For Now I Believe Justin Fairfax

LexusLover's Avatar
...When Linsey Graham pulled his shit, .... Originally Posted by themystic
Graham was SPOT ON! 100% correct.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Graham was SPOT ON! 100% correct. Originally Posted by LexusLover
bamscram's Avatar
Does anyone else wonder if Lewinski cam deep throat? Originally Posted by grean

No but bet she does.

^^^ That's what she gets paid to do!!
themystic's Avatar
The OP seems to be using different yards sticks, mystic. Originally Posted by grean
maybe so grean but by any yardstick Kavanaugh is a lying cocksucker who is a disgrace to be on this country's highest court
  • grean
  • 02-10-2019, 08:41 PM
I'm not certain if the guy in Virginia is any better.
maybe so grean but by any yardstick Kavanaugh is a lying cocksucker who is a disgrace to be on this country's highest court Originally Posted by themystic
Your opinion(s) per Kavanaugh means bupkus, mon frere….most likely he'll (still) be sitting on the bench long after you and I have gone the way of the dodo bird. So long as his health is good we could be lookin' at year 2046 before he hangs it up. Yippee....! another Trump victory!

In the meantime...…

themystic's Avatar
Your opinion(s) per Kavanaugh means bupkus, mon frere….most likely he'll (still) be sitting on the bench long after you and I have gone the way of the dodo bird. So long as his health is good we could be lookin' at year 2046 before he hangs it up. Yippee....! another Trump victory!

In the meantime...…

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Enjoy whatever you feel you got CB. If having a white supremacist in the WH makes you feel better you should feel great. If having a rapist on the SCOTUS makes you feel better you should feel great. Just remember CB after your man is gone the people you have to live around will still be here. Keep that fresh coat of paint on your Swastika for now but it will soon fade away, just like you. I love that Nancy Pelosi has basically rendered Trump USELESS. Please remember if you play the Im a Christian card, well you are going to hell for treating Gods kids they way you do

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
settle the fuck down bb. no need in getting worked up. while I think politically you are mentally retarded, personally you are probably a nice, yet misguided soul. its unfortunate that your city mates Jackie and gnadfly bring so little to the table. I think it was that Vietnam thing when they served with that Indian guy Nathan. btw SC is an American Patriot Originally Posted by themystic
My friend indeed I am. I have more Patriotism in my left nut sac than the entire Republicans here combined. They claim to be Patriots but that's the biggest joke ever. They all pine for an era that was only decent for a just a few and what's sad is they actually think we're gonna allow their racist mindsets to "take this country backwards" which is what they mean...they say take this country back but what they mean is backwards...unfortunately for them we're moving forward and leaving those types behind. They can die in their mental misery. And no...God does not approve of their behavior. They're like Scribes and Pharisees that Jesus condemned in Bible times. Most of them have nothing but Judas Iscariot like tendencies...
It is reported that the Statute of Limitations have not run out on the crimes that Lt Governor Fairfax is accused of committing by two women.

What they are alleging is criminal. Felonies. The Police obviously know about these now. Why hasn't a DA convened a Grand Jury?

Criminal activity should not be tried in the Court of Public Opinion.

As for the Governor and AG. Is there a Satute against wearing Blackface? Of course, it has become a visual symbol of the N Word, but as far as I know, no laws were broken, except the laws of decency.

Lt Governor Fairfax has a right to a day in court, where facts can be put forth under pain of perjury. We should not be punishing people due to heresay.
Chung Tran's Avatar
FWIW, I believe Fairfax is guilty.. Lord Fairfax is rolling in his Grave.. I bet Fairfax County will request a name change before this is all over.

the Governor? if he is telling the truth about the Michael Jackson skit, I see nothing wrong with his blackface incident.. I tend to believe him, because he was prepared to Moonwalk at the press Conference, until his Bitch held him back. BUT.. he needs to be innocent on the Coon/KKK photo to get absolved, from my POV.. surely it can be all but proven if he is lying or truth-telling on that.
  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2019, 06:08 PM
My friend indeed I am. I have more Patriotism in my left nut sac than the entire Republicans here combined. They claim to be Patriots but that's the biggest joke ever. They all pine for an era that was only decent for a just a few and what's sad is they actually think we're gonna allow their racist mindsets to "take this country backwards" which is what they mean...they say take this country back but what they mean is backwards...unfortunately for them we're moving forward and leaving those types behind. They can die in their mental misery. And no...God does not approve of their behavior. They're like Scribes and Pharisees that Jesus condemned in Bible times. Most of them have nothing but Judas Iscariot like tendencies... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

When mosquito land on testicle, man realize there's always a way to solve problem without violence.
He Who Believes Himself to Speak for God -- Speaks for Satan.

Judas Iscariot carried out God's Plan - without Judas there would be no Christianity.
  • grean
  • 02-11-2019, 07:45 PM
When mosquito land on testicle, man realize there's always a way to solve problem without violence. Originally Posted by oeb11

Nicely put!

The visual that is summoned is gonna give me nightmares though.
themystic's Avatar
When mosquito land on testicle, man realize there's always a way to solve problem without violence.
He Who Believes Himself to Speak for God -- Speaks for Satan.

Judas Iscariot carried out God's Plan - without Judas there would be no Christianity. Originally Posted by oeb11
so when year of the pig poster girl Sarah Huckabee sanders said god wanted trump to be president she was speaking for Satan. That makes sense

Trump is carrying out Gods plan by taking all the money from the Saudi, Jews, Chinese and Russians

God is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so when year of the pig poster girl Sarah Huckabee sanders said god wanted trump to be president she was speaking for Satan. That makes sense

Trump is carrying out Gods plan by taking all the money from the Saudi, Jews, Chinese and Russians

God is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
And your left wing loons takes ALL there money from US tax payers, so that's GOD'S plan...GOTCHA!!
You did say we were giving money to the Jews and now were taking it from them...can't have it both ways