zone de eroticca

Well this thread isn't 30 days old yet, so wanted to share my experience. I stopped in this morning around 7am, browsed the toys and dvds and then got a "private room" for $5. I just sat on the couch for like 20 minutes browsing BP on my phone. I was hoping for a knock but no such luck. It was odd though, the guy that showed me back to the rooms went all the way around all of the rooms (there are at least 15-20) and knocked on a few I guess to see if they were occupied. I heard male voices after the knocks on like 6 different rooms. What are they doing in there at 7am? Who knows.

Also I've been wondering, which side of the building are you guys using to go up the stairs? East or west? Stuff like this is a lot of fun to me, so I'm all about it. Any other sketchy places like this you guys know of?
Lucwitz's Avatar
I heard male voices after the knocks on like 6 different rooms. What are they doing in there at 7am? Who knows. Originally Posted by Cadillac
Who knows........ ROFL, you were there at 7am.

It was fueled by alcohol, I'll be honest lol. I knew in my mind it was too early, but what was I gonna do? Go home? Nah....
the top of the stairs, the door had a big wood piece of plywood over it. I think its closed unless you can get in from inside. and the dudes in there are probably coming home from the gay bars having 10 cent drink night or something LOL
doubleteamdallas's Avatar
Stuff like this is a lot of fun to me, so I'm all about it. Any other sketchy places like this you guys know of? Originally Posted by Cadillac
Pretty much every single adult video store in DFW is sketchy AF! If you want ultra seedy check out the Lido on a Thursday night. If you want to test how brave you are walk into Dallas Cabaret North dressed as a white business man.
Ravasher's Avatar
It was fueled by alcohol, I'll be honest lol. I knew in my mind it was too early, but what was I gonna do? Go home? Nah.... Originally Posted by Cadillac
You were drinking at 7am??
misterundo's Avatar
You were drinking at 7am?? Originally Posted by Ravasher
I'd wager still drinking at 7am.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Well this thread isn't 30 days old yet, so wanted to share my experience. I stopped in this morning around 7am, browsed the toys and dvds and then got a "private room" for $5. I just sat on the couch for like 20 minutes browsing BP on my phone. I was hoping for a knock but no such luck. It was odd though, the guy that showed me back to the rooms went all the way around all of the rooms (there are at least 15-20) and knocked on a few I guess to see if they were occupied. I heard male voices after the knocks on like 6 different rooms. What are they doing in there at 7am? Who knows.
Originally Posted by Cadillac
more explanation needed.. these guys (and you) rent these rooms for $5.. for how long? what is the express purpose for renting a room? is there porn inside, that you feed quarters? chairs? a bed? how big is the room? can a Fag walk up, knock on your door, you let him in? can a Chick? if you brought your own Bitch, is it ok for you both to rent one room?
Pretty much every single adult video store in DFW is sketchy AF! If you want ultra seedy check out the Lido on a Thursday night. If you want to test how brave you are walk into Dallas Cabaret North dressed as a white business man. Originally Posted by doubleteamdallas
From my personal experience, the crazies are over at Mockingbird Video.
Ravasher's Avatar
Pretty much every single adult video store in DFW is sketchy AF! If you want ultra seedy check out the Lido on a Thursday night. If you want to test how brave you are walk into Dallas Cabaret North dressed as a white business man. Originally Posted by doubleteamdallas
Been there a few times. I am very white and dress nice. Never had any problems. Had a good time.
Munk's Avatar
  • Munk
  • 10-01-2017, 10:10 PM
I believe the location in Richardson has closed.
Munk's Avatar
  • Munk
  • 10-01-2017, 10:18 PM
I believe the location in Richardson has closed.
Years ago, some guy passed away in the present of a bodyrub gal and i think the place shut down thereafter. I thought people played cards there (see a lot of card tables) and lots of interesting erotic decors
From my personal experience, the crazies are over at Mockingbird Video. Originally Posted by pathfinder420
amen brother
mr. haney's Avatar
was told you rent a room...get a couch and a computer..they call themselves an internet cafe....sometimes there are girls there that can "join you" or you can take someone in with a room for $16 that includes a refundable $10 info from a girl sitting outside who tried to get me to go in with her....didn't take the bait