the stock market and real estate). There is nothing anecdotal about any of that. Those are all cold hard facts. More supply, less demand, and less money means lower prices.

And more numbers: women on Seeking arrangement 1.15 million, men 115,000 (men pay, women don't). Number of escorts on preferred411: 10,000. Number of men: 26,000.

The highest rated escorts in the nation are on average $500-600/hr. For just about every area of the nation $500-600/hr is nearly double market rate; Originally Posted by The Gilded Truffle
Here we go again with what a HDH is. Is it a woman landing on a jet getting anywhere from $10 to $20,000 or is it someone charging $500 an hour?

Gt, $500 an hour is actually much less than it used to be. The women who charged those rates demanded two, four hour minimums and got them. The highest rates back in 2002, 2003 were $24,000 a day and $30,000 a week.

And I wouldn't put much faith in reviews. A lot of them are fake, and more importantly,some/most of the best women often don't allow reviews or are so UTR and selective you won't find them on any review site.

Your posts lead me to believe you find the P4P scene unfulfilling and empty, which is why you seem to prefer SB/SD relationships. I get that and agree that there are many others who feel the same way. However, when assessing and commenting on current trends its best to use numbers, and not personal experience, to support your reasoning. Originally Posted by The Gilded Truffle
It is true that men like different things but we all like looks, performance, personality, and value. JB said that some men just want to get laid while others want a connection. However, the wealthier and more desirable men that supposedly populate this forum are looking for the best, and the best sex imo ALWAYS involves some form of emotional connection.

As for MY preferring the SB model, you have to understand what I do well. I pick out trends and hits. I know what restaurants, shows, movies ETC are the best/going to be hits, but I can't often tell you the why. I just know what is good and what will be popular.

With the SB v. HDH debate, though, I can point out some things that annoy me about the HDH model. One time, a waiter was late getting me a check by 20,30 minutes. With the HDH model of let's say $600 a hour, that mistake cost me $300. Do you think any man likes that? I know on this forum with everyone puffing out their chest and appearing to have $100 bills to burn that no one will admit it, but I know it bugs everyone to some extent.

One of the other things that I think many guys don't like is paying for conversation. Quite frankly, I have people, many of whom are hot women, lining up to pay me to talk to them. When I am conversing with the HDH, we often are talking about her problems and not only is she getting free advice, I am paying her to get my advice. Maybe some guys get a thrill out of having an attractive woman talk to them but honestly I can talk to attractive women in sales all day long who will happily kiss my ass. I feel paying for sex is fine, but the idea that I have to pay for conversation (the supposed reason that seeing an escort is not prostitution) makes me feel like a loser. Again, do you think I am alone in feeling this way?

And what guy likes a clock watcher? I get the reasons why the HDH has to charge by the hour, but I don't have to like it. My time is valuable too. It's not like I have nothing else to do but adore this beautiful woman. Usually, a few hours with even the most interesting person is usually all one person can take. Clock watching is one of the most universally despised traits of all escorts. I am not complaining that HDHs do it. If I were in their shoes, I would too. It is just a flaw in the business model.

And what if as Sydney admitted, the woman is not at her best? With the HDH, the fees are set. With my SBs, they are not. If a woman performs at a subpar level, I may give her less than usual. If she performs at a higher level, she almost always gets more. Does any man like paying full price for subpar performance?

Someone accused me in the past of bragging about my stable of sugar babies, but I know there are many men way richer, better looking, more powerful, and charismatic than me. I was watching the college bowl games and looking at the cheerleading squads and realized that my stable of SBs were better looking than any set of cheerleaders save for those at the University of Florida which I judged to be equal. I just learned that my least attractive (but most traveled) SB was a Bud Light model. The quality of my SBs is THAT good.

Now if I can get that quality, what do you think the richer, better looking, more powerful men than me can get? I am not advocating one model over the other. I am just analyzing the trends and saying that the SB model is going to be the more popular one, and if you look at the numbers on seekingarrangement versus P411, it already is.

I asked anyone to name a HDH under 30, and no one could. The only HDHs left are the ones who charged a lot and the men got used to paying those rates. The amount paid to these HDHs is driven less by market forces and more by custom.
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  • 08-19-2011, 01:22 AM
I think the operative phrase there is "our mutual friend"

Thats enough for selective memory for me. Hope you feel the same Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I am always open to people that have screwed me over....hell even my old golfing buddy could ring me up and I'd take his call.

We seem to have a few mutual friends that think allot of foul things about me.

You can tell them I had forgiven them before they even were done with the lies and misconception(s).

Never understood it but then I'm not that smart a man.