NO Black Men WTF is this 1950

So you're saying only conservatives are racist? Seems like a simple minded opinion to me. Why is it that noone complains when girls list asian or middle eastern men as no see? Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
Where did I call anyone a racist ?Do you think liberal hippies can't be racist?
My post had nothing to do with racism,you made the jump from "conservative" to "racist" fucking simple minded is that?

These threads would be more informative to the newbies if only NBA providers tried to explain why they have these restrictions
Instead of dickless eccie lifers with thousands of worthless posts, trying to lecture people on what racism is

And who the fuck told you people don't complain when the policies list no Asian or Middle Eastern?
  • DSK
  • 05-11-2017, 03:30 PM
It's always the same long-winded alt-right idiots, who are not even affected by the policy typing their pasty asses off in these threads Originally Posted by NubianPrince
I find your remarks very insulting.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Nubian Prince so I guess by saying "alt right" you are just clueless and speaking out of your ass. If you dont know anything about the alt right movement then why accuse people of being a part of it? You are just another uneducated liberal who likes to repeat whatever CNN catchphrase you hear.
Nubian Prince so I guess by saying "alt right" you are just clueless and speaking out of your ass. If you dont know anything about the alt right movement then why accuse people of being a part of it? You are just another uneducated liberal who likes to repeat whatever CNN catchphrase you hear. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
Alt-right doesn't mean racist you fucking moron

Go read a book
...dickless eccie lifers with thousands of worthless posts... Originally Posted by NubianPrince

Total Posts: 2,874
Posts Per Day: 1.38

Is this the black calling the kettle pot?
Total Posts: 2,874
Posts Per Day: 1.38

Is this the black calling the kettle pot? Originally Posted by Mythos
You have roughly half of that in less than 2 years with no reviews, no valuable hobby information,no showcase and no provider ads with specials

Go wash your pussy
Go wash your pussy Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Ok, get in the tub...

p.s. your momma has a no review come on, who doesnt like a momma joke?)
Most girls with an NBA policy are fucking a black man unprotected for free. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Charity begins at home.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Instead of dickless eccie lifers with thousands of worthless posts, trying to lecture people on what racism is. Originally Posted by NubianPrince
I'm an ASPD and Eccie lifer and I do have a dick. However being that I'm on hiatus doesn't make me as ignorant about race as you're coming off as being.

The more you post, the worse you get. No doubt you've already been RTM'd, it's best you back away from the keyboard and quit embarrassing yourself. To be honest, you seem to be coming off as a black racist against us pasty white folks.

..............and if you don't like pasty white folks posting in this thread, just know most of us don't give a shit.

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences

I'm an ASPD and Eccie lifer and I do have a dick. However being that I'm on hiatus doesn't make me as ignorant about race as you're coming off as being.

The more you post, the worse you get. No doubt you've already been RTM'd, it's best you back away from the keyboard and quit embarrassing yourself. To be honest, you seem to be coming off as a black racist against us pasty white folks.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Heh I suggest you use your hiatus wisely
This is a hooker board, some of us are only here for hookers
Log off,go outside and make some friends
And let's hope they're smart enough to teach you a thing or two about life and race relations in America

It seems to me you have been embarrassing yourself since the aspd days
Everything about your name,avatar,signature and ramblings scream "not worthy of my time"

Good luck to you sir.. I'll just ignore you now
Wakeup's Avatar
I already answered the OP's's 1950. Until the Baby Boomers and Generation X'ers like me die, it always will be. Our parents invented the disease, and passed it to us when we were young enough to be influenced by it. The Millenials are mostly free of it. Their children are already vaccinated against it...
  • DSK
  • 05-11-2017, 07:02 PM
I already answered the OP's's 1950. Until the Baby Boomers and Generation X'ers like me die, it always will be. Our parents invented the disease, and passed it to us when we were young enough to be influenced by it. The Millenials are mostly free of it. Their children are already vaccinated against it... Originally Posted by Wakeup
That is actually the first intelligent answer from you in awhile.

Excellent characterization of the country's plight.

It is the twilight of the 1950's, unfortunately.

We are doomed.
pyramider's Avatar
OP - get over it dude...there are plenty of white girls out there that love fucking a brother.......even at the swingers clubs so go forth and use your black-ness to your advantage.... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Don't you thinck if he could use his "black-ness" to his advantage he would not have started this thread. Some people have no game ...

It's always the same long-winded alt-right idiots, who are not even affected by the policy typing their pasty asses off in these threads Originally Posted by NubianPrince

I am a moderate, a fiscal conservative and a social semi-liberal. I never heard of the alt right until this past election cycle.
DarthMaul's Avatar
What have black men done please enlighten me. I know there are thugs but ALL Black men. Pretty racist!!! Originally Posted by Deanbigbrother
This thread is a dead horse which has been beaten over and over again.

"It's her body she can do what she wants with it."

Get over it. I did a long time ago.

Here is the National Thread "NBA - Preference Vs.Prejudice Vs.Racism Superthread"

I am having thoughts about merging this one in.