• shanm
  • 06-19-2015, 06:16 PM
So shammytard, if I enter a marathon race and decide to quit at Mile 10 and rest while everyone else keeps going, should I NOT have to re-enter the race at Mile 10? How about if I just pull a Rosie Ruiz and ride the subway to the finish line? You cool wid dat? Originally Posted by lustylad
As usual, you come in with a senseless remark befitting a cunt.

I just told you that "you" have to "decide for yourself" if it's fair or not that women would get paid less because of maternal reasons. I didn't tell you what to think.

Yes, I think it's unethical. All life begins with women giving birth. The same people making these pay decisions are there because some woman gave birth to them. Docking their pay for performing the most basic and essential human functions is (ethically) outrageous to me. At my company, we allow 4 months on top of the 12 allotted weeks, and we pay them the same. It's partly done to show our employees that we care, but mostly done because we aren't huge uncultured cunts like you.

Of course, your mother is the exception. I believe she just went to take a shit and the turd just somehow came out with arms and legs.
If she'd only gotten the coat hanger a little deeper she might have gotten rid of the biggest blight on humanity since Hitl....since ever.
As usual, you come in with a senseless remark befitting a cunt.

I just told you that "you" have to "decide for yourself" if it's fair or not that women would get paid less because of maternal reasons. I didn't tell you what to think.

Yes, I think it's unethical. All life begins with women giving birth. The same people making these pay decisions are there because some woman gave birth to them. Docking their pay for performing the most basic and essential human functions is (ethically) outrageous to me. At my company, we allow 4 months on top of the 12 allotted weeks, and we pay them the same. It's partly done to show our employees that we care, but mostly done because we aren't huge uncultured cunts like you.

Of course, your mother is the exception. I believe she just went to take a shit and the turd just somehow came out with arms and legs.
If she'd only gotten the coat hanger a little deeper she might have gotten rid of the biggest blight on humanity since Hitl....since ever. Originally Posted by shanm
Lusty Tard, you just got your ass handed to you, big time! Sit down and STFU
So shammytard, if I enter a marathon race and decide to quit at Mile 10 and rest while everyone else keeps going, should I NOT have to re-enter the race at Mile 10? How about if I just pull a Rosie Ruiz and ride the subway to the finish line? You cool wid dat? Originally Posted by lustylad
You are a misogynistic, sub-human cunt.
Ha Ha, do some research you silly emasculated Femitard.

That is one of the biggest and most debunked myths that gets
perpetuated by Feminazi Femitards, not a word of truth in it.

There are also laws on the books that guarantee equal pay
for equal work. If someone is doing that they are breaking the
law and can be prosecuted. Originally Posted by bojulay
You're the one who needs to do some research. I'd start with deodorant and why its wise to use it.
bojulay's Avatar
You're the one who needs to do some research. I'd start with deodorant and why its wise to use it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
All we need to do is remember not to get drunk and pass out at wombRaiders.
  • DSK
  • 06-19-2015, 08:25 PM
Actually, wasn't it Megyn Kelly who asked a very similar question to Jeb? Blame her, not me! I just asked my question in a "yes" or "no" format, hoping an Idiot would be able to understand and respond. So much for an Idiot being able to respond to a simple "yes" or "no" question! Right LLIdiot? What's the matter LLIdiot? Was the simple "yes" or "no" question too difficult for you to wrap your arms around? Friggin' Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
LL is way too smart for you and your irritating cutesy way of trying haplessly to make your points.
  • DSK
  • 06-19-2015, 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by shanm View Post As usual, you come in with a senseless remark befitting a cunt. I just told you that "you" have to "decide for yourself" if it's fair or not that women would get paid less because of maternal reasons. I didn't tell you what to think. Yes, I think it's unethical. All life begins with women giving birth. The same people making these pay decisions are there because some woman gave birth to them. Docking their pay for performing the most basic and essential human functions is (ethically) outrageous to me. At my company, we allow 4 months on top of the 12 allotted weeks, and we pay them the same. It's partly done to show our employees that we care, but mostly done because we aren't huge uncultured cunts like you. Of course, your mother is the exception. I believe she just went to take a shit and the turd just somehow came out with arms and legs. If she'd only gotten the coat hanger a little deeper she might have gotten rid of the biggest blight on humanity since Hitl....since ever. Originally Posted by shanm
Your company freely doing that is commendable. The government forcing companies to do that is tyranny.
P.S. You do realize that most women consider the word "cunt" to be misogynistic?
bojulay's Avatar
Unfortunately, the free market dictates that a woman should earn less because she will most likely be taking maternity leave to give birth and possibly raise her children.

