"Karl Marx Was Right"

When you have to trot out loonies to make your point, it really doesn't do what you hope it will do. Both those guys must have rooms full of nothing but tin foil.

i'll take my illusion over total control any day. and in capitalism, the "top" NEVER limits you. in socialism .. well you SHOULD know .. yeah?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wow, you've totally convinced me. An old ass movie clip and some other words. You should go on the road with this shit. The fact that you're ok with an illusion says it all. You don't really care.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
hmmm interesting post IIFFOFRDB. all of which is completely true, and exposes the Manchurian Candidate for what he is. It was me as i remind the Odumbo progressives some more than 3 years ago that that's exactly what i called him. a planted socialist stooge of the progressive left who like UnderPants thinks anyone who works hard to make money under Capitalism should then have it all taken away and given to the bumtards like Karl Marx, who as the failure he was, wanted to take what he couldn't earn for himself. UnderPants the socialist closet fag that he is, wants MY income re-distributed to .. him? NOT GONNA HAPPEN .. BUM.

remember this progressives ..

Revolutions Devour Their Own Children History Essay


oh YES! libtard leftists ... you WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO.

and oh the looks on your faces when you realize the betrayal .. priceless.

you'll hardly realize what's happening till it's too late. We, on the other hand, have the ONE chance given by the Founding Fathers to preserve this Nation as it was envisioned by them, all of the Founding Fathers.

got it yet? if you don't own a GUN in this Country today .. you are asking for lawless Fergthugs, neo revolutionists and everyone else who HATES what this Country is and SHOULD BE .. to KILL YOUR ignoramus asses.

I'll take Heston's way out ..

Firstly, don't need or want your money. You have this paranoid fear of the monsters under your bed and they're only in your mind. Secondly, you're a fucking idiot of the highest order. And I don't believe you're an atheist. You come off way too much like a bible-thumping mouthbreather to me. Nice try, dicktard.
Nobody is trying to discourage you from expressing yourself. Go right ahead. Let's hear your own original arguments, not just some lengthy video. If you can express yourself 1/10 as well as Cap'n Midnight does, then more power to you, girl! I have seen literally dozens of posts in your other threads beseeching you to express yourself. I even wrote a few myself!

By the way Debbie, you do know the video contains a 95-minute debate and the proposition in the subject line - "Karl Marx Was Right..." - lost the debate, right?

Why do you think the Marxists lost the debate? What were the fatal weaknesses in their arguments? And what were the compelling strengths of the arguments for the "nay" side? This is a great opportunity for you to express yourself!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's right. It was a debate, fair and square. I just want more human beings to hear the other side of the story. Karl Marx had some great ideas that could work, if properly implemented. Nothing is ever black and white, not even the GOP ("Grand Old Party"). To me, nothing stifles humanity more than lack of progressive government.
OverCompensation, do you think humans are not designed for freedom? Are we designed for slavery? Are ambitions, goals and dreams merely phony constructs available only to a few? Do you seriously think that any human, given a choice (without cultural and parental programming) would choose a life of servitude over a life of liberty? Seriously? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are not aware of the true meaning of "communism" as described in a real dictionary, such as Merriam Webster. Here it is again. Communism is a form of the word "communal":

My definition of communism and I found this on the web:


In other words, there has never truly been a government such as this definition subscribes to.
Other than debating on the true meaning of communism, it is better to make the proper implication of communism system where every opportunity belongs for the public as well the equal right as opined by the expert of essay writing service.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Other than debating on the true meaning of communism, it is better to make the proper implication of communism system where every opportunity belongs for the public as well the equal right as opined by the expert of essay writing service. Originally Posted by Jack Kim

old commie thread from 2015. how appropriate.

what does that site have to do with communism?
old commie thread from 2015. how appropriate.

what does that site have to do with communism? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Noting whom ever Jack Kim is, it would behave him, her or it to read the furnished link on essay writing.

As for Communism, Socialism or any of their cousins, I am all for it as long as I am in charge.

I will be enjoying life at my “Dacha on the Volga” while the likes of the OP are digging spuds in Siberia.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 07:27 AM
JS - cogent description - concise - of the beloved marxist tyranny of teh communists of fiden.
TWK quoting Heston is 'RIGHT" - from our cold dead hands!
The Commie DPSTs are forxcing a Civil War on America - and their budget/voting fraudbills, and communist federal bureau regulations are the cause.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup ^^ 100 % and most peeps are to dumb to see the burning forest throu the trees
texassapper's Avatar
Communists - People who've read Marx
Capitalists - People who've read Marx and understood it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Well we all aren't here by some chance, I'll tell ya that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

But you see, you can't tell me that because you can no more prove that, than I can prove there is no creator which I've never said because I am Agnostic, a person with the guts to say "I don't know the answer" instead of pretending I do.

I'm here because my father met my mother by random chance of being in close proximity. Do you want me to believe that meeting was "designed" or are you using the broader term that humans were "designed" and where is the proof other than what science tells us, that we evolved from a more primitive species or do you not believe that either?

If we were "designed" and I'm not saying we weren't, we were designed to progress from a one celled creature to what we are today. Who is to say that "the Creator" didn't do it that way? Certainly not me.

I spend a lot of time wondering how all this started. I don't spend a second wondering if I'm wrong in what I believe or trying to tell other people they are wrong for what they believe.

OH, and Communism sucks
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 10:44 AM
it is written :

if one is not a 'liberal' when young - One has no heart

If one is not a conservative when mature - One has NO Brain.

Lots of brainless zombies wandering the DPST intellectual desert of Communist Ideology in teh DNC halls.
bambino's Avatar