bachmann? Gutsy or foolish

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  • Doove
  • 04-15-2013, 08:02 PM
And Dubya threw up red flags way more than once only to have good ole Barney Frank assure everyone that all was well with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah, right. Originally Posted by rke324

I remember watching the 2004 Republican Convention, and when Bush and Cheney managed to get through a sentence without mentioning 9/11, they were touting the record homeownership under their administration.

Red flags indeed.
I asked for VERIFIABLE FACTS!!! NOT your opinionated rant. The world I live in saw the 2007 - 2008 financial meltdown (I.E. the banking industry collapse, the housing mkt. collapse, the investment firms imploding and the American auto industry finally getting what it had been asking for over the last 30 yrs.) due to the following ....

All you need do is run a search on the internet (What Caused The 2008 Financial Crises) Nowhere did I find any mention of Nixon or Reagan. For the most part it was SUB-PRIME LENDING. And Dubya threw up red flags way more than once only to have good ole Barney Frank assure everyone that all was well with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah, right.
And BTW, I'm NOT a Republican!!! Just believe in giving credit where credit is due. So, if you can supply me with some reliable links that can back up your claims, bring em on. I'll be happy to supply you with ones to back up mine. But get ready to do some heavy reading cause there's a lot of them.

Originally Posted by rke324
Your so-called VERIFIABLE FACTS look more like FOX and Karl Rove's talking points, nothing more but nice attempt to muddy the waters as only they can!!!!
Believe you are not a Republican, you sound more like a Conservative cut right out of the Limbaugh mold. As such they deny the REAL US HISTORY of the last 30 yearws I presented and prefer the PT induced rants they hear daily from their supreme blowhard and hero Limbaugh!!!

REAL FACTS REMAIN, Republicans invented Globalism that is gutting America!
Reps always fully supported ALL DEREGULATION started during the Reagan years and is the main culprit causing our fiscal mess, that you now feebly attempt to blame Dems for!!!

BTW Dubya never threw up red flags!!!
If anything he paved the way claiming more banking DEREGULATION was needed so these banking crooks on Wall St could sell and make even more shady trades/deals!!!
rke324's Avatar
Your so-called VERIFIABLE FACTS look more like FOX and Karl Rove's talking points, nothing more but nice attempt to muddy the waters as only they can!!!!
Believe you are not a Republican, you sound more like a Conservative cut right out of the Limbaugh mold. As such they deny the REAL US HISTORY of the last 30 yearws I presented and prefer the PT induced rants they hear daily from their supreme blowhard and hero Limbaugh!!!

REAL FACTS REMAIN, Republicans invented Globalism that is gutting America!
Reps always fully supported ALL DEREGULATION started during the Reagan years and is the main culprit causing our fiscal mess, that you now feebly attempt to blame Dems for!!!

BTW Dubya never threw up red flags!!!
If anything he paved the way claiming more banking DEREGULATION was needed so these banking crooks on Wall St could sell and make even more shady trades/deals!!! Originally Posted by Celso
Like I said, supply me with some VERIFIABLE NON BIASED links containing your so called facts. I've yet to see any. As for deregulation, here's a link for ya :
While Billy Clinton was gettin his knob pollished in the oval office by Monica, he decides to deregulate the stock market. Let em have a free for all. The sad thing is that which CLINTON repealed was put in place to keep what happened in 2008 from happening.

REAL FACTS REMAIN, Republicans invented Globalism that is gutting America!
Reps always fully supported ALL DEREGULATION started during the Reagan years and is the main culprit causing our fiscal mess, that you now feebly attempt to blame Dems for!!! "

This statement of yours was just shot down with the link I provided. Please, when you can back up your obviously biased rants with facts from a reputable source, you let me know. And no, none of the info I back my FACTS up with come from FOX or Limbaugh. Again, your statement inferring that just backs up my claim that you have a closed and biased mind. And yes, Dubya threw a number of red flags up about Fannie and Freddie. DO YOUR HOMEWORK, then supply me with the FACTS and not your biased unsubstantiated BS.
I'm sure you'll have to get your last word in and I'll bet it'll just be more of the same unsubstantiated ranting. That being the case, I'll leave you to your delusional world.
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  • Doove
  • 04-16-2013, 04:08 AM
Typing all in bold is right up there with typing all in caps.

Reps always fully supported ALL DEREGULATION started during the Reagan years and is the main culprit causing our fiscal mess, that you now feebly attempt to blame Dems for!!! "
This statement of yours was just shot down with the link I provided. Originally Posted by rke324
So you agree that regulation is good. And the more, the better.

Got it!
I asked for VERIFIABLE FACTS!!! NOT your opinionated rant. The world I live in saw the 2007 - 2008 financial meltdown (I.E. the banking industry collapse, the housing mkt. collapse, the investment firms imploding and the American auto industry finally getting what it had been asking for over the last 30 yrs.) due to the following :
Attachment 209564
All you need do is run a search on the internet (What Caused The 2008 Financial Crises) Nowhere did I find any mention of Nixon or Reagan. For the most part it was SUB-PRIME LENDING. And Dubya threw up red flags way more than once only to have good ole Barney Frank assure everyone that all was well with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah, right.
And BTW, I'm NOT a Republican!!! Just believe in giving credit where credit is due. So, if you can supply me with some reliable links that can back up your claims, bring em on. I'll be happy to supply you with ones to back up mine. But get ready to do some heavy reading cause there's a lot of them.

Originally Posted by rke324
The sub-prime lending by banks was a minor contributing factor in the 2008 financial collapse. The repeal of the glass steagall act was a major factor, and you're right it did happen under clinton. BUT, the repeal of the act didn't force investment institutions to create financial instruments so complex that no one knew who owned and was owed what. That was done by "honest businessmen". Bush never tried to correct the problem and was probably unaware there was a problem.
Moreover, the 10 trillion in debt racked up by "fiscally conservative" republican administrations since reagan and the after effects of the financial meltdown, have seriously hamstrung the current administrations efforts to improve the economy.
Ha! I laugh at ur insults, do think I care if I can't type with my thumbs, this social media, its meant to be short and sweet,

By the way, I have oodles of college, can do calculus in my head, solved rubiks cube 20 years before the yahoo tube vid ever came out

Really comes down to, I don't like seeing rights taken, and the erosion of the middle class. Obama is in the closet communist. The economy is not better for the middle class. It is better for welfare reciepients and the elite. The socialist dream. Lenin would be proud of obama.

It does not matter I type, I am right. LOL Originally Posted by lostforkate
Proofread much?

The economy is much better for the middle class, as well as the poor and rich, because it is no longer 3 days away from complete collapse as it was at the end of the bush administration. As for the rest of your comments, they only reinforce my original comments about your education level.
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Leave it to the Liberal / Dem's to start throwing personal insults. Every one of their comments has either been an opinionated and unsubstantiated rant, a personal attack or both. Some can't even follow the line of comments in the thread to know who's saying what and when others are being quoted. Some even have to be so childish as to attack others spelling or even the use of a BOLD font. LMAO!!! Pretty petty and pathetic. Here's a clue. Speaking for myself, if you don't like my BOLD font posts and they offend you that much, DON'T READ THEM!!!
Frankly, I don't have the time for reading others unsubstantiated hot air. I've asked a number of times for those claims to be backed up with something, anything, a news link, just something to prove them and all I get is more of the same. Opinions are not facts unless verified. On the other hand, everything I've posted are facts and can be verified to be true. Most here are closed minded and so biased that even when the cold hard facts are presented and verified, they're still in complete denial.
That being said, I'm no longer going to waste my time on this thread. I've got a lot of way better things to do than this. So, knock yourselves out boys. Insult the hell out of me if you like. Just remember this : In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion.

