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  • WTF
  • 06-13-2019, 01:37 PM

I heartened to see One supports the free speech of others - except for the use of any acronym" offensive" to them.
Eye -Roll.![/QUOTE] can't even follow linear logic.

Your labeling of people inaccurately is what I find ignorant. It gives others license to label you so. A point was made that you start all this with your acronym. If you want free speech....fine. Just do not think that comes with any respect when you're throwing out inaccurate bs

But really my question has always been the Moderation of just wtf is offensive. Right seems the posters that lean to the left are getting hammered moreso than you righties for basically the same minor crap.

I sure the fuck do not think telling some one God spoke to me is point worthy or even offensive.
  • oeb11
  • 06-13-2019, 03:50 PM
What in my post limits your right of fr (ee speech. I didn't say you couldn't say what you want. I merely said I disagree with your speech. It appears you want to win your arguments by making people mad. Not by convincing them. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Quote TDG-
OEB11, I would agree with you if only you would stop using the acronym DPST in every post you make. That is in itself an insult and you use it all the time.

TDG did not disagree with my "speech" - He was "Insulted" and could not agree with me because he interprets a political label as an insult - and demands a useful acronym be abandoned because he is personally insulted. TDG - DPST is an acronym to describe a political group of like-thinkers. If You identify with such a group, and are insulted, perhaps One should re-consider One's political beliefs.

It Is Not Personal.

Your complaint that DPST is "insulting" is just standard Liberal-Leftist -Progressive-Socialist-Totalitarian SOP for: Anything I disagree with is "Offensive" to poor little me, and must be outlawed until the only "Thought-speech" existant complies with my own "DPST" Thought-Speech control Rules.

TDG makes statements on this forum - Some I agree with, Some I find interesting and learn from, Some I disagree with - but I will defend his right to his own thought and speech to my Death.
I am D... Sure he would not do the same for Anyone else's right to Free Speech.
Insulting - the political treatment of Kavanaugh, Trump, and others by the DPST House and Senate -those are Insults and Threats to American Democracy.

TDG - you are welcome to RTM to DS
If DS finds the use of the acronym "DPST" in violation of the Forum Rules, I will abandon its' use, and apologize.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2019, 03:57 PM
Quote TDG-
OEB11, I would agree with you if only you would stop using the acronym DPST in every post you make. That is in itself an insult and you use it all the time.

TDG did not disagree with my "speech" - He was "Insulted" and could not agree with me because he interprets a political label as an insult - and demands a useful acronym be abandoned because he is personally insulted. TDG - DPST is an acronym to describe a political group of like-thinkers. If You identify with such a group, and are insulted, perhaps One should re-consider One's political beliefs.

It Is Not Personal.

Your complaint that DPST is "insulting" is just standard Liberal-Leftist -Progressive-Socialist-Totalitarian SOP for: Anything I disagree with is "Offensive" to poor little me, and must be outlawed until the only "Thought-speech" existant complies with my own "DPST" Thought-Speech control Rules.

TDG makes statements on this forum - Some I agree with, Some I find interesting and learn from, Some I disagree with - but I will defend his right to his own thought and speech to my Death.
I am D... Sure he would not do the same for Anyone else's right to Free Speech.
Insulting - the political treatment of Kavanaugh, Trump, and others by the DPST House and Senate -those are Insults and Threats to American Democracy.

TDG - you are welcome to RTM to DS
No - I am not upset or "Outraged" in the Least. Chuckle

Originally Posted by oeb11
Wtf was that mumbo jumbo?