They were looking for nuclear documents

HedonistForever's Avatar
HF with the ultimate straw something. No one ever said nuclear codes. Except the folks on the right on this site and others. That wasn’t even vaguely what was reported. By reporters.

Since we’re playing what if, here’s an easy one. What if Trump took the stuff because he thought it was cool. And even when confronted about what he had, what if he decided to keep it because he thought it was cool.

And "what if" it gets to the Supreme Court and the SC said yes, the President can declassify any document, with very few exceptions, US spies being the obvious answer, nuclear weapons another and other than those, yes, if a President thinks it is cool to declassify anything he wants he is free to do so. And since this has never been litigated before, we don't know exactly what the SC might say about keeping such documents, do we counselor?

See we can all make up What ifs? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Why not? Since when did "what if" become off limits? You better get an e-mail off to every Liberal media in this country and tell them that starting their reports with "if true", doesn't rise to your standard of reporting.

Can we not ask "what if this is all a political stunt" to further sour Trump supporters and anybody else thinking about voting for Trump? Can you smell the desperation in the air that they have to make something stick or else he might run again and win and then what will they do, declare civil war?

So since we are playing what if now even though you think that's a sin, let's play.

What if this whole charade fails and Garland can't pull the trigger with what they find? Will he risk it anyway since he has already been told come Jan. 2023, he will likely be impeached so what does he have to lose except his reputation which is dog shit in Republican circles and "heroic" even if illegal and conspiratorial, in Leftie circles. Always a job waiting at MSNBC for law breakers and liars.

But let me be clear, If they find and prove that Trump had the intent to give, sell, barter information on our nuclear capabilities, I would agree with former head of the CIA Hayden who apparently said today pre-charge, pre-trial, pre-conviction, that Trump should be executed and tomorrow would not be to soon.

Find Trump guilty of that and I'd drop the gas, release the trap door or fire the gun to end his life. Yeah, I'm a real Trumptard!

Try and keep straight no matter how hard it is for you guys on the left, who is defending Trump and who is defending the law, due process and equal justice under the law.

If Trump or any other politician is proven to be a traitor to this country, executing them would not be a problem for me, but you have to find him guilty first even though you guys don't believe that applies to Republicans any more.
... Were they looking for the nuclear papers or whatever it is
back in June - when they were THERE at Mar-i-lago??

If-so, no one has mentioned it... and how can it take 16 months
for the Archives people to notice "Top Secret" and also
"Highly Classified" documents are missing??

Aren't those types of records and documents CODED and catalouged
- so IF they were missing - it would be clear right away?

Who is in charge of these things?? .. . Is it yet-another sad
Biden appointee - who is asleep at the job??

Many MANY questions will need to be answered and concerns will
surely need to be addressed.

But lemme remind those who put their trust and faith in the
FBI, DOJ and the Intelligence people -

Those agencys told the American people that the
Trump/Russia collusion dossier WAS REAL.
And that the Hunter Biden laptop WAS FAKE.

... No bleedin' wonder their credibility is in the shithouse...

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Get em HF! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Yeah, they got me a little riled on this one because it is soooo much dumber than the rest of the shit they have pulled and while not a single reporter on the left has come forward in the last 5 years and said sorry, what I said was not a fact at the time and to this day can not be proven as a fact.

And this fucking nonsense about you can't say "what if", "you can't make comparisons about the very same topic with regard to other politicians of a different party", is just beyond insane but then that's who they are so it shouldn't be a surprise and still it surprises me.

As of tonight, we know Mar-a-lago was raided because Garland said there was "no other way" to retrieve what they are guessing is information that will allow them to charge Trump with Espionage, my opinion. Talk about a high bar of proving intent. Oh, I forgot, you only need to prove intent with a Democrat, not a Republican.

We know what was in the search warrant if two books of photo's gets us any closer to what they are looking for.

Here's an idea, show us the affidavit presented to the Magistrate or what ever he was other than a Trump hater which he admitted before and recused himself but not his time, maybe a bigger pay day, maybe not.

Appointed to his current position in 2018, Reinhart, recused himself in June from a lawsuit between Trump and Hillary Clinton because of 'personal bias.', AGAINST TRUMP

Seeing the affidavit would tell us exactly what the DOJ presented as to what they were looking for, that got this judge to say, "I'm OK with that".

But then we hear that the warrant includes every single document from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021. Why, in the hope they will find something beyond the simple removal of documents that Trump probably had every right to declassify if not able to take them with him. If that is the charge, that he violated the understanding that he couldn't keep them in his private residence ( yet to be determined ) and the DOJ knew over a year ago that he did this and even told Trump how to better secure the documents he had , that will likely not keep him from running again.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Oh wow, HF you found one mention of codes, but then the actual article talks about nuclear secrets not codes. As usual, you are typing bullshit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Didn't I tell you that was the only thing he could come back with? You're exact words were that nobody except the right was talking about nuclear codes and I found one that did and there were others if you ever bothered to look. Whether it was nuclear codes, weapons or secrets, NUCLEAR was being discussed but you just can't admit you were wrong, ONCE AGAIN. Do you lose this often in court? But then I've never asked if you are a criminal court attorney, are you, with defendants counting on your ability to keep them out of jail?

