I Really Urge People To See That This Woman Is Being Truthful

Well well well...what do you know...

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm glad to see you've come around to the correct understanding...you are now admitting that these are ALLEGED allegations...you have been saying it as it was fact.
That is the first step in the right direction
The biggest difference is I'm not trying to govern anyone's life and tell them how to live. Jungle face Kav is and also I would just sue her ass make her prove it. I keep all text messages even from white girls that ask me to play black man rape fantasy with them. I make them commit to putting it in writing even if it's just role play. The other thing is girls love me...I can pick and chose because I'm a handsome negro...they text and call me incessantly so they leave their own electronic trail of their open love for me. So by default I'm a much much much more smarter man than Kavanaugh. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You say your a handsome negro..then I guess you have no resemblance to you MAMA??
You say you are "much more smarter"...GOT YEA!!
Then a SCOTUS nominee
Let me clarify I'm not talking about hookers at all because unlike 99% of you I actually don't have to pay for pussy. I'm talking about real world young women not hookers. I'm not knocking yall because yall are just doing what you have to do to get laid I understand that. Maybe when I'm an old man I wont have it so easy. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So your MAMA be setting you up with girls that look like her
I guess you be wearing your beer goggles
Any small vestige of credibility you had just got tossed out the window. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That happen a looooong time ago!!
I'm proud of Christine. Telling her story now just may have saved this country from Armageddon. Kav would set us back for 100 yrs. He's a real demon amongst us. Not to mention a rapist wannbe. Murkowski and Collins must vote NO at this time. I am pleased thus far Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If you said this once you said it a MILLION times...we got it already!!
Rapist wanabe...you read minds too...
Facts...you know what those are right??
How are you going to survive this confirmation??
SeekingSpice's Avatar
I think its priceless that at his age people went to give Kavanaugh a pass but at the same age these same people said Trayvon Martin deserved to die. Ohh que the hypocrisy. Just wow. Naah Kav is guilty as fuck no excuses let's stay consistent. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
And Kavanaugh already perjured himself when he was appointed to his current judgeship. The Repugnantcants don't care as long as they get this right-wing asshole on the court. For one thing, they want someone who will let Trump avoid the consequences of his conspiring with the Russians. Trump is a narcissist, and a liar. He admires people like Putin, an ex-KGB guy, as "strong leaders" (i.e., leaders who kill those who oppose them). They get poisoned, shot or thrown out of third story windows.

But mostly Trump just admires himself. And most Republicans are now pussies who are afraid of him.
Judge Kavanaugh and his wife are being interviewed by Martha MacCallum right now.

He is categorically denying everything.

He even said that he was a virgin all the way through high school and college.
And Kavanaugh already perjured himself when he was appointed to his current judgeship. The Repugnantcants don't care as long as they get this right-wing asshole on the court. For one thing, they want someone who will let Trump avoid the consequences of his conspiring with the Russians. Trump is a narcissist, and a liar. He admires people like Putin, an ex-KGB guy, as "strong leaders" (i.e., leaders who kill those who oppose them). They get poisoned, shot or thrown out of third story windows.

But mostly Trump just admires himself. And most Republicans are now pussies who are afraid of him. Originally Posted by SeekingSpice
I see your avatar is right inline with your ideology...
And Kavanaugh already perjured himself when he was appointed to his current judgeship. The Repugnantcants don't care as long as they get this right-wing asshole on the court. For one thing, they want someone who will let Trump avoid the consequences of his conspiring with the Russians. Trump is a narcissist, and a liar. He admires people like Putin, an ex-KGB guy, as "strong leaders" (i.e., leaders who kill those who oppose them). They get poisoned, shot or thrown out of third story windows.

But mostly Trump just admires himself. And most Republicans are now pussies who are afraid of him. Originally Posted by SeekingSpice
Not to hijack the thread but I keep hearing this "Kav perjured himself" charge but no details.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
he's trolling as usual.