For lack of a better Title: Where's the old guard?

Everytime you bang the married gal just think of how much you saved!
Dropping the Darwinism metaphors for a moment, one really needn't adapt or change. Know this place for what it is and deal with it on your own terms. Participate when and where you feel comfortable and the rest is just background noise. When there are things that are outside personal tolerances of taste, literacy or cultural standards, be exclusionary. Vote them off of your participation list and carry on where you will.

Being Old Guard, or Old Skool, comes with the wisdom granted by time to be impatient with, even intolerant of, sophmoric behaviors, and that's OK. Ignoring them won't make them go away, but it does give you a sort of cultural shit storm umbrella.
Well stated phildo. I ALWAYS march to my own drummer!
Phildo "When there are things that are outside personal tolerances... Vote them off of your participation list and carry on where you will."

Phildo is correct. Tolerance for those with other outlooks, having a lack of judgmentalism, exhibiting respect and acknowledgement of others pride and self-respect... all these factors often seem to be missing on the internet.
If people don't like this, they can (and will) choose not to participate.

Folks forget that posting on sites like ECCIE is not REQUIRED to participate in the hobby. A board can still be used as a resource even if one never posts.
Euphemia's Avatar
Hey Vicki, some of us are still around, just not into posting. And I hope I get an invite to the spa day with you ladies, What fun.

And Dharma...I see a spa day in our future for sure! Let's see if we can come up with something to start a "spirited" discussion without the drama like we used to in the old days...I think it would be fun! Originally Posted by vnurse
Hey Vicki, some of us are still around, just not into posting. And I hope I get an invite to the spa day with you ladies, What fun. Originally Posted by Euphemia

Well of course!

You are also one I had wondered about darlin! Glad to hear from you!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm one of the Old Guard, too, and sometimes I miss the "good old days" but were they really that great?

It's nice to see you posting, Vicki! And when I see your name and avatar, I do smile.

Wishing you, and others of the OG, a wonderful New Year!!!
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 01-13-2013, 08:28 AM
Hello Vicki......some of us are still around....just not as vocal as we once were.

In my situation, I moved to Kansas City and have been quiet for a while. I lurked a bit but didn't post. It has just been in the last couple of months I have made a few posts. Don't know if I will ever be as active as I was in the "old days."

I'm with Doc.....a reunion would be great!
tsrv4me's Avatar
Love to attend your day with the OLD HAGS CLUB your place ......three is not a crowd ...nor 4 or 5 or 6
Clouddancer's Avatar
Good post!

Nice to see so many names that seemed to have gone MIA.
Elisabeth...I always smile when I see your avatar too! Thank you!

This is great...lurkers or not...I am happy to see so many of us veterans around! Thanks for all your responses!

tsrv...a reunion WOULD be great but I don't think my place would be the best...I'd have to clean up too much! LOL!
TinMan's Avatar
I had to post on this thread just to join the throng from the good ol' days.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-14-2013, 06:44 AM
hey Phemi! Vicki I think we are due a girls day out and very soon so that we can catch up and give some serious hugs and smiles out!!!
Old??? OLD???? Who is this OLD guard of which you speak????
Okay, DEFINITELY my mistake!!!!! I humbly apologize! I SHOULD have said "Olde"....better?