So let me see if I can pin you down here on an opinion, not a fact. Is it your opinion now that Trump will be charged with Espionage if any documentation on nuclear weapons, secrets are found and won't they have to prove "Mens Rea", what he was thinking at the time and knew it was criminal to be doing it?

Mens Rea - A Defendant's Mental State

Most crimes require what attorneys refer to as "mens rea," which is Latin for a "guilty mind." In other words, what was the defendant's mental state and what did the defendant intend when the crime was committed. Mens rea allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

So Merrick Garland is going to offer proof that Trump intended to sell, trade, give ( for the hell of it ) our nuclear secrets to anybody, friend or foe? Because that is the only thing that will send Trump to jail, the only thing.

HedonistForever's Avatar
... Were they looking for the nuclear papers or whatever it is
back in June -
when they were THERE at Mar-i-lago??

If-so, no one has mentioned it... and how can it take 16 months
for the Archives people to notice "Top Secret" and also
"Highly Classified" documents are missing??

Aren't those types of records and documents CODED and catalouged
- so IF they were missing - it would be clear right away?

Who is in charge of these things?? .. . Is it yet-another sad
Biden appointee - who is asleep at the job??

Many MANY questions will need to be answered and concerns will
surely need to be addressed.

But lemme remind those who put their trust and faith in the
FBI, DOJ and the Intelligence people -

Those agencys told the American people that the
Trump/Russia collusion dossier WAS REAL.
And that the Hunter Biden laptop WAS FAKE.

... No bleedin' wonder their credibility is in the shithouse...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

We would expect to see that wording in the affidavit but I doubt the DOJ wants anybody to see that, but with the New York Times and most other media Left and Right demanding that we see it, if they don't show it, they will be admitting as counselor 1bm1 has told us, that they have something to hide by not releasing that document.

I love a good fight between the New York Times and the Washington Post against the government. One of them gets fucked which is pretty much OK with me since they are 99%, one and the same. Maybe dumb ass Garland found the one topic that will turn the left media into attack dogs looking for that Pulitzer bone. I think I'm going to enjoy this as much as I enjoyed watching Mueller trying to remember what he was told to say AND COULDN'T!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
one question... what did they expect to find in Melania's closet?
winn dixie's Avatar
one question... what did they expect to find in Melania's closet? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
truduex sharing her nighties lolling
winn dixie's Avatar
Thread should be closed! HF has swept up and turnt the lights off!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2022, 07:48 AM
one question... what did they expect to find in Melania's closet? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

A "When Barron turns 18" manifesto!!!!

Maybe a handgun with one bullet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thread should be closed! HF has swept up and turnt the lights off! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Then you know what to do, WD.
winn dixie's Avatar
Then you know what to do, WD. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ts winn dixie to sing???


Yeah like most whokers i still gots my covid weight
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2022, 07:55 AM
Thread should be closed! HF has swept up and turnt the lights off! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Typing like a Howler Monkey does not turn the lights out...gets you a nomination
for a Drama Queen award !!!

He is a poster that has other posters who can logically counter his points on ignore...what a brave soul that is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is thread hijacking.

What if? What if you could be objective?

Everyone knows your hubris keeps you you.

Go start your own thread.

Why not? Since when did "what if" become off limits? You better get an e-mail off to every Liberal media in this country and tell them that starting their reports with "if true", doesn't rise to your standard of reporting.

Can we not ask "what if this is all a political stunt" to further sour Trump supporters and anybody else thinking about voting for Trump? Can you smell the desperation in the air that they have to make something stick or else he might run again and win and then what will they do, declare civil war?

So since we are playing what if now even though you think that's a sin, let's play.

What if this whole charade fails and Garland can't pull the trigger with what they find? Will he risk it anyway since he has already been told come Jan. 2023, he will likely be impeached so what does he have to lose except his reputation which is dog shit in Republican circles and "heroic" even if illegal and conspiratorial, in Leftie circles. Always a job waiting at MSNBC for law breakers and liars.

But let me be clear, If they find and prove that Trump had the intent to give, sell, barter information on our nuclear capabilities, I would agree with former head of the CIA Hayden who apparently said today pre-charge, pre-trial, pre-conviction, that Trump should be executed and tomorrow would not be to soon.

Find Trump guilty of that and I'd drop the gas, release the trap door or fire the gun to end his life. Yeah, I'm a real Trumptard!

Try and keep straight no matter how hard it is for you guys on the left, who is defending Trump and who is defending the law, due process and equal justice under the law.

If Trump or any other politician is proven to be a traitor to this country, executing them would not be a problem for me, but you have to find him guilty first even though you guys don't believe that applies to Republicans any more. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Start your own thread about declassifying things. Of course he can classify things.

But not retroactively.
What kind of moron would believe that?