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Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The world (thru the UN) approved the creation of the State of Israel (Plan of Partition); so yes, Israel has the legal right to exist as a nation least until the UN (and Israel) says otherwise....

The right to exist is the very same as the right to be free, especially when it comes to Israel and it's neighbors who have threatened to destroy Israel and the Jews. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Amen brother!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why does Israel have a right to exist?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why does Israel have a right to exist? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is the only Jewish state - without it, we will disappear - genocide is the word.
They should have their homeland and should be able to defend their borders against aggressors but at the same time they should show tolerance to law abiding Palestinians and not treat them like animals. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Where is your OUTRAGE for the systematic killing and displacement of the Christians in the middle east? It's happening right now.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Fuck COG, the Indians owned the land before we white folks stole it from them. Give the motherfuckers back their land for all I care, as long as Israel gets the promised land G-d gave to us - that G-d promised us. Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel)

From wikipedia:

The Promised Land (Hebrew: הארץ המובטחת‎, translit.: Ha'Aretz HaMuvtahat) is the land promised or given by God, according to the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible), to the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob. The promise is first made to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21) and then renewed to his son Isaac, and to Isaac's son Jacob (Genesis 28:13), Abraham's grandson. The promised land was described in terms of the territory from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates river (Exodus 23:31) and was given to their descendants after Moses led the Exodus out of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 1:8) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I thinking you are misquoting scripture yes God promised the descendants of Abtaham the oromised land but it was a package deal- the Jews surely didn't keep their part of the agreement and thereby God was not with them - this is a very debatable subject but if it were left up to me I think Jews should occupy Israel - heck Muslims have plenty of placed they can claim as their home why can't the Jews have their place ? COG you are a fool to believe that the state of Israel should not exist as a Jewish nation -however I think Gods plan is to have Jews occupy Israel I mean take a look at the six day war - Israel albeit with the help of the United States defeated like 4 or 5 different foreign Muslim counties at the same time if that's not proof that God is with the Jews I don't know what else is - there are document reports of like 3 or 4 Israeli jets taken out entire squardons of Syrian jet fighters and I am talking about 3 Israeli jet fighters destroying 50 or more Syrian jets in aerial dog fights truly remarkable
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is the only Jewish state - without it, we will disappear - genocide is the word. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Bullshit. There have been attempts to rid the world of Jews for 5,000 years. (I do not support those efforts.) You're still here.

Jews, like anyone else, have a right to exist. They do not have a right to a place. God says you get the land? Which God? Not Allah. Not Krishna. Not Thor. Not Zeus. Not even Jesus.

God did not establish Israel in 1947. Rich, white bankers and corporatists did. Hmmm . . . Maybe they ARE your god!

lustylad's Avatar
God did not establish Israel in 1947. Rich, white bankers and corporatists did. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who were those "rich white bankers", COG? Got a link? Names? I didn't know bankers were engaged in the business of founding new countries. If I want to start up my own country someday, which bank do you recommend I use?

And what's a "corporatist"? No idea what that word means. I tried to look it up. Even libtards think it is a stupid word.

Can you refer me to a book or a link documenting the history of the founding of Israel and the role played by "rich, white bankers and corporatists"? Thanks, COG.

Are you saying the State of Israel doesn't 't have the right to exist?

[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1055618796]Why does Israel have a right to exist?[/QIsre
I would like to know the family names of thosebankers as well.

Who were those "rich white bankers", COG? Got a link? Names? I didn't know bankers were engaged in the business of founding new countries. If I want to start up my own country someday, which bank do you recommend I use?

And what's a "corporatist"? No idea what that word means. I tried to look it up. Even libtards think it is a stupid word.

Can you refer me to a book or a link documenting the history of the founding of Israel and the role played by "rich, white bankers and corporatists"? Thanks, COG.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Who belongs to what land or what land belongs to whom is a secular matter but Israel is the only piece of land specifically mentioned in the Bible as belonging to someone. Guess who that someone is?
Fuck what the bible says.................the UN decided the legal status of the State of Israel.

Until the UN reverses it's 1947 partition, Israel has the legal right to defend itself against terror attacks launched by Hamas from Gaza. Israel has a right to exist, contrary to what COG says.

That right remains until the UN, world courts, or Islamic statists remove Israel as a legitimate nation state.
This is funny; the right to be free exists, but the right to exist doesn't???????

Why does Israel have a right to exist? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
boardman's Avatar
Why does Israel have a right to exist? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
According to the bible the Israelites are God's chosen people. There are numerous accounts of the Israelites being taken care of by God and those who opposed them where smitten and many times destroyed. Many times the Israelites turned their backs on God, got into trouble and God showed them the way out by coming back to him.

54% of the world population is adherent to the Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Chrisitanity, Islam, etc.) With Judaism and Christianity the overwhelming religions in the western civilization that controls most of the world. Other faiths like Hinduism while large in population tend to be centralized in the east and not as concerned with world affairs as a religion.

If you believe the bible then you believe that you are either with the Israelites or against them. If you are against them then you are subject to the wrath of God. That is why most of the western world supports Israel's right to exist.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I thinking you are misquoting scripture yes God promised the descendants of Abtaham the oromised land but it was a package deal- the Jews surely didn't keep their part of the agreement and thereby God was not with them - this is a very debatable subject but if it were left up to me I think Jews should occupy Israel - heck Muslims have plenty of placed they can claim as their home why can't the Jews have their place ? COG you are a fool to believe that the state of Israel should not exist as a Jewish nation -however I think Gods plan is to have Jews occupy Israel I mean take a look at the six day war - Israel albeit with the help of the United States defeated like 4 or 5 different foreign Muslim counties at the same time if that's not proof that God is with the Jews I don't know what else is - there are document reports of like 3 or 4 Israeli jets taken out entire squardons of Syrian jet fighters and I am talking about 3 Israeli jet fighters destroying 50 or more Syrian jets in aerial dog fights truly remarkable Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I wouldn't use the 6 Day War as the example. Israel launched preemptive strikes after Egypt mobilized it's troops. And it was "only" against 3 countries. They had plenty of arms from the US.

I would use the 1948 War for Independence. They were attacked by 5 countries on the same day and had little to no help from the US. They had Palestinian Arabs all around them as well as among them. Most of them fled from the fighting instead of staying to help the Jews defend their country from the invaders. That's where the Palestinian refugees came from. After the dust settled they weren't allowed to return.

That being said, Israel has no right to exist. They have the right to defend themselves, make alliances, or do anything it takes to exist.
This is confusing.....and contradicting.

That being said, Israel has no right to exist. They have the right to defend themselves, make alliances, or do anything it takes to exist. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman