So who you been hangin with ...

Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
I know Billie Sol Estes *yes he is still alive* and talk to him nearly everyday! I have also meet Chewbacca (I live in the town he does and he's hard to miss!), Jewel (hangs out in the little country bar I go to), and Whitney Houston (about 13 years ago at a David Copperfield show). Along with that I have met several ex-Lakers players and Chuck Norris (Walker Texas Ranger was shot in the town I live in)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar celebs are a little different...LOL

Hung out with Ron Jeremy, kinda oogie lookin', but funny and nice....Jesse Jane, Evan Stone, Tommy Gunn, Devyn Lane and Sunny Lane are the most memorable. All were really nice and love to party! LOL
CuriousDude's Avatar
It all started with Richard Nixon at a Republican gathering at Market Hall in Dallas, before he became President of course. My parents took us all there for the gathering and I actually shook his hand. I was 8 at the time. My dad has a photo of this.

Met H. Ross Perot the same year. My dad was a decorator for conventions and Perot was in charge of IBM development at the time. Before he started EDS and later Perot Systems. Got to meet him again a few years later at a political convention in San Diego, while I was in the Navy.

Met and talked to the former Navy Captain/Vietnam POW/now Senator John McCain in 1977, while I was stationed at NAS Lemoore, CA.

Partied with Willie Nelson and Joe Cocker, not once, but twice.

Met Dolly Parton, while she was a regular on the Porter Wagonner Show.

Met Bob Hope and Bing Crosby here in Dallas.

Met most of the cast and crew of "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows" while they stayed at the former Sheraton on 75 at Mockingbird. You know, Rosalind Russell, Mary Wickes, Stella Stevens, Milton Berle, Van Johnson.

Sang background vocals with Billy Joel at a live concert at Naval Station Subic Bay, RP during an USO Show there. Great guy....

Interviewed Roger Staubach while I was studying journalism in Jr. High. That was really cool.

Met Jerry Garcia and the members of his Jerry Garcia Band, while they performed a free concert on my ship. Also met all of the group Kansas later that year. Met MC Hammer while he was still in the Navy at NAS Moffit Field. He was just getting started of course. He is one of the coolest people I ever met.

Delivered a new Windstar SEL van to Tony Dorsett and his wife, while I was working for Village Ford in Lewisville. It is now High Country Ford.

Shook hands with Rick Perry while supporting the Texas Department of Public Safety in starting their Division of Homeland Security during a Hurricane Evacuation in the Rio Grande Valley. This was all after Katrina and the other one that hit Texas. This new system worked really well.

My gosh, I think I've forgotten a few. Too many years have passed. Literally, I'm sure there are more, but it seems foggy.

I almost forgot my favorites on this site...... Paige Morrow - aka Sexy Cougar, Khloe Cruise, and Veronica Moore. Still have to meet Fawn and many others. All of you are truly beautiful.....

I use to play pickup basketball with an NBA player.
He always whooped my butt - but it was an absolute hoot when he was on my team.

What was even funnier was anyone who guarded him - as his hiney was about the height of an average persons no one would get in a defensive stance against him - and he's post up on us and we'd have "pro-baller cheeks" all up in our grill...and when he'd drive it to the out. We were just tiny, insignificant bowling pins to him.

But he was very nice.
neve campbell, and we'll just leave it at that.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
I stopped at an infamous barbeque place in Stephenville one day and sat at the same table as Ty Murray (PRCA Bull-riding champion) and Jewel (his wife and recording artist). We talked for over an hour. I was shocked they are such nice, down-to-earth folks! They had been out riding horses all day and Jewel's fair skin was bright red from the sun.
Corncob's Avatar
Myself and Laci French were walking through the lobby at Ceasars Palace , we were towing along our bags, and here came Jerry Springer , we stopped introduced ourselves shook hands and Laci French said , who in they hell was that ? He acted as if he knew me. I told her is just a friendly dude. The next day we were eating lunch next to the lobby area he walked by and waved and said hello again. He is probably a hobbyists too. Will never forget that.
I saw Ving Rhames at the airport in St. Thomas about 6 months ago....Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies so it was very difficult for me not to stare at him in awe...I did anyway. And whoever the chick was that he was loading on to the plane home. She was damn fine.

My Dad is a musician so I got to meet Ray Charles when I was a kid but I was too young to appreciate it.
I worked with Christopher Cross before he made it big, he was playing with a group called HeatherBlack in Houston. Met Freddie Fender at the old Sugar Hills Studio while he was recording one week. Kenny Kordray wrote for ZZ Top and he is a close friend. I was the equipment manager for a rock band and we always hung out with up and coming musicians down in Houston.

I was assigned to help guard Jimmy Carter as a member of the military police during a visit to Germany. Also was able to be a part of George Bush's security when he was vice president.

Eddie George lives in Houston and is in real estate now, he is an incredibly nice man. Emmit Smith is also in real estate, he has a long way to go. Of course Roger Staubach made his fortune in real estate and I have had several meetings with him and his staff. Robert Newhouse is a fellow Cougar and he tried to make it in real estate as well.
Guest062512's Avatar
Met Dizzy Dean a couple times. I was dating a relative of his.
Edwin Edwards- Governer of LA. Lived next door to and dated one of hs girlfriends. Knew him before and while he was govener. Just as slezzy in person as he was in public. But man, he could party!

President Carter when he was campaigning for election came to my college. Got to do a roundtable and lunch with him. A truly great person, even if you don't like his politics.

John Fred of John Fred and His Playboys. Had a little hit #1 hit called Judy in Disguise. Still have an autographed single of that song. He was dating my older sister for awhile.

And best of all:
When I was 15, went to a party for my sister in New Orleans before she got married. 3 Bunnies from the New Orleans Playboy Club were there. My future borther-in-law got all three of them to take turns sitting in my lap and give me a kiss. Got to play grab ass with them too! For a teenage boy in the 60's, that was hard to beat!
  • YSD
  • 07-28-2010, 06:19 AM
I met Justin Heyward, the lead guitar player and vocalist of the Moddy Blues, a couple of weeks back in the airport. He is a very nice guy and quite humble---a really neat guy!!!
seventonine's Avatar
To numerous to recount. Some of the memorable ones were/are:
Nolan Ryan - attended induction into baseball Hall Of Fame as VIP guest of Rangers, flew on Rangers' jet, VIP passes to everything
Reggie Jackson - acted like an a-hole
James Hettfield (Metallica) - been to one of his homes several times
Layne Staley (Alice in Chains) - partied w/ him prior to his death
Nine Inch Nails - entire band, party
Ross Perot - worked for him; he used to pull pranks on his direct reports
Rick Springfield - "Jesse's Girl" - been backstage
Irma Bombeck - gracious lady
Dr Ruth Westheimer - and no we didn't discuss sex
Julius Erving a.k.a., "Dr. J" - commuted on flights w/ him when he traveled to his parent's home in Lansing; very personable man
Rene Russo - (Lethal Weapon, Major League, etc) - super nice lady taking time out of her day to watch her daughter play a sport
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 07-28-2010, 08:48 AM
Played golf with Michael Jordan, no we did not bet huge amounts.
bigtom62's Avatar
When I was about 9 my parents and I were staying at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio and as I looked out our 3rd story window, I saw Johnny Mack Brown get out of his Caddy and go into a liquor store across the street.
Oh yeah, I know Cathy very well! That ought to count for something.bigtom62