Mods, why can SL leak private/ML quotes seemingly without repercussion?

Precious_b's Avatar
I gave Sixx a call and told him you still had aspirations to be a MOD..... He said if the board needed help so bad they would consider you that he would come out f retirement and take back the button.... Originally Posted by Whispers

Why don't you ask Sixx to mame him a Mod in SA? That way you'll have twice the attention down here

Aren't you two precious... Originally Posted by Still Looking
I thought I was
Still Looking's Avatar
I thought I was Originally Posted by Precious_b
Finger of speech P. Sorry...
Precious_b's Avatar
Finger of speech P. Sorry... Originally Posted by Still Looking
As long as it ain't in my ass.
fun2come's Avatar
Finger of speech P. Sorry... Originally Posted by Still Looking
As long as it ain't in my ass. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 05-23-2017, 08:45 PM
Okay Gamer I guess this ones done! You can go back to cock blocking.

"If you see still Looking I won't see you any more!"

Maybe you should post it in your sig line! Originally Posted by Still Looking
As I've said before, the only guys that I won't follow are those that admit to BB'ing or to having an STD. Please don't leak any more ML content.
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 05-23-2017, 08:56 PM
Give me a break with this mod conspiracy garbage. Anytime one of us misses something it's a cover up all of a sudden? Please.

Let me tell you something. I don't live in Austin, I don't travel to Austin, I don't fuck any Austin hookers, I don't attend any Austin socials, I don't know or care about any of you personally.

I, therefore, for damned sure don't care about any of the local drama except to the extent that guidelines are violated, in which case I will take action no matter who the offender is. The local mods from Austin also know this and since we act as a team we keep each other in the loop about goings on and moderate by committee more or less. Many cities have a similar arrangement and it all works out rather nicely.

So please, save the conspiracy theories for issues with considerably more evidence if you want to be take seriously. All you have here is a post which escaped notice.

Thanks for the heads up, it's been edited to add private tags. Any further actions that were taken regarding the issue will remain between mods and the member in question.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Yeah, I mean who could blame you for missing Passion's comment about the posts coming from the ML/private posts, me pointing it out in the same thread with a link, and two RTM's spoon feeding you the offending quotes and where they originated from?

So what's the punishment for sharing premium content with non premium members? Or do I have to make a separate thread to get an answer? Originally Posted by Gamer
First offense is 30 days vacation usually. Why do you ask? Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Yup, no conspiracy that someone who collects ML/private posts from 8 or 9 separate threads and leaks them to coed doesn't get banned. Could you share what was so "unusual" about his leaks that didn't earn him a vacation?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
As always, thanks for helping keep staff abreast of things we may not otherwise have seen. I will say that not everything rises to the level of a ban.

However, I'm not playing "gotcha" games with people who clearly have an agenda and have revealed themselves to be uncharitable regarding any explanations I offer.

The situation was handled. How it was handled specifically is between staff and the offender. Thank you for your interest.
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 05-23-2017, 10:06 PM
As always, thanks for helping keep staff abreast of things we may not otherwise have seen. I will say that not everything rises to the level of a ban.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
No shit. I'm trying to understand where that line is.

However, I'm not playing "gotcha" games with people who clearly have an agenda and have revealed themselves to be uncharitable regarding any explanations I offer. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
You want charity on top of kickbacks? Damn, there are some greedy people in the world.

The situation was handled. How it was handled specifically is between staff and the offender. Thank you for your interest. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
1, 2, 3, 4, FIFTTTTTTTHHHHHHH!!!!!
Whispers's Avatar

I understand the questions you have and asked and I have asked them at times myself. You simply are not going to get an answer formulated in the manner you are seeking.....

Having been in the situation of breaking a guideline and earning an infraction or 2 or 10 or 20....... I can clarify part of it for you....

MODs interact with members differently and at times one MOD might have handled something before another MOD comes along that may have handled it differently... Certain things obviously need to be handled faster than others and while they may moderate more by committee most of the time there are situations that simply do not allow for it.

I've taken a lot of points over the years at different times and no matter how I was sanctioned there are always members that feel THEY deserve to know what type of infraction I was given or why wasn't I banned. I've posted my infraction pages more than once simply to prove different points I have made or taken....

Walking that fine line that so often do, an understanding of not only the guidelines but also the MODs in play is required....

MODs almost NEVER tell the community what action they have taken. Maybe it was determined at some point long ago that it was not a concern for the community.... I can understand it would simply require far more time than is available for them to explain themselves than it does to take action.

It has frustrated me with some of my protagonists that I believe should have pointed out long ago for stalking or rudeness or thread hijacking. I've never been able to get a clear answer on many of those issues.

IF you are trying to clarify where lines lay you should draft a short message making your question clear and PM a staff member. You will probably get a far better response and understanding as a result.

Or.... You can simply break the rules and find out where the guidelines lay....

I typically know when I am going to cross a line..... I still communicate with them before hand or immediately afterwards if I screwed up in some way....

W- Hey MOD!
M- What the fuck do you want now whispers?
W- SuzySucks2Hard is really pissing me off and I'm gonna call her a Cunt..... IS that a warning or points and if so how many?
M- You know better so it sure the hell is not a warning. 3 to 5 points unless you've done it before in which case it will be 10 points. If you were warned by staff not to then there may be points also for not following instructions of staff.
W- OK... Standby to issue those points in 3...2.....1.... now...

They love to point me and usually do so right away.... I think it is some cred thing for them with other MODs

Anyway.... You are shouting into the wind here the way you approaching it....
SpiceItUp's Avatar
No shit. I'm trying to understand where that line is. Originally Posted by Gamer
Ok, if you really want to understand where the line is drawn I'll help you out.

A ban is generally doled out for cases such as when a guy tells a provider there's a thread about her in the ML and discloses the contents to her. Repeated offenses are dealt with in an escalating fashion.

Points/warnings are generally doled out for cases where a guy quotes something someone may have said in a private area but does not disclose where the quote came from or who it was regarding. Or where someone publicly responds to a privately tagged comment in such a way that reveals the content of the private tags. Repeated offenses are dealt with in an escalating fashion.

Yes they are both a guideline violation. No they are not the same thing and are thus are handled differently. When I said that a first offense is typically a 30 day ban I obviously was referring to cases where a ban is the appropriate response in the first place.

We'd be banning a shitload of members if we immediately banned every member who quoted ROS without private tags or who responded in public to something in a privately tagged review comment or private area.

Protocol dictates that, for all but the more extreme violations on this site, we use a progressive disciplinary response with a ban as the last resort not the first.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
They love to point me and usually do so right away.... I think it is some cred thing for them with other MODs Originally Posted by Whispers
Nah, I'm just trying to win that gold watch St C says he's giving to the first mod that dishes out 1 million points....

dearhunter's Avatar
I'll be right back.......damn, the system won't let me do it......I'm going to have to dig deeper on this one....maybe if I turn off the points limit for a moment.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I'll be right back.......damn, the system won't let me do it......I'm going to have to dig deeper on this one....maybe if I turn off the points limit for a moment. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Your signature is still NOT compliant.
dearhunter's Avatar
Shame on me
Treetop78759's Avatar
Shame on me Originally Posted by dearhunter
