Anyone out there

Altus62's Avatar
Here,but just lurking for now...Good to see you Moddyrating BIG C
Hi all! I'm a new provider and am so glad to have found this board! I have been using the temporary chat for the other site and am verified on p411. (Thanks Lea!)
I look forward to getting to know everyone soon!
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-10-2010, 07:36 PM
Welcome aboard Tess.....Hope you enjoy your stay and if there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.....
bluffcityguy's Avatar
"Tess Trueheart" (per your profile)...

Hmmmmm... not sure I want to risk messing with your boyfriend.


bcg (who so loves these subtle comic strip references!)
DallasRain's Avatar
hiya Tess...hiya everyone!!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I am eager to get to know everyone.

Don't worry about my boyfriend.... he only looks out for my safety. ;-)

It looks like the weather is warming up, but I could still use someone to warm me! I can't wait for spring to get here.


  • mskid
  • 01-12-2010, 12:14 AM
For what it's worth I'm here keeping up with what's going on.

Tess we need to talk soon
Lea Madisson's Avatar
For what it's worth I'm here keeping up with what's going on.
Originally Posted by mskid
I knew you be lurking somewhere!!!


Lea Madisson's Avatar
That's the "Ladies' Night" principle: get the wimmen in, and the men will come.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Hee hee hee.. you said the word "come"... you just spelled it wrong!


Hey all. Moved over from ASPD. Haven't partaken in a WHILE. Hoping the economy turns around soon. Just lurking for now.
DallasRain's Avatar
hi southern!
I hope everyone has been staying warm in these Brrrrrr temps! Looks like it is going to warm up soon, thankfully. If anyone needs help staying warm, I'll be happy to help. ;-)
Made it here. Looks great.
DallasRain's Avatar
awesome to see familiar faces...lets have fun!!
vicinms's Avatar
Lea's avitar looks very nice but I think Belinda can match it as well. Originally Posted by laoilman

Hey Belinda - I really miss that juicy avatar pic you used at ASPD (before the censoring kicked in). I would've saved a copy if I'd known it was going away.