Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

  • cr76
  • 11-25-2015, 02:04 AM
Who was that tiny brunette - she ha a couple of good reviews - 2 weeks in - quit- said hobbiest was dirty and disgusting.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Narcissi" or "Narcissus" is the name of the Greek mythological character from which the word "narccisist" was derived. WTF was comparing NM to the character, not necessarily calling her a "narcissist," though it is obvious that his intention was to imply it. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
You think? You actually believe WTF is a "Greek mythology scholar"?
bojulay's Avatar

I just hope that's not how these men flirt in real life yeezus... Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
I be smmmmooooooth......... like sandpaper.
Wakeup's Avatar
It qualifies. Ask the troll who set her up. It's the same as running her off. Originally Posted by sharkman29
You know it doesn't qualify...just because you're angry you can't use ECCIE to fuck your favorite fat whore anymore doesn't mean she makes this list...

One, Dee Siren/Jennifer Hancock is still on the board...she's banned, of course, but she's still on the board.

Two, she's been banned for the same reason Champagne was. You know perfectly well that she was the second whore to out me on this board. When her husband, TheRealWayne, decided to become the first trick to out me after she got banned, that took her punishment to a whole new level. She ran herself into the ban, same as the third whore, Champagne, did.

Just another potty mouth whore, and her potty mouth husband...both of whom deserve everything they got.
^^^^ damn how long is her ban? Her last activity is 2013. She looks damn good if the pictures aren't photoshopped.
boardman's Avatar
You know it doesn't qualify...just because you're angry you can't use ECCIE to fuck your favorite fat whore anymore doesn't mean she makes this list...

One, Dee Siren/Jennifer Hancock is still on the board...she's banned, of course, but she's still on the board.

Two, she's been banned for the same reason Champagne was. You know perfectly well that she was the second whore to out me on this board. When her husband, TheRealWayne, decided to become the first trick to out me after she got banned, that took her punishment to a whole new level. She ran herself into the ban, same as the third whore, Champagne, did.

Just another potty mouth whore, and her potty mouth husband...both of whom deserve everything they got. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Three times? Damn dude, you've got a lot of whores wanting to out you.
How many other fucktards have been outed on here three times?
Wakeup's Avatar
Whores love them some Wakeup...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2015, 07:59 AM
You think? You actually believe WTF is a "Greek mythology scholar"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm no more a Greek mythology scholar than you are an expert on audio recordings in Texas.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2015, 08:07 AM
The real mystery, much like the chicken or which came first the narcissistic look at me witch and her merry band of White Knights or the trolls.

I say the narcissistic witch, then her WK's then the trolls. So if you really want to rid the 'net of trolls, you have to rid the net of narcissistic witches. What a Catch 22 for have to disappear to make your trolls disappear Originally Posted by WTF
Natalia Mori bitching about trolls is like a turd bitching about flies. If you want to get rid of the trolls, you need to clean out the caca.

I thought the ladies would see sites like this as a great place to meet clients. What is the problem, is the fact the guys here seem to think they're a special breed and are allowed special treatment due the the fact that they hold the power of the review?

I would like to hear from the ladies about what percentage of their clients are eccie reviewers. Maybe 10%, 33%, 50%?

Even though I have problems with one whore, who seems to thrive on controversy, I wouldn't want to brag about running some lady off this site, unless they were robbing customers, etc. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
Cheap, boorish assholes with bad hygiene who talk to much.

Any of the above, or in some cases, all of the above. Take your pick.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 11-25-2015, 08:40 AM
I be smmmmooooooth......... like sandpaper. Originally Posted by bojulay
Lol! A Camaro though... Haha
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 11-25-2015, 08:50 AM
The Hennessy and meds are still in effect from last night, I see Proffesor WTF.

In a brighter note it is thanksgiving eve today, I hope you have someone(s) to cherish a holiday like this with, and you can be an enjoyable person to be around, for a change, unlike "WTF".
I also hope you have many things to be thankful for this year, like I do.

Enjoy your turkey and have a blessed and happy thanksgiving.

As well as everybody, kisses.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2015, 09:28 AM
Your clients may drink Hennessy , i do not. As for the are not supposed to speculate on those type things. I would not speculate if you have an STD or not.

I too wish you, your WK's and all trolls a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!


Sweetheart the only fucks NATALIA MORI gives are in bed.
With that being said your irrelevant ass opinion will forever remain that to me irrelevant.
What I said didn't call for your little cunty outburst. Smh
But then again is not the first time you go off on provider for no reason, seems like you're a little anger time bomb waiting to explode. Best of luck with that.

I'm thankful there are many well articulated, smart and witty men on this board who are capable of interacting with providers, without having to depend on merely insults to get their "point" across, if not providers would probably end up running off the site... Just to stay on topic Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

Ironic how u mention irrelevant when u went into a conversation that had nothing to do with you...then the "anger time bomb" ...yeah because we havent seen you go off.
boardman's Avatar
Your clients may drink Hennessy , i do not. As for the are not supposed to speculate on those type things. I would not speculate if you have an STD or not.

I too wish you, your WK's and all trolls a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Even her notes are fucked up...