Mueller recommends no jail time for flynn. flynn must have spilled his guts.

I B Hankering's Avatar
you haven't answered the question.... that is if you can get past your hatred of Trump as away to avoid answering this question.

Its just a simple Yes, or No answer. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Notice how Comey didn't answer that question either.

REPORTER: "Did you have total confidence in the dossier when you used it to secure a surveillance warrant and also in the subsequent renewals?"

COMEY: "I have total confidence that the FISA process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful responsible way by DOJ and the FBI."

December 7th, 2018, Congressional hearing.
The Steele dossier and the "FISA process" are not synonymous. The FBI demonstrably failed, per the newly released FBI emails -- including Comey's -- to follow its own "Woods procedures" when using the Steele dossier as evidence to secure the FISA warrants.

Mueller's indictments are predicated on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
themystic's Avatar
Notice how Comey didn't answer that question either.

The Steele dossier and the "FISA process" are not synonymous. The FBI demonstrably failed, per the newly released FBI emails -- including Comey's -- to follow its own "Woods procedures" when using the Steele dossier as evidence to secure the FISA warrants.

Mueller's indictments are predicated on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There you go again making stuff up IB. Bottom line is Flynn ratted out everybody. He wanted to save his little boy. Trump should be thanking Mueller for what he asked Comey to do. Mueller went easy on him
I B Hankering's Avatar
There you go again making stuff up IB. Bottom line is Flynn ratted out everybody. He wanted to save his little boy. Trump should be thanking Mueller for what he asked Comey to do. Mueller went easy on him Originally Posted by themystic
You'd be the one making stuff up, because everyone knows Comey testified under oath that the Steele dossier was "unverified"; yet, he and others still used it to secure FISA warrants -- in violation of the FBI's "Woods procedures".

The newly released FBI emails underscore that the Steele dossier was unverified and that the Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (who the FBI knew had talked to Steele) also used to secure the FISA warrant was also sourced to Steele: circular reporting -- also a violation of procedure.

Mueller's indictments are based on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
bamscram's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fruit of a poisonous tree. Originally Posted by bamscram

but was it justifiable in how it was initiated?
themystic's Avatar
You'd be the one making stuff up, because everyone knows Comey testified under oath that the Steele dossier was "unverified"; yet, he and others still used it to secure FISA warrants -- in violation of the FBI's "Woods procedures".

The newly released FBI emails underscore that the Steele dossier was unverified and that the Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (who the FBI knew had talked to Steele) also used to secure the FISA warrant was also sourced to Steele: circular reporting -- also a violation of procedure.

Mueller's indictments are based on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just think IB all of this shit because Carter Page, a Trump campaign worker was playing footsies with the Russians. Republicans are already starting to bail on your boy Trump
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just think IB all of this shit because Carter Page, a Trump campaign worker was playing footsies with the Russians. Republicans are already starting to bail on your boy Trump Originally Posted by themystic
Just think, Carter Page was an FBI informant who the FBI employed as counter-espionage against the Russians; so, the FBI was lying about Page's contacts especially since it is now known that FBI used Stefan Halper -- in contravention to prescribed FBI rules and regulations -- to spy on the Trump campaign in an attempt to entrap Carter Page, and others, which produced nothing substantive. And the NYT reported as much at that time:

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump. (NYT)
Mueller's indictments are based on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
I’ll bet you a 3 month vacation Flynn didn’t implicate Trump. You on? Originally Posted by bambino
Flynn has more dirt on Mueller than Mueller has on Trump.
themystic's Avatar
Flynn has more dirt on Mueller than Mueller has on Trump. Originally Posted by Gio Godley
Please do share
Muller has so much dirt on trump and his buddies. He's gonna need a bigger shovel
themystic's Avatar
Just think, Carter Page was an FBI informant who the FBI employed as counter-espionage against the Russians; so, the FBI was lying about Page's contacts especially since it is now known that FBI used Stefan Halper -- in contravention to prescribed FBI rules and regulations -- to spy on the Trump campaign in an attempt to entrap Carter Page, and others, which produced nothing substantive. And the NYT reported as much at that time:

Mueller's indictments are based on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What? You list a 2 year old article as your source. It would take a year to list Trumps lies over the 2 year period. You don't know your stuff IB. Stop selling yesterdays paper and calling it todays news
I B Hankering's Avatar
What? You list a 2 year old article as your source. It would take a year to list Trumps lies over the 2 year period. You don't know your stuff IB. Stop selling yesterdays paper and calling it todays news Originally Posted by themystic
Noticed how you still haven't cited anything substantive to refute what was reported by the NYT, whereas, the evidence of FBI wrong doing keeps accumulating.

Mueller's indictments are based on the "Fruit of the poisonous tree."
Missburger's Avatar
Mueller indictments stuck well, manafort wont see the sun again lol
trump in the end will survive

trump jr Kushner, hmmmm nope their little white asses gonna see jail time
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your statement builds on the idea the FISA is illegal. It's not illegal.
Debate your off-topic, what if fantasy someplace else.
but was it justifiable in how it was initiated? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Have I missed someone who did?

The proof none of his supporters condemn his lies is none of his supporters condemn his lies.

Did you really need me to explain that to you?

You show supporters condemning his lies. Simple. Right?

And I'll also point out that you finding even 1000 examples is statistically insignificant. So let's get back on topic of Flynn spilling his guts

That's a moot point. The problem here is that y'all act like the ruling hasn't been made and that it's only a matter of time till it's reversed.
Every peep out of fox or whoever and the claims start to fly all these CRIMINALS are somehow victims.
Jackie calls over 20 charges "process crimes" and that no one can survive the scrutiny of an investigations. You and your ilk now accept crimes and outright lies as a moral standard.

I outright reject him and his premises. trump has lowered expectations of America itself and put a layer of slime one everything he touches.

Who on this site can defend trump without whataboutisn?

Who on this site can deride trump without #aboutnothingism?

No one condems his lies. And like how can the world trust or depend on the US, how can I believe you want an honest discussion of the issues?trump is a true piece of shit.
I don't expect you to agree with me on that. But I expect you to aknowledge the truth[/QUOTE]

prove it then.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman