
dearhunter's Avatar
"Have you heard about the lonesome loser"
"Beaten by the queen of hearts every time"

Now, could we all retire to my new hooktard board at "www.everyonegetstobeamod. net" and sing deadhead songs?

We will smear mud all over our naked bodies and sit in a circle around the fire eating smores.......drinking md2020

I apologize to Tbone and the Mods for shamelessly advertising my new hooktard board. But if they would like to join me, I will make all of them mods as well.......and the mods on my board get free ice cream.
carkido45's Avatar
Did someone say "Ice Cream" count me in.
Htowner's Avatar
Oh cool so you are still a mod, and what you learned in your experienced ways,is that once you get your dirty laundry edited out by a mod on this board, you go off and post some more of it . On a retirement thread no less. Totally unprovoked.
I guess presenting any evidence to the staff to begin with just didn't have enough drama for you. Not even a warning in girls' area.
Let's just get it out on the first thread I can find him- out of blue.
Now that is good judgement of MODumental proportions.
And your name was outed to another provider friend of yours?

I dont know where you are a mod at but you need to learn how to stay a member here.
That is two for you today.
Will you be here tomorrow?
I'm still a Mod baby... and LonesomeLoser should know better than to write to a provider and tell her my name. WTF is that about? 4.5 F!n years and still F!n OBSESSED! G'DAMN! The provdier did forward that email to one of the owners... and then she called me to tell me he wrote her a long ass derganged email outing my name.

Someone needs to tell him he needs to stop obsessing over me. Isn't there a 12 step program for crazy ass ppl? Originally Posted by caroline!
First and foremost, VenusNova contacted me, on her own accord, by PM on this site almost two weeks ago and clearly wrote that she wanted to "Kiss and Make up" with me. This was because both Caroline and Cercy lied when they claimed I was stalking them. Caroline got Ck1942 to cover for them by his providing interference when he banned me which kept me from being able to tell the truth about what happened. In regards to the emails Caroline has referenced incorrectly, what everyone has to remember was that at one time, I was involved with both Caroline and VenusNova in an out of hobby, non-P4P romantic relationship that failed because of their issues, not mine.

What I wrote Cercy was between two former lovers, not client/provider and it was not hobby related since the relationship Cercy and I had was outside of the hobby, just like it was when you played me Caroline by lying to me that you were in love with me starting in July 2005. I was told by Cercy she would not reveal what I had written her but I see I was right about her as well since she still can’t be trusted and lies just like you do.

Caroline, neither you nor Cercy are discreet, neither of you can be trusted and neither of you knows how to keep your mouths shut when told to do so. The fact is you outed me on the National Blacklist by positng my real full name, the cars I drive with their color/make/model and license plate numbers in addition you posted my medical information that you only knew because of the personal side of our former relationship. Those are things I would never had told a hooker like you if it were P4P because it was none of your business but since you were the one that brought up getting married in July 2007, I felt you should know those facts. You had the help of Cercy and Taylor4Play as well as Ck1942’s in outing me because of your personality disorder and vindictive nature due to your failure in the romantic relationship you once had with me. Thank GOD I did not end up with you… what a hell that would have been. What you have just done is reveal an out of hobby email on a hobby board and there will be consequences for your actions.

I strongly recommend you seek professional help since you have yet to stop with your obsession of me and your hate towards me. You are the cause of the problems that exist between you and me which will always be the case for you with anyone you try to have a relationship with. You have yet to learn the lessons you need to learn and I won't even discuss further the fact you tried to solicit someone to take a contract from you to kill me. Who is the one that needs treatment for being crazy? Not me, I am very sane.

Like I have written you in times past, I don't wish any ill on you, I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for in life and I am being sincere now even after you have been such a bitch as you have been to me for more time than I care to count. Rest assured I no longer have those feelings I once did for you but I also don't want you to think I hate you because I don't. However, I do pity you because your life must really suck to be so nasty in your posts.

By the way, I still have all of the emails that Cercy and I sent each other. I did not see you included in the correspondence list.
chicagoboy's Avatar
... I won't even discuss further the fact you tried to solicit someone to take a contract from you to kill me. Who is the one that needs treatment for being crazy? Not me, I am very sane. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Man, I gotta ask BE3AG about this.
carkido45's Avatar
butt_her's Avatar
....and the plot thickens!

SofaKingFun's Avatar
I'll make a deal with you two. I'll but the hatchet if one of you promises to bury it. I didn't say where...just bury it.
I'll make a deal with you two. I'll but the hatchet if one of you promises to bury it. I didn't say where...just bury it. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Eh, I tried to get her to be reasonable and do just what you posted for almost two years. Some people just want to stay in their hate even if it is consuming them.

When I joined this forum I saw that you were a member and I sent you a pm saying "Hey lets make ammends" after all its been years and I know I have no ill feelings towards you and I was hoping for "peace".

I am so sorry I contacted you to try and be "civil" because all you did was respond with hostility and then outed Caroline to me and i have all the pms and emails and I forwarded them to Becky.

As far as someone wanting to hurt you I am not aware of that, that is jut crazy talk I know Caroline and she is a great person with no ill intent.
All she wants is for you to stop harrasing her and going to her house as well as following her around other places that I will not go into further detail.

You should be a ashamed of yourself.

My intent for the pm was to be civil here rather than have this happen and if anyone investigates the situation they will see by the pms and emails that I am not at fault you are and it was really cute how you went to the L.A section to post right behind me..

I hope that admin will take this issue into serious consideration and make the proper adjustments that need to be made because clearly this board is not big for the two of us you are a trouble maker.

I know that you have ill feelings towards being a hobbyist in most of your posts you mention that "back in the day when I was a hobbyist" well if you are no longer hobbying why are you here?

To torment the folks that do engage in the fun?

What gives?

Caroline has been put through ALOT....ALOT

I am not going to air her dirty laundry but htowner I will forward you all the information and please call me if you have any questions...this guy is unreal

Im not going to stay near the thread because this kind of drama makes me just want to quit...but I am not quitting yet.

I have a date in 30!


I am soooo happy to see everyone and moved on....

WE GET IT! Ya'll have a past. Boundaries were crossed, bad behavior ensued, a lot of hurt feelings that ya'll can't let go of. Why bring it to the boards continually and make all of you look worse than you already do. Bad idea...

Keep this shit up and you all may get attention from the "land of misfits." They love to screw with the drama queens and kings.
No, I did not respond with hostility but then you are also the other side of the pod. How I responded to you was in truth, plain and simple. Are you really sure you want to go down this path because your ass will be flapping in the breeze if I post what I can about you and I won't hold anything back. Your choice Cercy but I suggest you stop and think about it long and hard before you make it.

***** Note *****
Remember guys, these two have been working together in regards to me since late 2006. I read the GT posts from ASPD as well as email correspondence that originated from both of this girls that other providers gave me. Believe what you want but understand that there is always a cost if you don't heed the warnings.
blowpop's Avatar
Dear LD and Caroline,

We don't care.

dearhunter's Avatar
I was wondering how long it would d for the record, it would appear that the H2 mod brought it out into the open Houston board.

Where is sofia when we need her?

sofia, go start a threAD...................ok sweetness?