Uncle Han bites the dust

Uncle Han posted commentary backed up with facts and analysis from reliable sources that are widely read. He offered it up with a healthy dose of verbal bitch slapping.............he was extremely good at it...............better than most....................that is what annoys those who he bested.

Almost everyone who posts regularly in this forum is guilty of bitch slapping in their posts.

The fact that you think otherwise makes you look silly. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Marshall didn't "best" anybody, you clueless buffoon. All he did was attempt to hog the forum and hurl crude insults.

If you two cretins are actually secret progressives who conspired in an attempt to make conservatives look as obnoxious and as stupid as possible, you could hardly have done a better job.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 12:03 PM
I had neither facts nor analysis.

I had nothing but verbal abuse for anyone that was not an inbred bigot like myself.

there ya go Uncle Banaway
Uncle Han posted commentary backed up with facts and analysis from reliable sources that are widely read. He offered it up with a healthy dose of verbal bitch slapping.............he was extremely good at it...............better than most....................that is what annoys those whom he bested.

Almost everyone who posts regularly in this forum is guilty of bitch slapping in their posts.

The fact that you think otherwise makes you look silly. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He posted crap from widely read propaganda sites. Or he took legitimate articles out of context.

And he didn't bitch slap anyone. That implies he actually corrected someone who was wrong. I never saw him do anything like that.

All he did was name-call. Referring to "liberal scum" in EVERY thread is not bitch slapping. It is verbal abuse.

Again, I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Your bias clouds your judgment; some of UHs story sources that you claim are propaganda sites:

CBS Local Affiliate - Cleveland
Washington Times

Hardly fringe news sites.............

Stick with the facts.....if you know the difference.

UH bitched slapped most of you lefties; most recent being CM who wouldn't back up his claim of being intellectually superior to UH.......CM ran away from his claim.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 12:15 PM
Your bias clouds your judgment; some of UHs story sources that you claim are propaganda sites:

CBS Local Affiliate - Cleveland
Washington Times

Hardly fringe news sites.............

Stick with the facts.....if you know the difference. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you should know who and where your sources come from Uncle Banaway
Your bias clouds your judgment; some of UHs story sources that you claim are propaganda sites: Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said those were propaganda sites. Re-read my post. I also said "Or he took legitimate articles out of context." You selectively ignore that part, didn't you?
UH bitched slapped most of you lefties; most recent being CM who wouldn't back up his claim of being intellectually superior to UH.......CM ran away from his claim. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh, so now I'm a "lefty?"

That would come as news to a few liberals with whom I've discussed an issue or two!

No reasonable individual -- whether left, right, or center -- has any interest in discussing anything with a shit nozzle like Marshall/ChoomCzar/Uncle Han.

And by the way, being called names in a crude, childish fashion does not constitute being "bitch-slapped."
....you said it.........now you back away from it..........good.

He posted crap from widely read propaganda sites. . Originally Posted by ExNYer
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  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 01:46 PM
....you said it.........now you back away from it..........good. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

strange enough, someone challenged Uncle Hans lack of reviews, Uncle Han promptly blurted out " he had 22" ... the exact number of reviews on your profile ... ooopsie

you keep reminding everyone Uncle Han will be back, then right on Q, go so far as to quote the exact sources he used ... ooopsie, again.

everyone(more or less) believes Uncle Han is Marshall /Chroom, which means IMO, you sir all all of the above

Denny Crane
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  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 01:47 PM
....you said it.........now you back away from it..........good. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Shit for brains, can't you read? I'm not backing away from anything.

You wrote that I had called Reuters, CBS, Washington Times, Breitbart and ZeroHedge propaganda sites.

I responded that you were trying to put words in my mouth because I never said "THOSE" were propaganda sites. Obviously I was referring to Reuters, CBS, Washington Times, Breitbart and ZeroHedge.

And since I never mentioned them, you clearly were trying to put words in my mouth. So fuck off.
Whirlaway, before you post again, and especially before you start more threads, you should remember what I stated earlier:

Marshall didn't "best" anybody, you clueless buffoon. All he did was attempt to hog the forum and hurl crude insults.

If you two cretins are actually secret progressives who conspired in an attempt to make conservatives look as obnoxious and as stupid as possible, you could hardly have done a better job. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Glad you are now agreeing that UH posted commentary and analysis from reputable news sources....................... ....like I previously said.

You never listed any sites that are propoganda; you just bloviate in general about propaganda posts and then when caught in your lies, you back track.................

Your backtracking is ugly but glad to see you know when you are caught in your own bullshit.
Glad you are now agreeing that UH posted commentary and analysis from reputable news sources....................... ....like I previously said. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Misqouting me again, Whirlagay? Is that what you are reduced to now? Trying to put words in my mouth in order to make yourself look smart?

I did NOT say that he posted "commentary and analyss from reputable new sources". Those are YOUR words you lying little shit.

i wrote that "He posted crap from widely read propaganda sites. Or he took legitimate articles out of context."

Now how, exactly do you conclude from THAT statement that I agree that UH posted commentary and analysis from reputable news sources?

You never listed any sites that are propoganda; you just bloviate in general about propaganda posts and then when caught in your lies, you back track... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, now that I think about it, I should have said that Breitbart is a propaganda site. I don't know how i missed it in your post. Interesting though, that you think Breitbart is not a propaganda site.

But I am not going to go back through all of the Marshall/Choom/UncleHan posts to provide you with links to all of the bullshit articles he links to. I don't respond in his stupid threads anymore for the same reason I don't respond in any of your moronic threads anymore. I refuse to bump his stupidity or yours.

Your backtracking is ugly but glad to see you know when you are caught in your own bullshit. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No backtracking, Whirlagay. Just catching you in your own distortions.
Uncle Han posted commentary backed up with facts and analysis from reliable sources that are widely read. He offered it up with a healthy dose of verbal bitch slapping.............he was extremely good at it...............better than most....................that is what annoys those whom he bested.

Almost everyone who posts regularly in this forum is guilty of bitch slapping in their posts.

The fact that you think otherwise makes you look silly. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Don't ya just love it when ol' Trendaway is forced to play goal line defense from the 1 inch line?

It should be noted that of all of our Far Right Wing Nuts who live and play in this forum, the only one still trying to defend UH (Eat 'em Up Coogs) is the same blooming idiot who for months repeatedly tried to convince us all that: