What do you guys think?

Bomb Pop's Avatar
Im gonna say its the Rolling Stones lips with a lil white drop on them.
I like that but nope..lol
Im gonna say its the Rolling Stones lips with a lil white drop on them. Originally Posted by Bomb Pop
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Well that took all my creative juices for the year. No more imagination left for me. Guess I'll have to do with reality now. <shudder>
ElumEno's Avatar
Ok i am going to get a little tattoo.
But no one will see it unless you take my panties off..
Its a Big Surprise ...hmmm what you think it is ?lol Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
Hmmm the very first thing that ran through my head when I came across this little threAD was....


Now as for my guess... ummm I am going to go with something like this.

And we all know that the 'KC' really stands for 'Kaylen City'.
HAHA...Now thats something to think about...lol
ElumEno's Avatar
HAHA...Now thats something to think about...lol Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
Hmmm maybe it's just a little heart with 'I KC' inside of it...

After all even though you were born in Poland, raised in Tennessee, your home will always be KC.
Ok i am going to get a little tattoo.
But no one will see it unless you take my panties off..
Its a Big Surprise ...hmmm what you think it is ?lol Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
"You're gonna get Hep B, save enough to see your PCP"?

I kid! I kid!

Silly Silly man..
"You're gonna get Hep B, save enough to see your PCP"?

I kid! I kid!

Noah Originally Posted by NoahScape
JRLawrence's Avatar
Ok i am going to get a little tattoo.
But no one will see it unless you take my panties off..
Its a Big Surprise ...hmmm what you think it is ?lol Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
When a girl takes her panties off; like most guys, the last thing I am looking at is a tattoo. I just don't care about a tattoo, show me something much more interesting.

KCQuestor's Avatar
Its a Big Surprise ...hmmm what you think it is ?lol Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
When a girl takes her panties off; like most guys, the last thing I am looking at is a tattoo. I just don't care about a tattoo, show me something much more interesting. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
And let me just say that when a girl takes her panties off, the last thing a guy wants is a "Big Surprise".
Whizman's Avatar
wife had something similar to this
Kaylen: Do what YOU want, not what you think some guy will like or not like. I think that with a tattoo, there's a risk that some might not visit, but no one is going to NOT see you because you DON'T have a tattoo.

In other words, all of the risk is on the downside, but it's minimal.

So, do what YOU want. I think a small chain of delicate flowers around your ankle might be cute. Originally Posted by cuddlyteddybear
yes, do what you want to do, but I suggest you think about the consequences of what might happen because you get a tattoo.
I used to do what I wanted to do without thinking about the consequences, so I stopped going to school--I didnt wanna go!
I stopped bathing--I didnt wanna bath
I stopped working out--I didnt wanna workout
I started overeating everything I could get my hands on
I stopped doing laundry..--who wants to do laundry?
I stopped going to work---eventually, they stopped paying me

I did this cause I wanted to and I didnt want to do something cause someone else wanted me to, I didnt care what others thought.,

then I looked in the mirror and I saw a huge, out of shape, poor, uneducated guy.....so I did what I wanted to and went to walmart and found a gal and now we have 3 kids and live off uncle sams,...cause I want to....
oh gotta go, my time on the free library komputer is almost up.....