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[/B]I remember watching the 2004 Republican Convention, and when Bush and Cheney managed to get through a sentence without mentioning 9/11, they were touting the record homeownership under their administration.

Red flags indeed. Originally Posted by Doove
  1. Marvin Meadors: Another Conservative Myth Busted -- Did Fannie ...
    Jun 11, 2012 – Barney Frank for derailing Bush's attempts to reform Freddie and Fannie. After all, Rep. Frank told The New York Times in September of 2003 ...

  2. Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia, the ...
    The federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refers to the placing into .... In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the ...
    Background and financial ... - Previous attempts for GSE reform

  3. Bush Administration Tried to Reform Freddie and Fannie Five Years ...

    Feb 19, 2009 – ( – Why didn't the Bush administration sound the alarm on the unstable housing market that began to unravel on his watch?

  4. George Bush and Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - YouTube

    ► 6:38► 6:38
    Feb 19, 2012 - Uploaded by lmdslam
    Just a couple of highlights in this mandate bush did on home ownership: "We dont want fine print preventing ...

  5. More videos for bush on Fannie and Freddie »

  6. Karl Rove: President Bush Tried to Rein In Fan and Fred -
    Jan 8, 2009 – In reality, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were among the principal culprits of the housing crisis, and Mr. Bush wanted to rein them in before ...

  7. New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ...

    Sep 11, 2003 – The Bush administration today recommended the most significant ... Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the ...

  8. Daily Kos: Game Over: How Bush Bankrupted Fannie and Freddie
    Sep 7, 2008 – I don't think that the general public realizes how the impending collapse of Fannie and Freddie is a game-changer. Bear Stearns, Enron ...

  9. Rove falsely asserted that Frank called Bush's Fannie, Freddie ...
    Jan 8, 2009 – Barney Frank "labeled" President George W. Bush's "proposals" for reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as "inane." In fact, Frank's remark ...

  10. What to Cut: Calls to shed debt-burdened Fannie, Freddie | Fox News
    Mar 28, 2013 – The George W. Bush administration also pushed low-income homeownership, but sounded alarms about the health of Fannie and Freddie as ...

  11. Thinklets | Attempts by President Bush to reform Fannie Mae and ...
    Attempts by President Bush to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit. ** 2001. April: The Administration's FY02 budget declares that
Most here are closed minded and so biased that even when the cold hard facts are presented and verified, they're still in complete denial. Originally Posted by rke324
Again more bluster than substance.....

All your smoke & mirrors bluster can't change that! You are the one in denial if your fail to grasp this.

While banking and Wall St deregulation supported always by the GOP played a part in this mess, JOBS LOST are the prime reason for the county going bankupt, all due to Republican Globalism. Did you forget Mitt just in the last election calling for even more deregulation??? This SCARED folks and was a major reason Obama soundly trounced Mitt! Folks saw what major screw-ups took place under Dubya and wanted NO MORE of the same with Mitt!!!

Our kids have NO WHERE NEAR the job opportunities we had just 30-40 years ago.....and these are the REAL FACTS!!!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-16-2013, 02:27 PM
Who signed NAFTA?
Obama won because of the obama phone, or more precisely, the perceived entitlements that some urban people are given will continue under obama, while a romney administration would try to reform welfare and end entitlements.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-16-2013, 03:50 PM
Obama won because of the obama phone, or more precisely, the perceived entitlements that some urban people are given will continue under obama, while a romney administration would try to reform welfare and end entitlements. Originally Posted by lostforkate
What entitlements was he going to end?

What welfare reform did he propose?

The whole idea that Obama won because he was giving stuff away to poor people is just absurd.
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  • GP
  • 04-16-2013, 03:51 PM
Seriously, why is it so absurd?
Who signed NAFTA? Originally Posted by GP
The first Bush signed nafta.
History and Purpose of NAFTA - What Are the Facts

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  • GP
  • 04-16-2013, 04:15 PM
NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.
Another source says

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it.
It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993
So I guess blame can't be solely placed on republicans for that mess.