You have to decide for yourself if it's fair that women should be paid less for something like that. I think it's ridiculous. Originally Posted by shanm
Companies should pay women to raise children????

Isn't that called government welfare and already established???
  • shanm
  • 06-19-2015, 08:44 PM
Companies should pay women to raise children????

Isn't that called government welfare and already established??? Originally Posted by bojulay
Having a child is a joint decision. Between the father and the mother.
Is it fair that a mother should get paid less because she is biologically geared to rear off spring?
Yes economically, it doesn't make sense, but prohibiting child labor doesn't either.

Yall should be ashamed of yourselves. If it wasn't for women and their ability to give birth you wouldn't be sitting here right now. What you're advocating is for them to have second class status simply because of the way "your god" made them.
  • shanm
  • 06-19-2015, 08:49 PM
Your company freely doing that is commendable. The government forcing companies to do that is tyranny.
P.S. You do realize that most women consider the word "cunt" to be misogynistic? Originally Posted by DSK
From that perspective, the government enforcing anything is "tyranny". Child labor, Slavery....we should all just let them be.

P.S. I don't care much for PC bullshit.

Lusty Tard, you just got your ass handed to you, big time! Sit down and STFU Originally Posted by WombRaider
He is used to that by now.
lustylad's Avatar
As usual, you come in with a senseless remark befitting a cunt. As usual, you lack the intelligence to find a flaw in my analogy so you resort to calling me a name that belies your phony assertion that you “care” about women.

I just told you that "you" have to "decide for yourself" if it's fair or not that women would get paid less because of maternal reasons. I didn't tell you what to think. Then why say “I think it's ridiculous”? Everyone on eccie has to decide if you are an asshole, a miscreant, a retard, or all three. Far be it from me to prejudice anyone by proffering my own views on the matter.

Yes, I think it's unethical. All life begins with women giving birth. The same people making these pay decisions are there because some woman gave birth to them. Docking their pay for performing the most basic and essential human functions is (ethically) outrageous to me. At my company, we allow 4 months on top of the 12 allotted weeks, and we pay them the same. It's partly done to show our employees that we care, but mostly done because we aren't huge uncultured cunts like you.

Who said anything about “docking their pay”, you ignorant fucktard? Nobody is talking about denying paid maternity leave. That's a straw man argument. But if a woman returns to the same job after taking the maximum time off and finds that others (men or women) were promoted ahead of her while she was gone, she can't expect pari passu treatment. Get the analogy now, dumbass?

And we are all soooo touched to hear how much you profess to “care” about your female employees. I bet they all get goose bumps whenever you tell them how lucky they are to work for someone who isn't an “uncultured cunt”. Such an elegant choice of words. Since you're in a bragging mood, why don't you tell us how many men and women work at your company – and how big was the W-2 gender gap in 2014? Do you “care” as much as your libtard heroes Obama and Hillary do in paying the females on their staffs?
Originally Posted by shanm

  • shanm
  • 06-20-2015, 01:51 AM
As usual, you come in with a senseless remark befitting a cunt.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
As usual, you lack the intelligence to find a flaw in my analogy so you resort to calling me a name that belies your phony assertion that you “care” about women.
Might wanna check up on that. You were the one who interjected into a discussion, on a comment that wasn't even directed at you, with your piss poor vocabulary and repetitive name calling

So shammytard, if I enter a marathon race....
What was that about lack of intelligence?

