why are wives so fucking mean

jdkees's Avatar
At least it's more interesting conversation than "waaaaaah women can be mean!"
I apologize, I may not have been clear enough with my terse comment. There are two parts to what I was saying about the studies you reference. The first part is that they were small studies that didn't use double-blind methods because they can't (ethics) and the scope wasn't specific enough to define a proper control. The second part was that the results of the study have been so ridiculously over trumped by the journalism reporting the studies (almost assuredly where you learned of them) that it's not providing a useful level of priority. Here's a web comic displaying the problem of how journalism on scientific study is often dubious at best:

So, when I say I'm not debating you I'm saying that the point you're making isn't actually relevant to the point I made. The most popular study referenced about marriage and long term health (from about a decade ago) only used happy marriages for its criteria, because those were the people who were willing to share.

That means that, yes, for people in happy marriages I absolutely agree with what the studies say because there's tons of research that human beings, since we are social creatures who thrive on relationships, will have healthier lives when they cultivate long term relationships like marriages. That doesn't translate to allowing toxic relationships to continue being equally as healthy. In fact, there are also reams of research on the matter that the longer we allow toxic relationships to go on the more stressors it places on us and puts our general health at risk.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with what you said. I'm pointing out that what you referenced in terms of what you said doesn't necessarily apply to what I was saying. Think of toxic relationships like bodily infections: either you treat the infection (work on the relationship) or you cut out the infected area (leave the relationship). All other actions are going to be tangential to those two options. Leaving the infection alone to fester is going to increase the risk of greater damage. Originally Posted by jdkees
Obviously you do want to debate it. Lol. Probably should take it to a new thread since its off topic from this one. Or via pm.

I'm gonna go back to my original comment on this thread and say the OP has come to the right place for the issues he's having with his SO. Hobbying is like marriage counseling for men. It provides them just enough satisfaction and guilt to make the best of their home life regardless of the specifics.

So in short: fuck it and forget it.
jdkees's Avatar
So in short: fuck it and forget it. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Originally Posted by jdkees
Somebody new every hour.
plove35's Avatar
Somebody new every hour. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
When is it my hour THN lol
Guest15000's Avatar
It's not really a debate. People who are happy to be married do indeed live longer and more fulfilling lives. Two people who are increasingly disliking and resenting each other isn't healthy for anyone. I know about the studies to which you refer, and their sample sizes are good enough for "family values" journalists but not enough to make sound medical or relationship advice.

If your married life is torture, you have two choices: fix it or quit. Continuing the torture is a recipe for at best a life of unhappiness, and at worst the risk of abuse. Originally Posted by jdkees
Not quoting your prior post cause of the length but I definitely agree with most of what you said and no I'm not mad at all.

Tried to fix it for a long time (years) and now am quitting it. Petition was filed months ago, have been separated for months, financial and legal strategies have been implemented and it's now a work in progress. Goal line is in sight. I really care very little about the money cause being in a mental prison and dealing with the torture ain't worth the money saved.

Agree totally with the part about staying in a dead relationship being unhealthy and creating resentment. Not good for anybody in any way.

I am not the original poster - I just get really freakin tired of hearing guys whine about how their wives talk too much and give them shit. Threw my story out just to shut them up. A lot of guys think wow that would be great if my wife would shut up and leave me alone. uh huh.....sure buddy.........lol

bravo for your doctor who (10th) gif.

I think I'm in love...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Bottom line, i think most women, wifes included, are not mean. My wife is an angel, sent to earth to protect me. And im sure many guys feel like that.
Bottom line, i think most women, wifes included, are not mean. My wife is an angel, sent to earth to protect me. And im sure many guys feel like that. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Good for you for saying that.

And sometimes they are tired, and sometimes they don't put out...and that's why women like us are here; to make you enjoy going home to your wives, whom you love and cherish.

Bravo Luke!
jdkees's Avatar

bravo for your doctor who (10th) gif.

I think I'm in love... Originally Posted by tntangie
Pretty sure the episode that was from is even contextually accurate to what I was saying: sometimes it's just the better choice for the universe to separate.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Good for you for saying that.

And sometimes they are tired, and sometimes they don't put out...and that's why women like us are here; to make you enjoy going home to your wives, whom you love and cherish.

Bravo Luke! Originally Posted by tntangie
Absolutely. Providers keep families together. You have an important role in society. Thats no joke, i have said so in more than one ocasion.
Good for you for saying that.

And sometimes they are tired, and sometimes they don't put out...and that's why women like us are here; to make you enjoy going home to your wives, whom you love and cherish.

Bravo Luke! Originally Posted by tntangie

Thank you for that, tntangie. I wish more than just a few providers thought and acted like this as opposed to the hookers who feel they are entitled along with the YMMV providers who are more prevalent on Eccie.
pyramider's Avatar
Good for you for saying that.

And sometimes they are tired, and sometimes they don't put out...and that's why women like us are here; to make you enjoy going home to your wives, whom you love and cherish.

Bravo Luke! Originally Posted by tntangie
Seeing posted taint photos is what the fucktards cherish, especially when they are tired.
Most wives were a invisible strap on that they don't know about and cannot see. They like to try to control us with it, thinking they have all the power and make the decisions.The Hot Nurse is one of the most intelligent providers out there. She has brains, beauty, and can be very kinky to cure those sex-less marriage woes...
doublebogey49's Avatar
To each his or her own, walk a mile in my shoes. We get along good other than her very low sex drive.
So again that's why we (all you guys, like it or not ) hobby. I'm just saying Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Bottom line, i think most women, wives included, are not mean. My wife is an angel, sent to earth to protect me. And im sure many guys feel like that. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Good for you for saying that.

And sometimes they are tired, and sometimes they don't put out...and that's why women like us are here; to make you enjoy going home to your wives, whom you love and cherish.

Bravo Luke! Originally Posted by tntangie
I couldn't agree more with these comments.

I suspect that there are a lot of us whose marriages are working fine except in the bedroom. I'm grateful for the hobby and to the ladies who fill that void in the sensual side of our lives (no pun intended).