Value: What is it?

PODarkness's Avatar
Simply put your initial analysis fails to comprehend that this is an emotionally driven market; hence your value and pricing model falls completely apart. For example, you analysis does not recognize that a provider's price structure must include her self-worth. There's a reason why alcohol (and unmentionables) is more prevalent among the lower priced provider community (like streetwalkers). It also fails to comprehend how physical security (bad customers) influences how a provider sets her rates. The lower the rate and the risk that a bad (read that dangerous) customer opening the door increases. So I can understand why a provider would rather starve than lower her rates and risk getting robbed and beaten.

These are all market forces that each provider who has posted to this thread understands, but your model does not. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter

I don't quite follow your logic, as far as lowering of rate increasing the risk of being assaulted or robbed. Why would the guy who is out to do such a thing care what the rate is? He's not going to pay it. In the case of being robbed, I would assume the HDH would be a better target than the $100 special.

From a security standpoint screening, location, and pure chance, are the main determining factors on bad guys walking through the door. I would guess there is a correlation between less expensive providers, less secure locations, and lack of screening, that would make it seem as though their price point was putting them at greater risk, but even with that helping to fuel your assumption it doesn't seem to be true. I'll admit it's a small sample to postulate from, but a cruise through the alerts section for providers who have been robbed or assaulted, seems to back me up. They were not the low cost providers. This very unscientific data would suggest that pricing yourself in the middle of the market attracts dangerous assholes, but as I pointed out, there is very little incentive for one of these assholes to go bargain hunting.

Certainly I am not implying that there is no danger to being a provider, and of course the danger should be figured into every girl's rates, but I sense that there's more to the indignation than what data goes into the formula.
I'd guess the ladies who do care, and are reading these threads have reached a saturation point for "advice" from their clients.

Buba, if you truly want to take up this cause, you might find your success rate less than zero until everyone backs off for a bit, and gives the ladies a moment or two that doesn't have advice of any kind in it. Then let those who want to know come to you. You obviously know your business, but continuing along current lines would show a considerable lack of knowledge about women.
(much like my own)

DFK Hunter's Avatar
I don't quite follow your logic, as far as lowering of rate increasing the risk of being assaulted or robbed. Why would the guy who is out to do such a thing care what the rate is? He's not going to pay it. In the case of being robbed, I would assume the HDH would be a better target than the $100 special.

From a security standpoint screening, location, and pure chance, are the main determining factors on bad guys walking through the door. I would guess there is a correlation between less expensive providers, less secure locations, and lack of screening, that would make it seem as though their price point was putting them at greater risk, but even with that helping to fuel your assumption it doesn't seem to be true. I'll admit it's a small sample to postulate from, but a cruise through the alerts section for providers who have been robbed or assaulted, seems to back me up. They were not the low cost providers. This very unscientific data would suggest that pricing yourself in the middle of the market attracts dangerous assholes, but as I pointed out, there is very little incentive for one of these assholes to go bargain hunting.

Certainly I am not implying that there is no danger to being a provider, and of course the danger should be figured into every girl's rates, but I sense that there's more to the indignation than what data goes into the formula.
I'd guess the ladies who do care, and are reading these threads have reached a saturation point for "advice" from their clients.

Buba, if you truly want to take up this cause, you might find your success rate less than zero until everyone backs off for a bit, and gives the ladies a moment or two that doesn't have advice of any kind in it. Then let those who want to know come to you. You obviously know your business, but continuing along current lines would show a considerable lack of knowledge about women.
(much like my own)

POD Originally Posted by PODarkness
Sorry if you don't follow the logic of the criminally insane because it's not my logic, it's data as told me by providers and from other sources.

Question the logic of the criminal who preys on providers all you want, but I stand by my data and my assessment.
I will strongly disagree about the risk a provider takes at a lower price point. When I was at $135 an hour-- I never had a problem one. In fact, I didn't have the drama of being shorted, being asked for BBFS, none of it. I've had more difficult gents since raising my rates than I ever had at the lower price point--- to the point where I'm just about ready to take my rates back down. I'm making decent money now-- but my clientele isn't any better-- and in some cases has been worse.
Many folks have made some really great observations in another thread here. I decided to split out this topic so I can look at it as a separate topic.

1. I am NOT recommending anyone charge a specific price.
2. The numbers used are for illustration only and may or may not be real world numbers
3. I am NOT saying anyone is over/underpriced. It’s the concepts I am interested in and how they may apply to the hobby.
4. I have spent 35 years in sales and marketing in many different fields. The marketing I discuss here DOES apply to the Hobby. It’s how to understand and apply them that is tough. There are many exceptions, I know.

I understand this is all very subjective and highly personal. Please take it as a broad over view, not personal.

A message from Ana:
Ladies, please check the O.P. for a post full of great statistics and invaluable information.

A message from Bubba3452:
Good luck ladies! I hope all of you do well and that this was helpful, even if just a little. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Bubba3452, thank you for your Scientific approach to your concern, and your valuable advise.
Maybe you should be on the Regulations Bord when Providing becomes regulated. In the mean time, just post an ISO for exactly what you want and the price that you are willing to pay for it.
lilsmurf's Avatar
200 is about my limit, lol
Well, I know I have had lots of fun with this thread! I know many ladies already use good, sound business praticies. Most already understand and could easly expand upon the concepts I posted. Based on the number of PMs I got, far more appriciate my intent and interest than the few who felt I was just another guy telling them to lower prices. Which, of course, I never said.

To the guys who do want the women to lower their prices: Guys, spend your time looking for the ones who already charge what your willing pay. Providers will charge what they want. All we can do is use our wallets to let them know who is right or not.

The ladies who disagreed so strongly with me. Please think of one more thing. When guys post with honest, even if it is misplaced, ideas of how to make business better, they are really telling you how to get them to spend more money. Man, I wish my customers would tell me how to get them to spend more!

Well, going to get this thread closed. But don't worry, I am sure I will be back at some point to stir things up some more.

Love you all, really!. And I hope everyone does well.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
This thread has been very helpful, now when I am faced with a dilemma I meditate and ask what would Bubba do, what would Bubba do, oh Great one tell me, show me what would Bubba do!

And then I do the opposite.
Torito's Avatar
OP thinks this one has run it's course and I agree.