Btw the word "cunt"? It doesn't mean the same thing in the UK as it does here. I've made no secret that I was born there.
Even if it is, I don't care much for your PC bullshit. It's just a word, and it has about as much power as you give it. You're a cunt.

Then why say “I think it's ridiculous”?

You're missing the operative word again, moron: I. "I" is the operative word. As in "I think that paying women less for the same job is ridiculous". You can say that you don't agree, but that wouldn't stop us from believing (rightly) that you're an ignorant cunt.

Who said anything about “docking their pay”, you ignorant fucktard? Nobody is talking about denying paid maternity leave. That's a straw man argument. But if a woman returns to the same job after taking the maximum time off and finds that others (men or women) were promoted ahead of her while she was gone, she can't expect pari passu treatment. Get the analogy now, dumbass?
We're talking about paying women less for doing the same work, you ignorant, junior league pissant. No one is talking about promotions or whatever the fuck you want to derail the thread onto this time. I'm saying that women who get denied a job when they are equally qualified as a man is ridiculous. Possible maternity leave is not a good enough reason to pay a woman less or deny her a job. I know it's hard, but try to stay on topic for once.

And we are all soooo touched to hear how much you profess to “care” about your female employees. I bet they all get goose bumps whenever you tell them how lucky they are to work for someone who isn't an “uncultured cunt”. Such an elegant choice of words. Since you're in a bragging mood, why don't you tell us how many men and women work at your company – and how big was the W-2 gender gap in 2014? Do you “care” as much as your libtard heroes Obama and Hillary do in paying the females on their staffs?
Did someone say "strawman"? "Obama and Hillary pay females less"....ok, what the FUCK does that have to do with me? You are a junior league player, and should stay in the junior leagues. Arguing with you is like trying to swat a bothersome fly.
You'll know as much as I want to tell you. Don't ever ask me to "tell" you anything, because the answer will most likely be this: go fuck yourself.

Our company does have a wage gap. It's not because we're sexist, it's because our front office professions (actuaries/CFA's) are male dominated. The back office (secretaries, bookkeepers, assistants), they're female dominated. That's just how it is. We're not going to pay a secretary the same wage as an actuary; a simple fact that seemingly goes way over your head.
We don't go out of our way to hire female workers over male workers, but you can rest assured that no male applicant would be given preference over a female one with similar qualifications simply because of possible maternity leave.
  • DSK
  • 06-20-2015, 05:57 AM
Having a child is a joint decision. Between the father and the mother.
Is it fair that a mother should get paid less because she is biologically geared to rear off spring?
Yes economically, it doesn't make sense, but prohibiting child labor doesn't either.

Yall should be ashamed of yourselves. If it wasn't for women and their ability to give birth you wouldn't be sitting here right now. What you're advocating is for them to have second class status simply because of the way "your god" made them. Originally Posted by shanm
Men and women have different roles in life.
In spite of your noble intentions, the market determines how much I pay a plumber, and electrician, an accountant, or even my dentist. Women only earn less because they put in less time at work and aren't willing to do as many dirty, filthy, and away from home jobs as men.

If you believe in what you say, keep doing what your company is doing. If you people are able to pay women more than the going rate and make money, and can use that in your advertising to appeal to your customers, then that is what capitalism is all about. If you pay too much to prove your point, and suffer for it, that is also the free market at work.

Go lecture Muslims on the second class status of women, and see if you retain your head. Women are treated better in America than almost anywhere else.
LexusLover's Avatar
[COLOR="Red"]As usual, you lack the intelligence ...... Originally Posted by shanm
LexusLover's Avatar

Our company does have a wage gap. It's not because we're sexist, it's because our front office professions (actuaries/CFA's) are male dominated. The back office (secretaries, bookkeepers, assistants), they're female dominated. That's just how it is. We're not going to pay a secretary the same wage as an actuary; a simple fact that seemingly goes way over your head.
We don't go out of our way to hire female workers over male workers, but you can rest assured that no male applicant would be given preference over a female one with similar qualifications simply because of possible maternity leave. Originally Posted by shanm
Other than a benefit plan do you own any stock or interest in "our company"? Are you a corporate officer in "our company"?