Follow the Leader!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... The Leader is shown right now... In the polling.

Morning Consult... Trump up 4... Rassmussen up 6... Emerson up 2
but IF Biden drops out and either Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer
is the candidate - then Trump + 10 or 12...

ANYBODY out there got Joe ahead?? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yep. But you already knew that.

You keep listing off the RWW polls. And even them (Rassmussen nonwithstanding) have the NATIONAL race within the margin of error.

Looks like the GOP is in trouble in three of the crucial states, per your OP
... GOP may or not be in trouble... But Trump is the Leader
in the polls in those states... And the other swing states.

But thanks for sharing that...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
The only poll that counts is the election in November.

Everything else may be useful to someone plotting out campaign strategy, but for the rest of us, fussing over it amounts to pissing in the wind.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... GOP may or not be in trouble... But Trump is the Leader
in the polls in those states... And the other swing states.

But thanks for sharing that...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yet you will not state that Trump will win the popular vote in 2024, which is what the national polls are stating. Since you won't do so, I doubt YOU have any faith in the polls being correct.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... GOP may or not be in trouble... But Trump is the Leader
in the polls in those states... And the other swing states.

But thanks for sharing that...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The only poll that counts is the election in November.

Everything else may be useful to someone plotting out campaign strategy, but for the rest of us, fussing over it amounts to pissing in the wind. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Be sure to take an umbrella. It’s pretty windy here.
Precious_b's Avatar
The only poll that counts is the election in November.

Everything else may be useful to someone plotting out campaign strategy, but for the rest of us, fussing over it amounts to pissing in the wind. Originally Posted by ICU 812


Those that only follow polls may have a problem after election night.
Blimey!.. ... No surprise, as Trump (The Leader) WINS the Michigan
Republican Primary... Joe won on the Democrat side.

... Nice to see the Republican party so United...

And it surely looks like the pollsters are also United.
As Emerson/The Hill as well as Bloomberg News/Morning Consult ALL
have Trump leading Joe Biden Nationally - Rasmussen has Trump +6.
While they ALL have Trump leading in ALL the Swing States.

For Truth, Justice and The American Way! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Blimey!.. ... No surprise, as Trump (The Leader) WINS the Michigan
Republican Primary... Joe won on the Democrat side.

... Nice to see the Republican party so United...

And it surely looks like the pollsters are also United.
As Emerson/The Hill as well as Bloomberg News/Morning Consult ALL
have Trump leading Joe Biden Nationally - Rasmussen has Trump +6.
While they ALL have Trump leading in ALL the Swing States.

For Truth, Justice and The American Way! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wanna bet on the outcome Salty? Put your money where your mouth is for once?
eyecu2's Avatar
I usually go to here:

Much more accurate and those show margins of -1 to plus 10 in favor of Cheeto currently. However- as we all know- margin of error has historically been about 4% but the last polls in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 have show us that none of those mean shit till November voting happens.
... No need to take yer money there, Yssup.
Trump will WIN the Primary contests on Super Tuesday.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Blimey!.. ... No surprise, as Trump (The Leader) WINS the Michigan
Republican Primary... Joe won on the Democrat side.

... Nice to see the Republican party so United...

And it surely looks like the pollsters are also United.
As Emerson/The Hill as well as Bloomberg News/Morning Consult ALL
have Trump leading Joe Biden Nationally - Rasmussen has Trump +6.
While they ALL have Trump leading in ALL the Swing States.

For Truth, Justice and The American Way! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And again -- if you believe the national polls why won't you predict a Trump popular vote victory in 2024? The fact is even YOU do not believe the polls.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... No need to take yer money there, Yssup.
Trump will WIN the Primary contests on Super Tuesday.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Money? LOL! Ask your fellow WVer how that works, Salty. I have both won and lost on this type of bet. Once I stayed off the site for 90 days. Another poster quit. Another yet argued he never made a bet and wouldn’t honor it.

It’s just a matter of whether you have the integrity to honor a bet like this. If you lose, you leave. In the case of the poster known as Salty, we’d need some collateral…

.... So IF Trump DOES Win the Republican contests on Super Tuesday
- you're gonna leave the site for 90 days??

We'll now see if YOU have the integrity to honour this.
No collateral needed... I'll take you at your word.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No I won't take that stupid bet, Salty, and you know it.

Let's wager on the outcome of the general election in November and you're on!

If Trump is the nominee and wins, I'll take the 90 days. If he isn't or doesn't you do.

... I see... You made a suggestion of honouring wagers
and then you ran from yer first one...

Looks like I might not be able to trust that you (or another liberal)
would follow-thru if you lose. ...

And how will you ever raise yer post-count if you're NOT posting??

One o' the lads reminded me that you're a Astroes supporter.
So THAT surely spoils the integrity issue, sorry to say.
Cheating they way to victory and all that.

... So, sorry there, mate... you'll need to find someone else
to lose to...

... Even as the polls surely continue to favour The Leader!

#### Salty